Cos this traduction Espagnol
948 traduction parallèle
Well, you almost lost us a man, cos this was empty.
Pues casi nos haces perder a un hombre ; esto estaba vacío.
Cos this is all mine.
Porque todo esto es mío.
- Cos this was also, like...
- también esto fue, como...
I ain't forgetting'nothing! Cos this ain't over yet!
No olvidaré nada porque esto no ha terminado aún.
Cos this is important stuff, a whole generation of kids are being screwed.
Están arruinando a los chicos... una generación entera.
Make sure you're finished, cos this is the last time you ever lay a hand on me again, you son of a bitch.
Asegúrate de que has terminado, porque es la última vez que me pones la mano encima, hijo de puta.
Just be interesting.'cos this Sex Symbol is getting pussy and is ugly motherfucker.
Sólo hay que hacerse el interesante, porque estos Sex Symbols follan y son feos de cojones!
That's part of why I'm interested in this field, cos I'm gonna photograph nature in all four seasons.
Esto es parte del porqué estoy interesado en este campo, porque he fotografiado la naturaleza en sus cuatro estaciones.
Cos we're going to California on the train this afternoon
Nos vamos para California en el tren de esta tarde...
Cos I got a gun on you under this table and it's pointing smack at your belly.
Porque tengo un revólver bajo la mesa que está apuntándote justo a la tripa.
Listen good, cos I'm only gonna say this once.
Escuchadme bien, porque sólo lo diré una vez.
Just this one, cos it's on the way to work and... cos...
Sólo éste porque está camino al trabajo y... porque...
You won't need this map till you get there cos you can see it from the hill.
No necesitarán este mapa. Podrán verlo desde ahí arriba.
Cos if I lose this hotel right now, I'm dead.
Si pierdo este hotel, estoy muerto.
He took this town from General Cos.
Le quitó este pueblo al general Coz.
Now we don't try to deliver hope this is not exotic dancing going on in here!
¡ No queremos darles falsas esperanzas esto no es un salón de ba ¡ les exót ¡ cos!
Now, I don't want to lose you. But you gotta help me a bit, cos I can't put on that this is all as bad as you make it.
No quiero perderte, pero tienes que ayudarme, porque no voy a fingir que es tan terrible como lo pintas.
They called it Women Wept. The planet was actually called Women Wept cos if you looked at it from above, there's this huge continent, like all curved round. It sort of looked like a woman, lamenting.
Lo llaman "Llanto de mujer",... el planeta se llamaba "Llanto de mujer",... porque si lo miras desde arriba hay como un continente... todo curvado y parece como una mujer,... que está lamentándose.
This Mr. Fenstermaker. He's a member of one of your Bible classes, I assume?
¿ El tal Fenstermacher es alumno de tu clase de estud ¡ os bíbl ¡ cos?
If this hurts, Felix, tell me, cos I don't know what I'm doing.
Si te duele, me lo dices, porque no sé lo que estoy haciendo.
Just cos you own this damn country.
Sólo por ser el dueño de este cabron país.
- Then get aboard this great soul ship, cos we're goin'straight up outasight when we make this trip!
Entonces, subid a este barco espiritual, porque emprenderemos nuestra travesía hacia el Cielo.
Cos we gotta time this perfect.
Tenemos que sincronizarlo bien.
I told you I was staying in this deal, Colonel, cos you know nobody in Texas is gonna sell a load of dynamite to a Mexican.
Ya le dije que seguiría con el trato, coronel. Usted sabe que en Texas nadie le venderá dinamita a un mexicano.
My lawyer will get all this information, along with a doctor's report about my stomach and her ankle.
M ¡ abogado sabrá todo Io que ha pasado, junto a Ios ¡ nformes méd ¡ cos de m ¡ estómago y sus tob ¡ llos.
Hurry, Mr. David.'Cos I want to perform acts with you more than anything else in this whole wide world and it makes me sad you are so upset because of that Lady Divine.
Dese prisa, Sr. David. Porque quiero hacer el acto con usted. ¡ No hay nada en este mundo que me apetezca más!
I don't want to run short this evening, cos if we do...
No quiero quedarme corto esta noche, porque si lo hacemos...
Cos I noticed the signatures on this other painting...
Porque noté que la firma de este otro cuadro...
Corman ´ s dead cos he called short on this Maddox.
Corman está muerto por haber subestimado a Maddox.
Now, I'm gonna forget about the lesson, cos I could never learn this game, but I'll be back to talk to you.
Olvidemos lo de las lecciones, porque jamás aprenderé a jugar a esto pero volveremos a hablar.
I ran to the stern first to see if I could get off that way, cos everything was burning at this time.
l corrió hacia la popa primero para ver si podía salir de esa manera, cos que todo estaba ardiendo en este momento.
So it matters to take certain precautions, like pretending to be sick'cos there's this incredible hoard of microbes that just sort of float around you. When they think the time is right Zac!
Uno tiene que tomar precauciones, incluso fingiéndose enfermo, porque en cuanto esos millones de microorganismos.
Cos if there's anybody in this district who's got a right to think of themselves as wholesome companionship, why, it's yours truly.
Porque si hay alguien en este distrito... que sea capaz de ofrecerla una amistad sincera y autentica, sin dudas, ese soy yo.
You don't see why they're friends cos she's... she's always putting Daisy down and looking at her... fat thighs and label-checking her and all of this nonsense and...
No ves por que son amigas ya que ella es... siempre la tira abajo a Daisy y le mira... sus muslos gordos y la critica y todas esas cosas sin sentido y...
We'd gone to Carlo Manse's, which is this big costume house and we really didn't know what we were looking for cos I don't think I'd seen the script at that point.
Fuimos a una gran casa de disfraces que se llama Carlo Manse, y no sabíamos de verdad que estábamos buscando... porque creo que no había leído el guión en ese momento.
Cos I can play this here guitar
Porque yo puedo tocar esta guitarra
Cos I was thinking, I'm having this baby, and if you were married the army couldn't take you, they wouldn't take you, cos they don't take people who are married and having babies.
Estaba pensando que, como voy a ser madre, si nos casáramos, no tendrías que ir al ejército. No tendrías que ir, porque no aceptan a casados con hijos.
I remember I went down to the funeral parlour. Cos I wanted to see him, you know? And this old guy, he comes out and says... that he didn't think it'd be a good idea if I'd see Buddy cos he wasn't prepared yet.
Recuerdo que fui a la funeraria porque quería verle y un viejo me dijo que no le parecía buena idea que viera a Buddy porque aún no estaba preparado.
That's good, cos I thought I was gonna do this all alone.
Me alegro, porque creí que tendría que hacerlo solo. Ayúdenme, vamos.
Cos I thought it had something to do with this article where you called him a treacherous hack and a vermin-filled ex-wart healer who should be castrated so that his genes aren't passed on to future generations.
Pensé que tenía algo que ver con este artículo... donde se lo citaba a Ud. Ilamándolo "un mediocre traicionero... y un ex político de pacotilla lleno de gusanos... a quien deberían castrar para que sus genes no pasen a generaciones futuras".
You better take care of it, cos I can't study with this disco music.
Haz algo, porque no puedo estudiar con esta música.
Cos if we don't get this on television for everybody to see, they'll close the book.
Si no hacemos que salga en la tele para que la vean todos, cerrarán el caso.
This way, if he disappears with the film, he can't deny it cos I got him on tape.
Si se larga con la película, no puede negarlo porque lo tengo en cinta.
Now, look, this weekend would be a perfect time for you to come out to the house, if you care to, and we can hash it around. Only cos I wanna know how you do it.
Sería perfecto que vinieras a casa este fin de semana para ponernos a darle vueltas, porque quiero saber cómo lo haces.
- We better go. Cos otherwise - and I don't like to say it like this - Jerry's gonna be unavailable.
Si no, y no me gusta decirlo así, no vamos a poder ver a Jerry.
Find someone else to waste your evenings with cos I'm gonna be wasting mine with this little filly.
Encontrar alguien más a los residuos sus tardes con cos que voy a estar perdiendo el mío con esta pequeña potra.
I said : "Why the fuck you getting in shape like this?" He says : "cos I'm gonna be the first black president."
Le dije : "Por qué cojones te entrenas de esa manera?" Y me dijo : "Porque voy a ser el primer presidente negro"
I'mma tell you all a joke you can tell in school, all right,'cos I've been telling this dirty stuff.
Os voy a contar un chiste que podáis contar todos Porque he estado diciendo todas esas guarrerías.
He pulls up on this chick and she hides him in the closet, cos her parents are out.
Y se engancha con esta chica y ella lo esconde en el armario porque sus padres estan fuera de casa.
- Cos you're a cop in this town.
- Porque eres policía.
I'll let this Davis shit slide cos you're sick in the head but there's other business you better take a good look at.
Dejar? pasar eso de Davis porque est? s mal de la cabeza, pero ser?
this 8555
this is 5015
this way 5411
this is my bedroom 18
this is your captain speaking 58
this is bullshit 584
this is important 545
this is it 3373
this is bad 606
this is awesome 376
this is 5015
this way 5411
this is my bedroom 18
this is your captain speaking 58
this is bullshit 584
this is important 545
this is it 3373
this is bad 606
this is awesome 376
this is me 479
this is different 405
this one 1756
this is weird 356
this isn't you 235
this is crazy 1291
this is ridiculous 1419
this is a 428
this is fun 448
this is the guy 68
this is different 405
this one 1756
this is weird 356
this isn't you 235
this is crazy 1291
this is ridiculous 1419
this is a 428
this is fun 448
this is the guy 68
this isn't right 330
this is not good 352
this is for you 917
this time 1599
this is a bad idea 175
this morning 1627
this is amazing 700
this isn't going to work 72
this isn't 241
this is good 1083
this is not good 352
this is for you 917
this time 1599
this is a bad idea 175
this morning 1627
this is amazing 700
this isn't going to work 72
this isn't 241
this is good 1083