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Couldn't i traduction Espagnol

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Okay, since... since we're confessing, remember... when I told you guys that we couldn't eat out for a month, because I was saving money for yours and Barry's college tuition?
Vale, ya que... ya que nos estamos confesando, ¿ recuerdas cuando os dije que no podíamos salir a comer fuera durante un mes, porque estaba ahorrando para la matrícula de la universidad de Barry y tuya?
I told you I couldn't give this to you.
Te dije que no podía darte esto.
I couldn't let Iris die knowing that that could save her.
No podías dejar que Iris muriera sabiendo que eso podría salvarla.
I'm the one who opened his big, fat mouth, and now we're all in trouble, and especially Iris,'cause I couldn't keep my mouth shut!
Soy yo el que abrió su enorme bocaza, y ahora todos estamos en problemas, y especialmente Iris, ¡ porque no pude mantener mi boca cerrada!
Oh, okay, I love you and I am your biggest fan but Meryl Streep couldn't have made that feel more real.
Está bien, te quiero y soy tu mayor fan pero ni Meryl Streep lo habría hecho parecer tan real.
Nope, I couldn't.
No, no he podido.
Because I couldn't bear that.
Porque no podía soportarlo.
Sorry, I couldn't wait.
Lo siento, no podía esperar.
Alan, I mean, we couldn't..
Alan, es decir, no pudimos...
I was at Adam's and we couldn't believe it.
Estaba en casa de Adam y no podía créermelo.
Well, I guess his mind couldn't handle all those memories and feelings rushing in all at once.
Bueno, supongo que su mente no pudo controlar todos esos recuerdos y sentimientos volviendo de repente.
I couldn't see that everything that I was looking for was right here in you.
No podía ver que todo lo que estaba buscando estaba justo aquí en ti.
I couldn't see that everything that I was looking for was right here in you.
No podía ver que todo lo que estaba buscando estaba justo aquí en ti. ¿ Quieres casarte conmigo?
I couldn't wait to see my son. After waiting four years since your last phone message?
¿ Después de esperar cuatro años desde tu último mensaje de texto?
Because what you couldn't destroy, I did all on my own.
Porque lo que no podías destruir, lo hice todo por mi cuenta.
I couldn't do what the man said.
No he podido hacer lo que ese hombre dijo.
I couldn't get it out of my head.
No podía sacármelo de la cabeza.
But I couldn't do it.
Pero no pude hacerlo.
I couldn't cut up my face.
No podía cortarme la cara.
And secondly, I couldn't have e-mailed him at that time even if I wanted to.
Y en segundo, no pude mandarle un correo a esa hora aunque hubiera querido.
Then I just, I went to the gym, I couldn't even work out'cause my arm was kind of sore.
Entonces, simplemente, fui al gimnasio, ni siquiera pude hacer ejercicio, porque mis brazos estaban doloridos.
Yeah, I knew you couldn't stay away.
Sí, sabía que no podrías permanecer lejos.
Just when I thought this gig couldn't get any weirder...
Justo cuando pensaba que este trabajo no podía volverse más raro...
Why couldn't I just tell him the truth?
¿ Por qué no pude decirle la verdad?
Look, I couldn't...
No podía...
When you were taken, I searched for months and I couldn't find you.
Cuando os cogieron, busque durante meses y no pude encontraros.
And then Kelly escaped on my watch, and I couldn't find her.
Y luego Kelly escapo bajo mi cuidado y no pude encontrarla.
There were only two in the chamber, and I couldn't exactly ask for more.
Hay solo dos en el tambor y no pude pedir mas.
I couldn't kill you back there.
No pude matarte antes.
I couldn't kill Dagon back there.
No pude matar a Dagon antes.
Sorry I couldn't pick up before.
Siento no haber podido cogerlo antes.
And I couldn't do it.
No pude hacerlo.
I couldn't get her out in time.
No pude sacarla a tiempo.
Oh, I keep all that there, cos Cath said she didn't want it cluttering up the house and I couldn't bear to get rid of it.
Tengo eso aquí, porque Cath dice que no lo quiere estorbando en casa y no me veo con ánimos de tirarlo.
I couldn't breathe properly, there was something in my mouth.
No podía respirar bien, había algo en mi boca.
I couldn't look after myself.
Que no podría defenderme
I couldn't see him.
No pude verle.
I couldn't.
No podría.
I couldn't sleep.
No podía dormir.
I couldn't do that.
No lo pude haber hecho.
- I told you we couldn't trust him.
- Te dije que no era de fiar.
I realize, sir, this couldn't come at a... at a worse possible time.
Me doy cuenta, señor, de que esto no podría llegar... en un momento peor.
But when I saw where you wanted to meet, I couldn't not.
Pero, cuando mencionaste el punto de reunión, no pude evitarlo.
Sorry I couldn't be there for Dobbs.
Siento no haber estado ahí.
Every second I couldn't be with her killed me.
Cada segundo que no podía estar con ella me mataba.
I couldn't know.
No podía saberlo.
You really think I couldn't creep your crib without leaving footprints?
¿ De verdad crees que no podría entrar en tu casa sin dejar rastros?
When Savanah's father died, he owed me money, money I couldn't recover.
Cuando el padre de Savanah murió, me debía dinero. Dinero que no pude recuperar.
I... I was sure there... There couldn't be a god, because how could...
Estaba seguro de que no podía haber un Dios... porque cómo podría...
I don't know. It seemed like they couldn't really do anything, so... I'm just asking around, you know, seeing if anyone saw anyone or...
Me pareció que no podían hacer nada, así que... les pregunto a los vecinos si vieron a alguien o...
We wanted to make sure her collateral was, um, secure, and I couldn't open the safe.
Queríamos asegurarnos de que su aval estaba seguro y no pude abrir la caja.

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