Easy enough traduction Espagnol
691 traduction parallèle
Be easy enough to do if you wanted to.
Es lo suficientemente fácil de hacer si quisieras.
Oh, it... It's easy enough to be nuts about you, too.
Ah, es... es fácil enloquecerse contigo también.
That ought to be easy enough?
Es bastante sencillo, ¿ no?
- It's easy enough to figure out.
- Es fácil de adivinar.
Podría conseguir trabajo fácilmente.
I guess I could get one easy enough.
- Supongo que podría conseguirla.
It's easy enough to kill him.
Es bastante fácil matarle.
- That's easy enough.
- eso será fácil señor.
It's easy enough for you to talk.
Así es fácil hablar.
- Easy enough.
- Es fácil.
Easy enough.
Es muy fácil.
That's easy enough to say, Miriam, but that girl's in his blood.
Es fácil de decir, Miriam, pero lleva a esa chica en la sangre.
- That's easy enough to find out.
- Eso es muy fácil de descubrir.
But you'll find it easy enough.
Pero lo encontrará fácilmente.
Easy enough for us to pay it back then.
Será fácil para nosotros pagarlos.
Well, it's easy enough to find out.
Es fácil averiguarlo.
You got to that one easy enough.
Ya ve que le ha sido fácil acceder.
There seems to be a difference of opinion about that... but it's certainly easy enough to find out.
Pareciera haber una diferencia de opinión sobre eso... pero es muy fácil descubrir la verdad.
It's easy enough to read the thoughts of a newcomer.
Es fácil leerle los pensamientos a un recién llegado.
It's easy enough for a man.
Para un hombre es fácil.
- We can get rid of him easy enough.
- Podemos deshacernos de él.
It's easy enough to fool stupid villagers into thinking she's crazy but a doctor would know better.
Es fácil hacer que unos pueblerinos crean que está loca, pero un médico es otra cosa.
She'd be easy enough to run to the ground on a small island like that.
La isla es pequeña, será fácil encontrarla.
People, men particularly, find it easy enough to like you.
A la gente, sobre todo a los hombres, les resulta fácil quererte.
That she hated me from the bottom of her heart... because men find it easy enough to like me, but not her!
Que ella me odiaba, me odiaba porque a los hombres les resultaba más fácil quererme a mí pero no a ella.
It's gotta be easy enough to find.
Debe ser fácil de encontrar.
Easy enough to get along.
Era buen compañero.
¡ Olvídelo, olvídelo!
It's easy enough to find out.
Es fácil de averiguar.
You lied once. It came easy enough for you then.
Mentiste... y no te resultó muy difícil.
And in the second place, if she'd wanted somebody better looking than me... she could've had him easy enough.
Y suponiendo que buscara a alguien más atractivo no le hubiera sido difícil.
At the races now, with strangers in it, he'll be leaving them behind easy enough.
En las carreras, con extraños, los dejará fácilmente atrás.
Well it's easy enough to put it right, sir.
No es tan complicado.
It's easy enough. I can ride to the fort, secure a federal warrant and have you out of here before dark, if you'll just admit you're Colonel Desmond.
Le sacaré de aquí y le llevaré al fuerte antes de que oscurezca.
Could make one easy enough.
Podría hacer uno enseguida.
That was easy enough.
Eso fue fácil.
That's easy enough to check.
Eso es fácil de comprobar.
I could pitch him into The gutter easy enough.
Podría tirarlo a una alcantarilla con facilidad.
He looks easy enough.
Pues lo parece.
You'd think that'd be easy enough in war, but it didn't work.
Pensé que en la guerra sería más fácil, pero no lo fue.
Now there's enough gravy washing around this town... to put us all on easy street... and just when we get it organized... you think we're gonna let a little cockeyed fool like...
Hay suficiente dinero en esta ciudad... para solucionarnos a todos las vidas. Y justo cuando conseguimos organizarlo... tú crees que vamos a dejar que un bobo como tú...
It'd be easy for you to earn enough money to feed me.
Te sería fácil ganar suficiente dinero para darme de comer.
I know all the angles, and I think I'm smart enough to keep one step ahead of them till I get enough to pack it all in and live on easy street the rest of my life.
Conozco los trucos y sé ubicarme un paso adelante de ellos hasta conseguir lo suficiente para vivir bien por el resto de mi vida.
[All Chattering] i know. i know it's not an easy thing i'm asking you to do. But we can do it if we've got faith enough.
¡ Sé que lo que les pido que hagan no es nada fácil... pero podemos hacerlo si tenemos la fe suficiente!
It's easy enough to criticize.
Es muy fácil criticar.
Drunken with easy victories, Hitler became brave enough to march his troops to the Soviet Union.
Borracho con fáciles victorias, Hitler se convirtió en lo suficientemente valiente como para marchar a sus tropas a la Unión Soviética.
Easy, now, lad! You've had enough drink here.
Tranquilo, es la última copa que toma aquí.
Whoever is fortunate enough to draw the straw, do not make it easy for him, make him suffer as his father made us suffer.
El que tenga la suerte de tomar la paja más larga... que lo haga sufrir como nos hizo sufrir su padre.
Let me see this is a thorn you've got to take it out there's danger of infection you could get tetanus, no jokes... it's enough 24 hours... easy, easy, easy
A ver. Es una espina, hay que sacarla. Hay peligro de infección.
It's gonna be hard enough if you're easy.
Ya será difícil sin que lo sea.
It's not easy with people who know just enough words to tell room service what they want
Cosa nada fácil cuando la gente conoce las palabras justas para pedir servicio de habitaciones cuando lo necesitan
enough 5528
enough is enough 234
enough for today 16
enough about me 63
enough of this 129
enough chitchat 25
enough said 73
enough now 40
enough talking 31
enough games 17
enough is enough 234
enough for today 16
enough about me 63
enough of this 129
enough chitchat 25
enough said 73
enough now 40
enough talking 31
enough games 17
enough of this shit 25
enough's enough 35
enough already 193
enough talk 56
enough of this nonsense 22
enough with the 22
enough of that 96
easy peasy 72
easy does it 137
easy come 28
enough's enough 35
enough already 193
enough talk 56
enough of this nonsense 22
enough with the 22
enough of that 96
easy peasy 72
easy does it 137
easy come 28
easy go 25
easy now 258
easy as pie 25
easy money 34
easy there 232
easy to say 29
easy for you to say 139
easy now 258
easy as pie 25
easy money 34
easy there 232
easy to say 29
easy for you to say 139