Going out traduction Espagnol
39,740 traduction parallèle
I'm going out with Rachel later.
Voy a salir con Rachel luego.
And I can remember growing up, going out to Joshua Tree and... and... and going and expanding our minds.
Y recuerdo cuando era chico, ir a Joshua Tree... y... y... expandir nuestras mentes.
I'm going out tonight.
Esta noche voy a salir.
He said he was going out for cigarettes, but then he just left his tenured position at the Sorbonne.
Dijo que iba a comprar cigarrillos pero luego solo dejó su puesto de titular en la Sorbonne.
Well, going out on a real low note here.
Bueno, lléndome con una muy mala sensación.
Hey, losers, I'm going out.
Oigan perdedoras, voy a salir.
Every brewery in Chicago will be going out of business.
Todas las cervecerías de Chicago van a cerrar.
Johnny torrio and al Capone decide to start buying breweries that are going out of business.
Johnny Torrio y Al Capone deciden empezar a comprar cervecerías que van a cerrar.
There is exploration, somebody going out and coming back.
Está la exploración, alguien tiene que ir y volver.
But for now, no more going out alone, okay?
Pero por ahora, no salgas más sola, ¿ vale?
And I was going to call you about going out again next week because I know you want to take it slow.
E iba a llamarte para ver si salimos la próxima semana porque sé que quieres ir despacio.
Well, they're not going to turn out to be a kiddie fiddler, are they?
Bueno, no van a resultar unos pedófilos, ¿ no?
There's a fire and you've got to get out of the building or you're going to die.
Hay un incendio y tenéis que salir del edificio o vais a morir.
I thought you were going to get us out of here?
Creía que ibas a sacarnos de aquí.
She's probably not going to let us out of our homework.
Seguramente no dejará de mandarnos deberes.
Horrible we can tell an adult or horrible we're going to have to figure it out by ourselves?
¿ Horrible como para contárselo a un adulto u horrible en plan tenemos que averiguarlo nosotros mismos?
I was gonna open the kitchen drawer, get out your spare gun to defend myself, but you were going to be too strong and too fast.
Yo iba a abrir el cajón de la cocina, coger tu arma de reserva para defenderme, pero tú ibas a ser demasiado fuerte y demasiado rápido.
The gun was gonna go off, and I was going to bleed out on the floor.
El arma iba a dispararse y yo iba a desangrarme en el suelo.
Oh, Clo-Clo, your precious king is going to lose his kingdom and you're going to be out of a job.
Clo-Clo, tu amado rey va a perder su reino y te quedarás sin empleo.
Find out what's going on in there.
Averigua qué pasa.
You're not going to do anything but let me out, are you, Ted?
No harás nada más que dejarme salir, ¿ cierto, Ted?
Drug companies, when they think about investing in a particular drug development program, they've got to factor in how much they're going to put into it versus how much they can get out of it.
Cuando las farmacéuticas piensan invertir... en desarrollar una droga, deben pensar cuánto invertirán y cuánto ganarán.
Always so optimistic, always so certain things are going to work out for you.
Siempre tan optimistas, siempre tan seguros de que las cosas van a salir bien.
I mean, the guy's going all out, too... he wear skirts.
digo, el tipo anda por ahí....
I want your assurance you're not going to push me out of it.
Quiero que me asegures que no vas a apartarme de él.
I'll be damned if I let you run out on us again without going to...
Ni de coña voy a dejar que vuelvas a abandonarnos sin ir a...
Doesn't take a genius to figure out what's going on, does it?
No hace falta ser un genio para averiguar qué está pasando, ¿ no?
So, you gonna tell me what's going on, or do I have to drag it out of you?
¿ Vas a decirme qué pasa... o tengo que sacártelo?
If you think I'm going to leave my kid here without me right now, you're out of your mind.
Si crees que voy a dejar a mi hijo aquí sin mí en estos momentos, estás chiflado.
Until we figure out what's going on.
Hasta que averigüemos qué está pasando.
Philip, what's going on out there?
Philip, ¿ qué sucede allí?
I'm going to kill the King. No, you can't possibly get this thing out of my head.
Voy a matar al rey.
Even if you don't have faith or believe there's some dude out there looking after you, isn't doing a good thing, one human to another, the closest we're going to get to God?
Aunque no tengas fe ni creas que hay un tipo allí fuera cuidando de ti, ¿ no es hacer el bien, de un ser humano a otro, lo más cerca que vamos a estar de Dios?
Are you just going to stand around and wait to find out who three and four are?
¿ Vais a quedaros parados y esperar para saber quiénes son el tres y el cuatro?
What style are you going to out?
¿ Qué estilo elegirá?
Mom's not going to be happy when she finds out that I missed my flute lesson.
A mamá no le gustará nada saber que falté a clase de flauta.
And from what I just heard, it turns out it's not going to be the last.
Y, por lo que oí, parece que no será la última.
I think we're in an era where we are learning so much about this gut microbiome that it's going to keep us busy for the next few decades trying to figure out how does this play in health and disease. Morton :
Sí, estamos aprendiendo mucho sobre este microbiome... que nos mantendrá ocupados durante unas décadas... intentando averiguar cómo hace para curar enfermedades.
My wife stayed home, hoping that I would not fall into some tragedy that I couldn't get out of, you have to have mental attitude of being prepared that something is going to happen.
Mi mujer se quedó en casa, esperando que no sufriera ninguna tragedia de la que no pudiera escapar, tienes que tener la actitud mental de estar preparado de que algo puede ocurrir.
When are you going to step out of your friend's shadow and spread your wings?
¿ Cuándo va a salir de la sombra de su amigo y desplegar sus alas?
Yeah, I also know William Sutter's going away, which means Mike's getting out.
Sí, también sé que William Sutter estará fuera de circulación, lo que significa que Mike va a salir.
Listen, that woman got out of going to prison.
Escucha, esa mujer se salvó de ir a prisión.
And I'm not going to, as long as you agree to get Kevin out.
Y no voy a hacerlo, siempre que aceptes liberar a Kevin.
Exactly, and it turns out, they were going to.
Exacto, y resulta que iban a dejarme.
Turns out, I did a little checking, and you closed on this house before you sold the last one, which means they can take it and they're going to.
Resulta que hice una pequeña revisión y compraste esta casa antes de vender la otra, lo que significa que pueden tomarla y lo harán.
My whole life, I have lived in your shadow, but now I'm going to step out of it.
Toda mi vida, he vivido a tu sombra, pero ahora, voy a salir de ella.
Just one example of how I'm going to step out of your shadow.
Sólo un ejemplo de cómo voy a salir de tu sombra.
But I guess I'm going to try to find out.
Pero supongo que voy a tratar de averiguarlo.
It took me so long to find out that Frank Gallo's not going anywhere because he's got people up in high places who are protecting him.
Me tomó todo este tiempo enterarme de que Frank Gallo no irá a ningún lado, porque tiene gente en lugares muy altos que lo están protegiendo.
And the day I get out of here, Jill and I are going to take that money and start a new life.
Y el día que salga de aquí, Jill y yo vamos a ese dinero y empezaremos una nueva vida.
Gallo, look, I'm telling you, Harvey is going to get you out.
Gallo, mira, te lo digo, Harvey te va a sacar.
outside 883
outer 19
outfit 21
outsiders 26
outrageous 90
outlaw 21
outs 110
out of context 16
out now 39
out of curiosity 82
outer 19
outfit 21
outsiders 26
outrageous 90
outlaw 21
outs 110
out of context 16
out now 39
out of curiosity 82
out of order 40
out of my mind 17
out of the blue 171
out of sight 112
out of town 49
out of interest 20
out of nowhere 149
outstanding 214
out of respect 50
out of my sight 38
out of my mind 17
out of the blue 171
out of sight 112
out of town 49
out of interest 20
out of nowhere 149
outstanding 214
out of respect 50
out of my sight 38
out like a light 17
outside of work 17
out of 299
out of mind 55
out loud 97
out of love 16
out of my house 22
out of time 18
out of the way 896
out here 191
outside of work 17
out of 299
out of mind 55
out loud 97
out of love 16
out of my house 22
out of time 18
out of the way 896
out here 191