Great talk traduction Espagnol
799 traduction parallèle
He came back last week with great talk... of lying in a lake of fire without you- - how he had to see you to live.
Volvió la semana pasada diciendo algo de sentarse en un lago de fuego sin usted y cómo verla para vivir.
That was great talk.
Una gran charla.
And I don't wanna hear any more talk about it. because Martin's giving up a great career as a research scientist to be a country doctor so he can support a wife.
No quiero oír hablar más sobre eso... porque Martin deja una gran carrera como investigador científico... para ser médico rural y mantener a su esposa.
Say, there's a great new mulch for replanting I wanted to talk to you about. Yes, lie down, will you?
Por cierto, he traído un nuevo tipo de abono...
I've got a great many things to talk over with you.
Tengo muchas cosas que decirte.
Tener una charla con el gran padre blanco.
You bet. it's gonna be great to be able to talk to a dame without using your hands.
Sí, sin necesidad de gesticular.
But Billings is coming to talk to you about the great American tour.
Pero el Sr. Billings vendrá a hablarle del tour por EE. UU.
If I were to talk to an iceberg about the great suffering in my heart even the iceberg would melt.
Si le hablase a un témpano, del gran sufrimiento que tengo en el corazón hasta un témpano se derretía.
He's a great kidder. Always with the double talk.
Le encanta echar a la gente.
justice and quick help for a great woman who has the stuff to be a great man stop let the Neuberin stay a woman and prove what we women are capable of if you don't help the Principal, she'll be finished don't talk in riddles, what's the matter?
justicia y ayuda para una gran mujer quién tiene todo para ser un gran hombre basta deja al Neuberin ser una mujer y demuestra que las mujeres somos capaces si no ayuda a la Señora Principal, ella estará terminada no hable con enigmas, ¿ cuál es la cuestión?
Well tell him that the Great White Father, who speaks with lightening over the singing wire, is sorry for the wounding of his Indian son, BUT that lightning talk is strong medicine and it MUST go through. 739.5 01 : 08 : 03,157 - - 01 : 08 : 09,332 [Shaw relays Creighton's message in the Indian language.]
Pues dile al Gran Padre Blanco, que habla con el rayo por el cable que canta, siente que hubiesen herido a su hijo, pero que el rayo que habla es gran medicina y debe continuar.
Can you talk to Rama, the great herd bull?
Puedes hablar con Ramma el gran toro rojo
It is ironic even to try to talk about the spirit of Christmas when war is flaming throughout the globe, but we believe in this great truth.
Resulta irónico hablar de espíritu navideño cuando la guerra se esparce por el mundo, pero creemos en esta gran verdad.
We have a great deal to talk about tonight.
Tenemos mucho de qué hablar esta noche.
I want to talk to you about a great political and financial scheme, about this Argentine Canal scheme, in fact.
Deseo hablarle de un gran proyecto financiero y político. Sobre el proyecto del canal de Argentina.
By tomorrow you'll be the talk of Paris. But you've a great deal to learn.
Mañana hablará de vos todo Paris, pero aprenderos esta lección
There's a great deal of talk going around town, talk that isn't good for you or the bank.
Circulan rumores en el pueblo. Y no son buenos para usted ni para el banco.
You're great hands to talk, you are.
Te gusta mucho hablar, ¿ eh?
Today I hear a great deal of talk in this country about the dangers of inflation... which may lead to another economic depression. In a society as complicated and delicate as ours... we must leave no stone unturned in our search for stability.
Hoy, que tanto se habla en el país del peligro de la inflación... que podría llevarnos a una nueva depresión, en una sociedad tan compleja como la nuestra debemos buscar la estabillidad a toda costa.
Or was that money a dream, like your talk about Fort Worth bein'the great cow town of the future?
¿ O era ese dinero un sueño, como su charla sobre Fort Worth siendo la gran ciudad ganadera del futuro?
Why have they come? Judging by their stories, they all have a great need to talk about their experiences.
Si pudiéramos preguntarles por qué han venido sin duda, de acuerdo a su relato,... habría en algunos de ellos un deseo cuasi morboso de dar a conocer su historia y de recalcar el hecho de que quisieron morir.
- Tullio wants to talk to the Americans. Joe, you're great! Cicalone! - Really?
- Tullio quiere hablar con los americanos. - ¿ En serio?
It's a great pity I cannot talk to them.
Es una pena que no Pueda hablar con ellos.
Look at them while you talk to me because I want them to have a good look at a great reporter.
Míralos mientras hablamos porque quiero que vean bien a un gran reportero.
We came to talk treaty with the great chief of the Comanches.
Estamos aquí para negociar con el gran jefe.
They talk about grandfather and great-grandfather and so on and the trade the family has carried on for years.
Hablan del abuelo, del abuelo del abuelo, y todo eso y de la tradición que durante años pesa sobre la familia.
This is just great. can't we even talk to each other and make sense anymore?
Fantástico. ¿ Ya no podemos hablar entre nosotros y aclararlo todo?
Well, you're a great one to talk.
Mira quién habla.
Llámame anticuado pero no creo que sea la manera de hablarle a una dama que lo chupa tan bien.
Becuase I'm master of this inn great men talk to me...
Los nobles me dirigen Ia palabra, sólo porque soy tu marido. Sé qué futuro me espera.
Be great for two normal guys to get together and talk about world events, in a normal way.
Sería genial que dos tipos normales se juntaran y hablaran de hechos mundiales, de modo normal.
Today we'll talk about the three great movements... involving social, political, and economic factors which have shaped our country.
Hoy hablaremos de los tres grandes movimientos sociales, políticos y económicos que han forjado nuestra patria.
The envelope which contains the great Mercator file, which is supposed to overthrow the government. Don't talk to me like that, please.
El sobre que contiene el gran archivo Mercator, que se supone que derrocaría al gobierno.
First you talk of great art, then you're itching for money and can't get enough of it.
Primero hablar del arte con mayúsculas y luego solo se interesan por dinero que nunca les alcanza.
Once in Kyoto, I heard a great priest talk.
En cierta ocasión, oi hablar a un gran sacerdote en Kioto.
We need to talk about pascal the thinker, the great mathematician, the young man of 27 or 30 in 1650 who suddenly discovered equilibrium, not as it's understood today.
Necesitamos hablar de Pascal el pensador, el gran matemático, el joven de 27 ó 30 en 1650 que de repente descubrió el equilibrio, no como lo entendemos hoy.
You talk a great game, but I think you're a sheep in wolf's clothing.
Hablas mucho, pero creo que eres un cordero con piel de lobo.
If we talk bouquet, not great.
Si hablamos de bouquet, no es gran cosa.
All they talk about is my little brother who always writes to the Great Pumpkin.
Todos ellos hablan de mi pequeño hermano que siempre le escribe a la Gran Calabaza
I have decided to talk, to break the cycle of death... a great burden to me.
"He decidido hablar. Romper este círculo de muerte..." "... que me oprime. "
We have a great deal to talk about, you and I. Fariah, see to him.
Fariah, tráigale algo.
Great, could I talk to the principal?
magnifico, ¿ Podría ver a la señorita directora?
We used to talk, my father and I, of great, splendid, noble things.
Mi padre y yo solíamos hablar de cosas grandes, espléndidas, nobles.
Anne's afraid I'll bore you with our misfortunes... we talk a great deal about the old days, all that's been lost.
Anne teme que le aburramos... hablamos sobre los viejos tiempos y sobre Io que hemos perdido.
I know you scientists will have a great deal to talk about, everything far over my head, so if you will excuse me.
Ustedes, científicos, tendrán mucho de qué hablar todo más allá de mi comprensión. Así que si me disculpan.
He's gonna talk about this new band, great music, great images, with these characters and the whole thing.
Hablará de este nuevo grupo que tiene unas canciones e imágenes fantásticas, unos personajes y todo esto.
You talk as if this is some great civilized, non-violent place.
Usted habla como si en cierto modo fuéramos un país civilizado y no violento.
Uh, well, look, I'm sure both of you have a great deal to talk about so I'm gonna run along.
Sé que las dos tienen mucho de que hablar así que me retiraré.
It's great to have someone to talk to.
Si no te aburro, es genial poder confiarse a alguien.
It's great to have someone to talk to I bet you'd like to use that rifle again.
Es agradable tener a alguien con quien hablar. ¿ A que te gustaría volver a usar el rifle?
talkies 34
talk 1219
talking 358
talks 18
talkie 126
talked 42
talk to you tomorrow 30
talk to me 2348
talk to the hand 19
talk to you later 250
talk 1219
talking 358
talks 18
talkie 126
talked 42
talk to you tomorrow 30
talk to me 2348
talk to the hand 19
talk to you later 250
talk to you soon 72
talk to her 263
talk soon 65
talking to yourself 25
talk later 61
talking about me 21
talk to your father 18
talk me 19
talk to my lawyer 20
talking about 61
talk to her 263
talk soon 65
talking to yourself 25
talk later 61
talking about me 21
talk to your father 18
talk me 19
talk to my lawyer 20
talking about 61