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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ H ] / Have a look around

Have a look around traduction Espagnol

820 traduction parallèle
- Well, have a look around.
- Bueno, mire alrededor.
I'm going to have a look around this place.
Voy a necesitar su ayuda.
Care to have a look around?
¿ Quiere ver la casa?
- To have a look around.
- Para ver.
I just came to have a look around, and met you.
He venido a mirar y te encontré.
To have a look around?
¿ A mirar?
You better have a look around.
Mejor sal y mira por ahí.
I'll have a look around the house.
Echaré un vistazo por la casa.
Let's have a look around.
Echemos un vistazo.
Let's have a look around.
Vamos a echar un vistazo.
Mind if I have a look around?
¿ Le importa si echo un vistazo?
Let " s have a look around.
Vamos a echar un vistazo.
Charlie, you better stay here and have a look around town. That kid's got a bullet in him. He ain't going far.
¿ Has visto Io que ha hecho, sacándome así?
A ningún sitio. Afuera, a cubierta.
Nip over the back, taz. You, too, cosh. Have a look around.
Id a la trastienda a echar un vistazo.
All right, Mr. Holmes, Scotland Yard will take charge of this. Have a look around the grounds briefly will ya?
Bien, Holmes, Scotland Yard se hace cargo de todo.
Don't mind if I have a look around, do you?
¿ No le importa si me fijo? No.
I want to have a look around first.
Antes quiero echar un vistazo.
I think I'll have a look around.
Creo que debería echar un vistazo por los alrededores. ¿ Por el plató?
I'll have a look around.
Echaré un vistazo por ahí.
Well, let's have a look around.
Bien, vamos a echar un vistazo.
- Have a look around.
- Iré a dar un paseo.
We'd like to have a look around.
Querríamos echar un vistazo.
Anyway, I'd like to have a look around.
Me gustaría echar un vistazo.
I guess it wouldn't hurt anything to run over there and have a look around
- ¿ Dónde viven? - Calle Holt, 225. En el quinto, encima de mi casa.
Plank, Kip, Jonas. Up top and have a look around.
Plank, Kip, Jonas, echad un vistazo allí arriba.
I'm gonna have a look around this Hotel de la Licorne.
Me dejaré caer por el Hotel de la Licorne.
I was just curious and wanted to have a look around
Sólo tenía curiosidad y quería echar un vistazo.
Well, you'd better have a look around the ship to begin with.
Bueno, es mejor que den una vuelta por el barco antes de empezar.
Nothing, really. I just wanted to have a look around.
Sólo quería echar un vistazo.
Have a look around. I'll get your book.
Echa un vistazo mientras busco el libro.
All the same, we'll have a look around.
De todas formas, echaremos un vistazo.
I'll have a look around.
Echaré un vistazo.
Well. You have a look around.
Bueno... eche un vistazo.
I think we better have a look around before that train comes across.
Deberíamos dar un vistazo antes de pasar el tren.
Eleanor and me'll just have to look around.
Eleanor y yo vamos a recorrerlo.
I'll just have a last look around with Rawlins.
Iré a echar un último vistazo con Rawlins.
We'll have a full hold and be tied up in Gloucester... by the 1st of August, and he'll still be out here... floundering around, trying to catch fish... or I'll look more like a halibut than he does.
Tendremos un cargamento lleno y estaremos en Gloucester para el 1 de agosto, y él aún estará aquí dando vueltas, intentando pescar algo o tendré más cara de mero que él.
I heard the men talking about some rather strange experiments going on around here, so I thought, if you don't mind, I'd come and have a good look for myself.
- Los chicos me han comentado algo de unos extraños experimentos que se hacen aquí, así que he venido a echar un vistazo.
I'll come in And have a little look around anyway, if you don't mind.
Entraré y echaré un vistazo de todos modos, si no le importa.
Have a nice look around, see.
Eche un vistazo.
Right. I'd like to have a preliminary look around.
Quiero echar un vistazo preliminar.
But I like to think as Curly looks up to Pinky and dances... he may be telling us that we all have someone to look up to... that we should stop going around with our eyes on the ground... that despite all of this grief and turmoil... there are still beautiful things in the world.
Pero me gusta pensar que cuando Gusanito alza la vista hacia Pinky y baila... quizá nos esté diciendo... que todos tenemos a alguien hacia quien alzar la vista... que deberíamos dejar de pasearnos mirando al suelo... y que a pesar de todo este sufrimiento y esta confusión... aún hay cosas hermosas en el mundo.
Look around you now that you have eyes.
Mira a tu alrededor, ahora que tus ojos ven.
Look, I could've come in here and thrown a big bluff about being a rich Wall Street man... just cruising around the world, but actually, I don't have a yacht to my name.
Majestad, podría deciros que soy un richachón que recorre mundo. Pero no tengo ni un yate.
Am I driving a car to have to look around me?
¿ Conduzco acaso un coche para tener que mirar por dónde voy?
Bring your young man around tomorrow afternoon and we'll have a look at him.
Trae a tu hombre mañana por la tarde y le echaremos un vistazo.
- We'll have a look around.
Nosotros haremos un reconocimiento.
We'll have a look around, shall we?
Daremos un vistazo, ¿ quiere?
Look, honey, you'd better stick around the apartment today, see, in case I have to call you in a rush, you know, and get you to pack a suitcase and bring it to me over here.
Cariño, mejor quédate en el apartamento hoy, así, si tengo que llamarte en caso de apuro puedes hacerme la maleta y traérmela aquí.
Let's have a quick look around first.
Echemos un vistazo primero.

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