He won't be there traduction Espagnol
303 traduction parallèle
You get it while you can, he won't be in there very long.
Disfrútelo mientras pueda.
There'll be months when he's off in the interior. You won't even hear from him.
Habrá meses cuando esté en el interior, que no sabrá nada de él.
He won't be there. He'd be bored with my friends.
El no estará para molestar.
If he won't see it our way, there'll be trouble.
Si se opone, tendremos problemas.
Even before I came here. You needn't bother going to John because when you do, I won't be there, he won't know where I am.
No te molestes en verle, porque me habré marchado.
I won't let her be a decoy. You won't let me? You're scared because he's asking you to be there, too.
Tienes miedo porque tendrás que acompañarme.
He wants to see you tomorrow at 4 : 00. Mama won't be there.
Quiere verle mañana a las cuatro.
He won't be there long. Let me know the minute He wakes up, will you?
- No estaré mucho tiempo allí.
You keep Joe with you tonight because then... Because then he won't be there when the job is being pulled.
No se separe de Joe esta noche, porque así no estará con ellos cuando hagan el trabajo.
I expect when he sees you, there won't be any need to tell him anything at all.
Espero que cuando te vea no haga falta decirle nada.
I guess he's getting his house in order... so there won't be anybody around to talk against him.
Tú incluido.
I guess he's getting his house in order... so there won't be anybody around to talk against him.
Estará haciendo limpieza... para que no quede nadie que hable en su contra.
He knows that it took billions of years to put it here and if we keep taking it at this rate before long, there won't be any oil left in the good old U.S.A.
Él sabe que tardó millones de años en formarse y si continuaba perforando a ese ritmo no quedaría petróleo en EE.UU.
He'll land, and we won't be there to meet him.
O no llegaremos para darle la bienvenida.
There won't be any smart lawyers to defend him, because he hasn't a dime.
No habrá ningún abogado listo para defenderlo porque no tiene un centavo.
He says you come in peace today, but there won't be any peace if you try to take the singing wire through the Ogalalla nation.
Dice que hoy vienes en paz, pero que no la habrá si intentas tender el cable que canta a través de la nación ogalalla.
But he won't be there long.
Pero no estará allí mucho tiempo.
He won't be there, Waldo.
No estará allí, Waldo.
If he isn't back here when I come off, there won't be any more show. Get it?
Si no está aquí cuando termine, no volveré a salir. ¿ Entendido?
There won't be any delay about my luggage, as I've sent on my heavy things.
No me retrasaré por el equipaje, puesto que he enviado los bultos pesados.
See he gets to the theater or there won't be a show.
Asegúrate de que él llegue al teatro o no veremos nada.
If he won't pay me my price, he will have to pay the world a greater price. There is no more to be said.
Si no paga el precio que le pido pagará un precio mayor al mundo, y nada más.
Then you get them. He won't be there.
Usted irá allá y los tomará.
Tomorrow, there won't be anything he can do about it.
- He won't be there now.
A estas horas no estará.
He'll be 8 years old tomorrow and I won't be there.
Mañana por la noche hará 8 años, que ella no viene aquí.
You're expecting him at 6 : 30 with the tickets, but he won't be there.
Le esperará a las 18 : 30 con los billetes, pero no irá.
- He won't be there!
- ¡ No irá!
And he won't be there alone.
Y él no estará solo.
He thinks there's a fair chance that the explosion won't be heard.
Cree que es bastante probable que no se oiga la explosión.
He - i said i won't be there.
- He dicho que yo no iré.
And if Orville does anything to interfere there won't be any woman he loves.
Y si Orville hace algo para interferir no habrá mujer para que él ame.
Well, I came back from out of town unexpectedly today, so there won't be any party tonight.
Bueno, yo he vuelto hoy a la ciudad inesperadamente... de modo que esta noche no habrá ninguna fiesta.
Mendoza'll be there, won't he?
¿ Mendoza estará allí?
I'm to say... that Mr. Marley ain't expected to live through the night, and that if Mr. Scrooge wants to take his leave of him, he should nip along smartly or there won't be no Mr. Marley to take leave of
Dígale... que no se espera que el Sr. Marley pase de esta noche, y que si el Sr. Scrooge quiere despedirse de él, es mejor que se dé prisa o no habrá ningún Sr. Marley del que despedirse,
- Don't get angry, he won't be there long.
No te enfades. - No durará mucho.
There won't be time before he dies.
No habrá tiempo de hacerlo antes de que muera.
Because if he's not here when Miller comes, my hunch is, there won't be any trouble, not one bit.
Porque si no está aquí cuando llegue Miller me imagino que no habrá problemas.
As long as there is one man who can't walk free where he wants, as long as there is one displaced person without home, there won't be peace!
Siempre que haya un solo hombre que no pueda ir donde quiera. Siempre que haya una persona desplazada sin hogar,... ¡ no habrá paz!
Now, there was this sneaking, no-account, ornery King Herod, and when he heard of little Jesus growing'up, he figured "Well, shoot, there won't be room for the both of us."
Había una vez un rey pérfido, vil y despreciable, Herodes, y cuando oyó decir que Jesús había nacido, pensó : "¡ Vaya, aquí no hay sitio para los dos".
For the Alzaga boy there are no boundaries, but the day he runs into our boys, he won't be going home alive.
Para el hijo de Alzaga no hay estacas ni leyes, pero el día que se lo topen nuestros mozos, no vuelve con vida a su terreno.
He's been doing a good job so there won't be any changes, at least for the time being.
Lo ha hecho bien, así que no habrá ningún cambio. Al menos, por el momento.
And won't he be surprised to find that there ain't no bear in this trap.
Y no se sorprenderá de encontrar que no hay un oso en esta trampa.
He'a big money winner, and he won't pay even money... Because half the people there are going to be down on him.
Es un gran ganador de dinero y no pagará nada de dinero... porque la mitad de la gente ahí estará apostando por él.
The man almost certainly isn't there, but if he is, he won't be there for long.
Ese hombre seguramente no está ahí, pero si está, no estará ahí mucho tiempo.
Mornings, you won't leave until he's there to go with you, wherever you go you'll be safer than you've ever been in your life before.
Por las mañanas no saldrás hasta que llegue él, vayas donde vayas estarás más segura que nunca.
He won't be there any more.
Él ya no estará ahí.
If he's lucky, he'll have a marker, if he isn't, it won't make a difference because there won't be anybody to mourn him.
Si tiene suerte, tendrá una lápida, y si no, será igual porque no habrá nadie para llorarle.
There won't be a word said in Big Daddy's house that he can't hear if he wants to.
No se pronunciará una sola palabra en la casa de papá... que él no escuche, si quiere hacerlo.
There's no use your flying over to New York To meet the Queen Elizabeth when she docks Because he won't be on her.
Es inútil que vayas a Nueva York a esperar el Elizabeth en el puerto porque él no estará a bordo.
And each time, it will burn deeper and deeper Until he won't have to recall it at all. It will just be there.
Cada vez le abrasará más el pensamiento y no podrá olvidarlo nunca, le obsesionará.
he won't be long 18
he won't wake up 17
he won't talk to me 33
he won't get far 29
he won't come back 18
he won't listen to me 40
he won't leave me alone 16
he won't bite 22
he won't hurt you 37
he won't stop 34
he won't wake up 17
he won't talk to me 33
he won't get far 29
he won't come back 18
he won't listen to me 40
he won't leave me alone 16
he won't bite 22
he won't hurt you 37
he won't stop 34
he won't go 16
he won't be back 17
he won't listen 30
he won't 538
he won't leave 16
he won't do it 41
he won't tell me 18
he won't mind 28
he won't come 42
he won't say 32
he won't be back 17
he won't listen 30
he won't 538
he won't leave 16
he won't do it 41
he won't tell me 18
he won't mind 28
he won't come 42
he won't say 32