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His leg traduction Espagnol

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Tie off his leg
Cuidado con su pierna.
Dad's done his leg in.
Papá se ha roto la pierna.
Well, this is my 20th year as an attending orthopedic surgeon, and my job is to make sure that man doesn't lose his leg.
Bien, este es mi vigésimo año como médico jefe de cirugía ortopédica, y mi trabajo es asegurarme de que ese hombre no pierde su pierna.
We should agree on the split first, before thinking of how to fix his leg. If you want to settle the split now, then just carry on.
Debemos acordar como dividir primero, antes de pensar en cómo arreglar su pierna si quieres acordar el reparto ahora, entonces, sigue adelante.
What about the numbness and weakness in his leg?
¿ Y sobre la insensibilidad y debilidad de su pierna?
His leg's broken, his ribs.
Su pierna está rota, sus costillas.
Well, these three symptoms- - the bumps on his leg, the clubbing and the joint pain- - are what's called lofgren's syndrome, and it's an indication of...
Bueno, esos tres síntomas... los bultos en su pierna, los dedos hipocráticos y el dolor de las articulaciones... son lo que es llamado síndrome de Lofgren, y eso es una indicación de...
We can rehabilitate the remaining part of his leg after he's born, and we can fit him with a prosthesis.
Rehabilitamos lo que le quede de pierna después de nacer y le ponemos una prótesis.
Why... can't I grab his leg?
¿ Por qué no puedo agarrarle la pierna?
He's supposed to cut his leg off?
¡ ¿ Se supone que se va a cortar la pierna? !
Tie it around his leg!
¡ Ata esto alrededor de su pierna!
I mean, it was all starting to sound a little bit crazy. These reports are coming back saying that Thierry had found this huge warehouse and then he'd broken his leg and it was all kind of going a little bit wrong.
Es decir, todo empezó a sonar un poco loco me llegó información diciendo que Thierry había encontrado un gran lugar, y que se había roto una pierna, y todo estaba saliendo mal.
And its most sought after printer, Frobenius, had just been told by his doctors that unless he had his leg amputated he would die.
Y su tipógrafo más famoso, Frobenius, había sido alertado por los médicos de que a menos que se amputara la pierna, moriría.
How he lost his leg was a story he often told.
A menudo contaba la historia de cómo había perdido su pierna.
The man gave his leg for his country.
Este hombre ha dado su pierna por este país.
Give his leg?
¿ Qué ha dado su pierna?
One of his legs is wood and his other leg is... leg.
Una de sus piernas es de madera y la otra es de... pierna.
He's 20 feet down with his leg caught under a girder.
Está 20 metros abajo con la pierna atrapada bajo una viga.
Looks like a compound fracture on his leg.
Parece una fractura complicada en su pierna.
Constable Cooper fell on panes of broken glass and slashed his leg. HE SCOFFS
El Agente Cooper cayó sobre los cristales rotos y se cortó la pierna.
That's when Lieutenant Mayne broke his leg.
Allí fue cuando el Teniente Mayne se rompió la pierna.
He broke his leg.
Se quebró la pierna.
His teammates were lying about him breaking his leg.
Sus compañeros mintieron sobre su pierna rota.
My uncle lost his leg hitching a trailer.
Mi tío perdió una pierna enganchando un remolque.
Joshua broke his leg.
Joshua se ha roto la pierna.
Did his leg fall off?
¿ Su pierna se cayó?
And then that German Shepherd came along and pissed on his leg!
Y entonces vino ese pastor alemán y le meó la pierna!
His leg is broken. We'll have to put him out of his misery.
Tenemos que sacrificarla para que no sufra.
What happened to his leg?
¿ Qué le pasó a su pierna?
Fatso lift his leg...
Gordo levanta su pierna...
He broke his leg.
Se rompió la pierna.
- He broke his leg playing football.
- Se rompió una pierna jugando al fútbol.
The nice surprise is that, he will give you $ 1.8 million in 3 days, to fund an expedition to fix his broken leg!
La sorpresa agradable es que le dará $ 1.8 millones en tres días, para financiar una expedición para arreglar su pierna rota.
Here, on his right leg- - do you see that?
Aquí, sobre su pierna derecha... ¿ Ves eso?
Well, from what I hear, he puts his pants on one leg at a time.
Según dicen, se pone los pantalones una pierna a la vez.
- Cut his throat, or I'll put a bullet in her leg.
- Córtale la garganta, o pondré una bala en su pierna.
It all started when dwight was tapping his foot Against the leg of his desk.
Todo comenzó cuando Dwight estaba golpeando su pie contra la pata de su mesa.
Ryan's artery isn't supplying blood to his lower leg.
La arteria de Ryan no está suministrando sangre a la parte inferior de la pierna.
We're gonna run blood through the tube to his lower leg until Dr. Sable can do a formal repair.
Vamos a hacer correr sangre a través del tubo a su pierna hasta que la Dra. Sable pueda hacer una reparación formal.
The chair leg collapsed his lung.
La pata de la silla colapsó su pulmón.
He puts his dress on one leg at a time like everybody else.
Él se pone su vestido en una pierna a la vez como todo el mundo.
Made his own leg, he did.
Hizo su propia pierna, él mismo.
With his tales. Mr Peg Leg, did you receive any kind of a pension when you were invalided out of the army?
Sr. Pata de Palo, ¿ le dieron algún tipo de pensión cuando lo licenciaron del ejército?
'Men like Mr Arthur Myhill, who lost a leg fighting in Sebastopol,'who had his eye blown out'in the service of this great country of ours.
'Hombres como el Sr. Arthur Myhill, quien perdió una pierna luchando en Sebastopol, ciego de un ojo prestando servicio en nuestro gran país ".
Mr. Draper, Dr. Atherton is on his way up, the partners are gathering in the lobby, and Dr. Miller called to say, "Break a leg."
Sr. Draper, el Dr. Atherton ya llegó, los socios se reunieron en el vestíbulo y la Dra. Miller llamó para desear suerte.
Your Grace, the ulcer on his Majesty's leg has become clogged again.
Su Excelencia, la úlcera en la pierna de Su Majestad, desafortunadamente se ha obstruído nuevamente.
Ever since he was young, whenever he's nervous, his right hand and right leg will sync with each other.
Desde joven, cuando se pone nervioso, su mano y su pierna derechas se sincronizan.
Yes, but it didn't prevent him from dying of gangrene, when they amputated his leg.
Baudelaire, ¿ fue la sífilis?
His condition is stable, but his left leg was amputated at the thigh and his right leg below the knee.
Su condición es estable, pero su pierna izquierda fue amputada a la altura del muslo y la derecha por debajo de la rodilla.
The joints are loose now, and there's a small crack on the back of his left leg.
Ahora las articulaciones están sueltas, y hay una pequeña grieta en la parte trasera de su pierna izquierda.
The ulcer on His Majesty's leg has unfortunately become clogged again.
La úlcera de la pierna de Su Majestad desafortunadamente, se ha vuelto a obstruir.

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