I think it's time traduction Espagnol
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Dr. Foster, I am young, I'm energetic and I think it's about time you take advantage of me!
Dr. Foster, soy joven, tengo energía ¡ y creo que es hora de que se aproveche de mí!
[sighs] But I think it's time to tell Jo.
Pero creo que es hora de contárselo a Jo.
Look, Jo, I think it's time to do something.
Mira, Jo, creo que es hora de hacer algo.
Jerry, I appreciate this farewell breakfast and the farewell dinner last night, and I think we both agreed it's time for you to move on, right?
Jerry, te agradezco este desayuno de despedida y la cena de despedida de anoche, y creo que ambos estuvimos de acuerdo en que es hora de que te mudes, ¿ verdad?
Well, if that's the case, I think it's time you and I have a little man-to-man chat.
Bueno, si ese es el caso, creo que es hora de que tú y yo tengamos una pequeña charla de hombre a hombre.
I think it's time we stopped keeping it a secret.
Creo que ha es hora de dejar de guardarlo en secreto.
I think it's time to tell Jessica.
Creo que es hora de decírselo a Jessica.
I think it's time I cut your exposure.
Creo que es hora que Corté su exposición.
But I think it's time for you to start thinking about your own life.
Pero creo que es hora de que empieces a preocuparte por tu propia vida.
I'm going to be a father soon, and I think it's time to put the... the childish things aside.
Voy a ser padre pronto, y yo creo que es hora de dejar a un lado las... las cosas de niño.
I think it's time our young friend put his blade where his mouth is.
Creo que es hora de que nuestro joven amigo clave su filo donde está su boca.
Well, I just think it's a good time to establish a precedent by letting you lead.
Bueno, solo creo que es un buen momento para sentar un precedente dejándote a ti encabezar esto.
Oh, husband, I hate to say it, but I think it's time for our naysaying neighbors to say a little "nay."
Marido, odio decirlo, pero creo que es hora de que nuestros negativos vecinos digan un poco de "no".
I think it's time I asked someone out.
Creo que es hora de pedirle salir a alguien.
Well, then I think it's good you popped your cherry now, because I promise you, this is not going to be the last time you fire your weapon.
Bueno, entonces pienso que es bueno que pierdas la virginidad ahora, porque te prometo, que esta no es la última vez que vas a disparar tu arma.
I think it's time for me to enjoy other things.
Creo que es hora de que disfrute un poco.
No, it's just that we've been married an incredibly long time, so let's just try and find other details about me besides the fact that I think everyone's an idiot.
No, es solo que hemos estado casados un tiempo increíblemente largo, así que solo vamos a intentar encontrar otros detalles sobre mí además del hecho de que piense que todos son idiotas.
I think it's time they see yours.
Es hora de que vean los tuyos.
If you don't want me around anymore, I think it's time that I move.
Si ya no me quieres por aquí, creo que es tiempo de que me mude.
I think it's time for you to leave.
Creo que ya es hora de que se vaya.
I don't think people realize how exhausting these tours can be, and especially when it's your first time out, as it... as it is for her.
No creo que la gente se dé cuenta de lo agotadoras que pueden ser estas giras, y especialmente cuando es la primera vez que sales, como... como para ella.
I think it's a conversation we need to have, and now's not the time to have it.
Creo que es una conversación que tenemos que tener, y ahora no es el momento para ello.
ï ½ ♪'cause you think that you got me scared ï ½ ♪ ï ½ ♪ this time, it's goodbye, trouble ï ½ ♪ ï ½ ♪ I feel the light at the end of this tunnel ï ½ ♪
* Puedo vivir de mis plegarias * * porque he dejado de jugar limpio, he dejado de huir de por vida * * porque crees que me has asustado * * esta vez es un adiós, problema * * Veo la luz al final de este túnel *
I think it's time to slice of some fresh bacon!
¡ Creo que es hora de rebanar un poco de tocino fresco!
You know, I think it's time for me to go.
¿ Sabes? Creo que es momento de irme.
I can't think of a time. Look, it's no big deal.
Mira, no es gran cosa.
I mean, every time something good happens in my life, I-I just... I think of when it's gonna end.
Quiero decir, cada vez que algo bueno ocurre en mi vida, solo... solo pienso en cuando se va a terminar.
I think it's time you had a chat with your old boss.
Creo que ya es hora de que tengas una charla con tu antigua jefa.
No, I think we're announcing it at lunch time or something but we may have to find one more chair around the Way Ahead table, if that's all right with you?
No, creo que estamos anunciando que a la hora del almuerzo o algo pero puede que tengamos que encontrar una silla más todo el camino a seguir mesa, si eso está bien con usted?
I think it's time to stop playing Movie Guy, and maybe get serious about your life.
Creo que es hora de dejar de jugar de la película de Guy, y tal vez tomar en serio su vida.
Babe, I just think it's time that you do something.
Babe, yo sólo creo que es hora de que lo haga algo.
This may not be the time or the place, but I think it's better if I didn't go to dinner with you and your parents.
Este a lo mejor no es ni el lugar ni el momento, pero pienso que es mejor si no voy a cenar contigo y con tus padres.
And quite frankly, I think it's time you pulled yourself together.
Y francamente, va siendo hora de que te recompongas.
I think it's time that we said our good-byes.
Creo que es hora de que nos digamos adiós.
I think it's... it's just a time out.
Creo que es... es solo un time out.
I think it's time Ms. McInerney met Serge?
Creo que es momento que la Srta. McInerney conozca a Serge.
I think it's time.
Creo que es hora.
There's a beautiful story behind this star and I think, once you hear it, you'll agree that it's the greatest Christmas story of all time.
Hay una bella historia detrás de esta estrella. y pienso que, cuando la escuches, estarás de acuerdo en que es la mejor historia navideña de todas.
That's right, and she loves me, so I think it's time that you move along,
Es cierto, y me ama a mi, Así que creo que es hora de irte,
She has made so many sacrifices for me, and now I think it's time for me to do the same for her.
Ella se ha sacrificado mucho por mí, y creo que ha llegado el momento de que yo haga lo mismo por ella.
I think it's time.
Creo que ya es hora.
What can I do for you today, Mr. Evans? You win. I think it's time that maybe we started looking at...
Es probable que sea hora de empezar... a buscar trabajo... de contador.
I think it's time, I think it's time that this cat takes over.
Creo que es tiempo, es tiempo de, que este gato tome el control.
But now I think it's time I take care of it.
Pero ahora creo que es hora de que me haga cargo de ello.
So I was thinking maybe the best time to announce it to the whole family would be at the homecoming dinner, when everybody's there. What do you think?
Estaba pensando que la mejor forma de decirselo a la familia sera en la cena de bienvenida, cuando odos esten ahi. que piensas?
Maybe, though I think it's more like that time
¡ Quizá!
I know it's been a rough week, but I think it's time for us to focus on our future.
Sé que ha sido una semana dura, pero creo que es hora de que nos centremos en nuestro futuro.
Parece que no sólo incorporaste una diosa, sino algo más específico, que es el panteón Hindú
Every time I think of something, it's reductive.
Y cada vez que se me ocurre algo, es reduccionista.
Well, it has been a pleasure meeting the best-looking detective in the department, but I think that your time would be better spent with Annabel's direct supervisor,
Bueno, ha sido un placer conocer a la detective más bonita en el departamento, pero creo que su tiempo es mejor pasado con el supervisor de Annabel,
I think they might be thinking it's time to let her go.
Creo que pueden estar pensando que es hora de dejarla marchar.
i think it's time to go 19
i think it's time for you to go 18
i think it's time for you to leave 20
i think 9249
i think i love you 73
i think i'm losing my mind 16
i think i'll pass 77
i think so too 125
i think so 3742
i think i'm in love 61
i think it's time for you to go 18
i think it's time for you to leave 20
i think 9249
i think i love you 73
i think i'm losing my mind 16
i think i'll pass 77
i think so too 125
i think so 3742
i think i'm in love 61
i think i'm going crazy 20
i think it's perfect 26
i think i'm gonna pass 18
i think i do 359
i think you know 146
i think i can 133
i think it is 265
i think you are 117
i think i know what you mean 26
i think you're wrong 88
i think it's perfect 26
i think i'm gonna pass 18
i think i do 359
i think you know 146
i think i can 133
i think it is 265
i think you are 117
i think i know what you mean 26
i think you're wrong 88