If i were you traduction Espagnol
16,868 traduction parallèle
I would wait here if I were you.
Yo esperaré aquí si fuera tú.
She told me to come in here and talk some sense into you, but if I were you, I would ask myself one question :
Me dijo que te convenciera pero en tu lugar, me haría una pregunta.
I wouldn't try anything if I were you... before I got to the precinct.
En tu lugar, no intentaría nada antes de llegar a la comisaría.
If I were you, listen at least.
Espera. Si fuera tú, primero escucharía.
I wouldn't go up there if I were you.
No le conviene subir.
If I were you, I would find a man.
En su lugar, me buscaría un hombre.
And johnny boy, if I were you, I'd come back here tonight later on.
Y, Johnny, si yo fuera tú, esta noche volvería aquí.
I'd take'em if I were you.
Las tomaría si fuera tú.
I'd be quiet if I were you.
Me quedaría callada de ser tú.
If I were you, I would do anything to keep him alive.
Si fuera tú, haría lo que fuera para mantenerlo vivo.
And if I were you, I would accept quick.
Y si yo fuera tú, aceptaría rápido.
If you do censure me by what you were, Not what you are, I know it will excuse This sudden execution of my will.
Si me juzgáis por lo que fuisteis, y no por lo que sois, excusaréis la pronta ejecución de mi deseo.
A last-minute slot has opened up in our program, but I just wanted to check if you were still interested.
Una ranura de última hora se ha abierto en nuestro programa, pero yo sólo quería comprobar si todavía estuviera interesado.
If I were to find you this type of maid, what would you do with Keiko?
Si encontrara una criada de ese tipo, ¿ qué harías con Keiko?
If any of that were true, I would have reported it to you and you know it!
Si algo de eso fuera verdad, te lo habría informado y lo sabes.
I'd be very careful, if I were you.
Tendría mucho cuidado, si fuera Ud.
I was genuinely, as a friend, sincerely asking if her family was ever in danger and if their lives were at stake and you happened to be there to save them.
Genuinamente como amigo... Sinceramente preguntaba si su familia alguna vez estuvo en peligro y sus vidas estuvieron en riesgo y estuviste ahí para salvarlos.
The fuck are you saying? I am saying that if England were to return right now, there is nothing to stop them from capturing that fort.
Estoy diciendo que si Inglaterra tuviera que volver en este momento, no hay nada para detenerlos desde la captura de ese fuerte.
Well, I was just wonderin if you were okay.
Bueno, me preguntaba si estabas bien.
I asked if you were married, you said you were widowed.
Le pregunté si estaba casado, y me contestó que era viudo.
And I would be beyond happy if you were to join me tonight.
Y yo estaría más que feliz, si me acompañaras esta noche.
Now, if you were to read this essay... and in the interest of open-mindedness I would urge you to do so... you would see that Bertrand Russell undoes with logic... that is beyond dispute the first-cause argument... the natural-law argument, the argument from design... the moral arguments for a deity... and the argument for the remedying of injustice.
Ahora, si usted leyera este ensayo, y en el interés de una mentalidad abierta le instaría a que lo hiciera, vería que Bertrand Russell deshace con la lógica... es decir, fuera de toda duda, el primer argumento de causa, el argumento de la ley natural, el del diseño, los argumentos morales para una deidad... y el argumento para la reparación de la injusticia.
What if I told you that you were wrong?
¿ Y si te dijera que te equivocas?
I don't know if you were aware of this, but Riley Hale was found dead this morning.
No sé si lo sabe, pero esta mañana Riley Hale ha sido encontrado muerto.
If I thought you were hideous, I wouldn't have set you up with Gina.
Si pensara que eres horrible, no te hubiera emparejado con Gina.
If you really loved what you were doing, would you be bothered by what I said?
¿ Si amaras lo que haces te molestaría lo que digo?
You know what, if I'm gonna be late, i usually text but you said you were sticking to the driving and I was handling the protection, which there was no need for, until you decided there was.
Sabes, si voy a llegar tarde, por lo general mando texto... pero dijiste que te quedabas con la conducción y yo con la protección, con la que no había necesidad, hasta que decidiste que si había.
I'm not talking about if you were drowning.
No estoy hablando de que si te estuvieras ahogando.
What I saw you do on that field that day, somehow, as I was watching, it became as if you were running for me.
Lo que vi que hacías, en ese campo, ese día, de alguna manera, mientras yo estaba viendo, se volvió como si estuvieras corriendo para mí.
If I were to let you leave right now, where would you go?
Si os dejase marchar ahora mismo, ¿ adónde iríais?
And if he were here now, I'd tell him the same I'm telling you.
Y si estuviera aquí, le diría lo mismo que le estoy diciendo a usted.
You talk about war as if you're an expert, but the one battle I remember you fighting, you were captured by Robb Stark, the Young Wolf.
Hablas de guerra como si fueras experto, pero en la única batalla que peleaste te apresó Robb Stark, el Joven Lobo.
I swear to you, even if they were magic,
Te lo juro, aunque sean mágicas,
I thought we were gonna see boobs, but if you'd rather hang out with a girl...
Pensé que íbamos a ver tetas, pero si prefiero pasar el rato con una chica,
Can you imagine if I didn't have to take a dump when you were in that hallway?
¿ Y si yo no hubiera tenido que cagar cuando tú estabas allí?
And despite my silence, I ended up infecting you as if it were a virus.
Y a pesar de mi silencio, te la acabé contagiando como si fuera un virus.
Now, I need to ask you, if you were in charge, what next?
Ahora, necesito preguntarle, si usted estuviera a cargo, ¿ Que es lo siguiente?
You want to know if I wish my parents were alive?
¿ Quiere saber si desearía que mis padres siguieran vivos?
I don't know if you knew this, but us Dad died when we were tiny, and then... us Mum died when I were 13, Catherine were 15, so...
No sé si lo sabías, pero papá murió cuando éramos pequeñas, y después murió mamá cuando yo tenía 13 años, Catherine tenía 15, así que...
I need enough that if you were caught with it there's no way it could be construed as personal use.
Necesito bastante, para que si te atraparan con ella... no hay manera de que pueda ser... interpretada como de uso personal.
Even if you were to hit me, I must say it's a dead end!
Aunque me pegues, te diré que esto es un callejón sin salida.
I was wondering, how would you do dialysis if you were on a boat sailing to Pakistan?
¿ Cómo vas a hacer diálisis en un velero? Sería imposible.
You know, if you were richie. Yeah, I followed you.
- Digo, de ser tú Richie.
If you were the Emir... then you would've know about the deal I made in Baghdad.
Si lo fuera habría sabido el trato que hice en Bagdad.
I mean, if you were a touch more ladylike.
Quiero decir, si fueras un toque más elegante.
Father's father wore it all through the wars and it'll help me not to worry too much, if I know you were wearing it.
El padre de padre lo llevó en todas las guerras y ayudará a que no me preocupe demasiado, si sé que lo llevas.
If this were an emergency, how do you expect to hear what I'm saying if you're yip-yapping on the phone?
Si fuera una emergencia ¿ cómo vas a oírme si hablas por teléfono?
I just wanted to know if you were still looking for some backup.
Vine a preguntar si aún quieres apoyo.
But I bet if you were to show us that smile just for a second, it would make all the difference in the world.
Pero apuesto que si nos mostraras esa sonrisa por un segundo, haría toda la diferencia del mundo.
I think I need to just be by myself for maybe, like, a year and try and figure this shit out, but I wanted to say that I'm sorry to you because you were a great guy and I really had such a good time with you and maybe in a year, if you're willing,
Creo que necesito estar sola por un año e intentar resolver esto, pero quería pedirte perdón a ti porque fuiste un gran tipo y la pasé muy bien contigo y, quizá en un año, si tienes ganas,
I wondered if you were free for a tête-à-tête?
¿ Me preguntaba si estabas libre para un reunión en persona?
if it's meant to be 16
if i didn't know better 127
if it wasn't for you 99
if i knew 98
if it's not too much trouble 48
if it is 191
if i can 158
if i may ask 88
if it isn't 54
if i may 812
if i didn't know better 127
if it wasn't for you 99
if i knew 98
if it's not too much trouble 48
if it is 191
if i can 158
if i may ask 88
if it isn't 54
if i may 812
if it was 105
if it's any consolation 226
if it's a girl 43
if it wasn't 30
if i do 197
if it were up to me 123
if i could 203
if it's the last thing i do 21
if it's okay with you 83
if i'm not mistaken 223
if it's any consolation 226
if it's a girl 43
if it wasn't 30
if i do 197
if it were up to me 123
if i could 203
if it's the last thing i do 21
if it's okay with you 83
if i'm not mistaken 223
if i did 272
if it's all right 48
if it's a boy 49
if i do say so myself 43
if it's ok 18
if it's me 22
if i win 152
if it's not 54
if i don't 193
if it helps 159
if it's all right 48
if it's a boy 49
if i do say so myself 43
if it's ok 18
if it's me 22
if i win 152
if it's not 54
if i don't 193
if it helps 159