If you didn't know traduction Espagnol
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You won't know anything, if it didn't happen at all.
No sabes nada, y si no fue así como ocurrió todo.
I just didn't know if you were saying, like, "Boo!"
No sabía si estabas diciendo, como, ¡ Boo!
But if anything happens to you out there, I didn't know.
Pero si algo te pasa ahí fuera, yo no sabía nada.
If I didn't know any better, I'd say you're one of those people who are not open to suggestions.
Si no lo conociera mejor, diría que usted es una de esas personas obstinadas que no están abiertas a las sugerencias.
If I didn't know you better...
Si no te conociera mejor...
Didn't want to get involved, if you know what I mean.
No quería estar involucrado, si sabe a qué me refiero.
Why'd you bring me dinner if you didn't know?
¿ Por qué me ibas a traer la cena si no lo sabías?
It's like when we were in school, you know, even if we didn't have the same class together, we would just see each other all the time.
Es como cuando estábamos en la escuela, ya sabes, incluso si no teníamos... la misma clase juntos, nos veíamos los unos a los otros todo el tiempo.
I felt embarrassed, and I didn't know if you'd be mad or worried, but anyway, I thought you'd wanna know.
Me sentí avergonzada y no sabía si te enojarías o preocuparías, pero de todos modos, yo quería que lo supieras.
You know, if I didn't know any better, I'd say he was getting used to the idea.
Sabes, si no lo conociera tanto, diría que se está haciendo a la idea.
I didn't know if I'd ever see you again.
No sabía si te vería de nuevo.
If she didn't come here, she must have gone to a place you know about.
Si no ha venido aquí, debe haber ido a un lugar que conozcas.
Even if you didn't think at all about deliverance, this is also a sin, you know... 4.
Incluso si no pensaste acerca de la salvación, esto también es un pecado... 4.
I don't know if you're aware, but one team didn't make it out of stage 1.
No sé si eres consciente, Pero uno de los equipos no salio de la Etapa 1.
I mean, y'all wouldn't bring me back here if, you know, y'all didn't see anything in me.
Quiero decir, ustedes no traería me volveré aquí si, ya sabes, ustedes no lo hicieron ver nada en mí.
Listen, I'm really sorry if something happened to you at school today and upset you but I know I didn't do anything to you.
Escucha, siento mucho si te ha pasado algo en el colegio hoy que te haya disgustado pero sé que yo no tuve nada que ver con ello.
If I didn't know where you were,
Si no supiera dónde estuvieras,
And if they don't know you didn't do it, how is a jury gonna feel?
Y si ellos no saben que no lo hiciste, ¿ cómo va a pensar un jurado?
I didn't know if I'd go up there and bomb and I didn't want, like, you guys to be there the rest of my life and be, like,
No sabia si yo iba a subir y boom y yo no estaba esperando como que tus amigos estuviesen allí el resto de mi vida y ser, como,
I just... I didn't know if you'd make it back.
Pero... no sabía si volverías.
Listen, I know I didn't know Renko as well as you guys, but if you want to talk about it, I can...
Escucha, sé que no conocía a Renko también como vosotros, pero si quieres hablar sobre ello, puedo...
And I didn't know... if I was ready for it or, you know, what, you know, I wanted to do.
Y no sabía... si yo estaba preparada para ello o, ya sabes, qué quería hacer.
I didn't know if you'd call me back.
No sabía si me llamarías.
She was like, I knew but I didn't know if you knew.
Lo sabía? Ella me decía que lo sabía pero que no sabía si yo lo sabía.
Look, as hard as it is to keep someone's secret, if you tell, Ivy... you're going against a dying man's wish. I just wish I didn't know.
Mira, por difícil que sea guardar un secreto, si se lo cuentas a Ivy... vas a ir contra la voluntad de un moribundo.
As for our failure to notify LVPD, frankly, we didn't know if you could be trusted.
Respecto a nuestro fallo en notificarlo a la Policía de Las Vegas, francamente, no sabíamos si podían ser de confianza.
You didn't even know if you were gonna see Booth again.
Ni siquiera sabías si ibas a volver a ver a Booth.
Okay, I appreciate all the effort you're putting into this, but if I didn't know better, I would think that Maya was your girlfriend, not mine.
Vale, agradezco todo esfuerzo que estás poniendo en esto, pero si no lo supiera, pensaría que Maya era tu novia, no la mía.
I didn't know if you were meat eaters, so I'm just making a simple black COD with some sweet and sour rhubarb orange sauce, braised beets, and chocolate ganache for dessert.
No sabía si ustedes comían carne, así que estoy haciendo bacalao con salsa agridulce de ruibarbo naranja remolachas a la plancha y ganache de chocolate de postre.
You know, I ran track in high School, I asked if I could run But nope because he didn't want To do the puzzle and he told me If we lose it's your fault.
Sabes, corría en pista en el instituto, Y le pregunté si podía correr y me dijo "NO". porque él no quiso hacer el puzzle y me dijo que si perdiamos era por mi culpa.
Because if I didn't know any better, I'd say that you look a little nervous.
Porque si no te conociera bien, diría que pareces algo nervioso.
If I didn't know how this ends, I would ask you out.
Si no supiera cómo acaba esto, te invitaría a salir.
You know, I used to think that if I gave up on the club or Charming, I'd somehow be betraying you, and I didn't want to do that.
Yo solía pensar que si renunciaba al club o a Charming, de alguna manera te estaría traicionando, y yo no quería hacer eso.
Well, if it makes you feel any better, I didn't know about the rest of it, either.
Bien, si te hace sentir mejor, no sabía nada sobre el resto de sus asuntos, ninguno.
You know, I didn't realize until now that if I hadn't given up my own baby, she was the thing that would have healed my despair,
No me había dado cuenta hasta ahora de que si no hubiera dado a mi propia hija, ella habría sido la cura para mi desesperación,
I told her that if she couldn't care for the kid, she ought to give him to somebody who could, but I didn't mean that she should, you know, dump him or anything.
Le dije que si no podía cuidar del bebé, que debía dárselo a alguien que pudiera, pero no fue mi intención mandarla a hacerlo, ni que lo dejara abandonado.
Thousands of years ago, when we lived outdoors and we didn't know where our next meal was coming from, if there was a famine because it was a cold winter or whatever reason, your body is going to want to hold extra weight to protect you from that.
AUTOR Y ESPECIALISTA EN PERDIDA DE PESO no sabíamos de dónde iba a venir nuestra comida. Si había hambruna porque hubo un invierno frío o cualquier otra razón, tu cuerpo va a querer guardar peso extra para protegerte.
And, by the way, if you didn't know Steve Cioffi and you heard Dal Bello was at this party, you'd be all over the mob angle.
Y, por cierto, si no conocieras a Steve Cioffi y hubieras escuchado que Dal Bello estuvo en esa fiesta, estarías viendo a la mafia por todos los ángulos.
Of course. I'm saying if you didn't know what it was, would you notice it?
Mas bien ¿ Si no supieras que es... la notarías?
She didn't want to go with me, so I know she's not gonna want to go if I tell her that you and Madison want to join us.
Ella no quería ir conmigo, así que sé que no va a querer ir si le digo que tú y Madison quieren unirse a nosotros.
I'd be lying, Annie, if I said I didn't want to know what made you so upset.
Mentiría, Annie, si dijese... que no quería saber lo que te hizo disgustarte tanto.
If I didn't know better, I'd swear you were ducking me.
Pequeño amigo. Si no te conociera bien, juraría que me estabas eludiendo.
I didn't know anybody else asked you if you want tea... how about coffee?
- No sabía que alguien más te había preguntado si querías té. ¿ Qué tal café?
I didn't know if you'd want breakfast or lunch, so I made both.
No sabía si querías desayunar o comer, así que hice ambos.
♪ if I didn't know better ♪ I'd follow you up the stairs ♪
* Si no lo supiera mejor * * te seguiría arriba *
You know, I, uh, thought if I told myself something... enough times, then... well, I should've either fought harder for you, Dalia, or I should've let you go, because... because Isaac died because I didn't...
Sabes, yo pensaba que si me decía a mí mismo algo... suficientes veces, entonces... bueno, debería haber luchado más por ti, Dalia, o debería haberte dejado ir, porque... porque Isaac murió porque no...
I just didn't know if I was ever gonna hear from you again.
No sabía si alguna vez iba a volver a saber algo de ti.
At times, we didn't know if you were alive or lying dead in some creek.
A veces, no sabíamos si estabas vivo o yaciendo muerto en algún arroyo.
If you didn't send it, I think I know who did.
Si tu no lo enviaste, creo que se quién lo hizo
Okay, if that's a pizza, I'm sorry for anything I have ever done, especially, Tommy, when I locked you out of the house and pretended like I didn't know who you were.
Si eso es una pizza, me disculpo por cualquier cosa que hice, sucio, en especial, Tommy, cuando te dejé fuera de casa, y fingí no conocerte.
I don't know if that started around the time I told him I'd been sleeping with you, but I'll bet it didn't help.
No sé si eso comenzó en el momento en el que le dije que me había estado acostando contigo, pero apuesto que no ayudó.
if you want 1750
if you're happy and you know it 31
if you don't mind 1583
if you don't mind me asking 146
if you want to talk to me 22
if you 535
if you can't beat' em 19
if you're hungry 89
if you don't 701
if you like 1152
if you're happy and you know it 31
if you don't mind 1583
if you don't mind me asking 146
if you want to talk to me 22
if you 535
if you can't beat' em 19
if you're hungry 89
if you don't 701
if you like 1152
if you don't eat 20
if you don't talk 19
if you please 567
if you need anything 442
if you ask me 829
if you're 71
if you don't believe me 187
if you don't know 82
if you want it 177
if you can't 87
if you don't talk 19
if you please 567
if you need anything 442
if you ask me 829
if you're 71
if you don't believe me 187
if you don't know 82
if you want it 177
if you can't 87