In my view traduction Espagnol
440 traduction parallèle
In my view some women don't have what it takes.
Mi punto de vista es que algunas mujeres no valen.
An arrangement which in my view proves the vast superiority of Greek civilization over our own.
Un sistema que para mí, demuestra la superioridad de la civilización griega.
That child's too often on her own in my view.
¡ La niña es demasiado para mí sola!
No finer year, in my view.
No el mejor año, en mi opinión.
In my view, the most important thing is the water supply.
En mi opinión, el más importante es el suministro de agua.
In my view, she has only extended your suffering.
A mi juicio, ella sólo ha alargado tu sufrimiento.
In my view, this slut shows too much skin, Don José.
A mi entender, esa marrana enseña demasiado, don José.
My wife, typically enough... decided to simply ignore... every practical aspect of the situation... and was carried away in some kind of romantic haze... which made her, in my view... totally inaccessible to anything in the way of reason.
Mi esposa, como siempre decidió ignorar todos los aspectos prácticos de la situación y se dejó llevar por el lado romántico que la hizo, ante mí totalmente inaccesible para razonar.
I'm assuming, of course, a dead body like this will attract a certain amount of attention, quite unjustifiably, in my view.
Supongo que un cadáver así atraerá mucha atención.
In my view, a splendid example of reciprocity.
En mi opinión, es un ejemplo perfecto de reciprocidad.
The oppressor's wrong, the proud man's contumely- - that fellow is taking license in my view.
la injusticia de los opresores la insolencia de los arrogantes A mi me parece que se toma ciertas licencias.
I'm sure she's put my picture in plain view.
Me extrañaría que no pusiera mi foto a la vista de todos.
Well, sir, in view of your reputation on this side of the water... I had an idea that my body in its present condition... might be very interesting to you.
Pues, conociendo su fama pensé que mi cuerpo en su estado actual podría interesarle.
In view of unfavourable criticism of my conduct in the performance of my duties as Warden of Sing Sing Prison, I hereby tender my resignation.
Ante las críticas recibidas por mi comportamiento en el cumplimiento de mis deberes como alcaide de la prisión de Sing Sing le presento mi dimisión.
My boy, the disciplinary committee has agreed, under pressure from your kind-hearted teacher... such magnanimity, Mr. Viot... out of consideration for your family and concern for you, and in view of our commemoration day tomorrow,
¡ Hijo, el comité de disciplina ha decidido... presionado por el gran corazón de su maestro... ¡ Qué magnanimidad, Sr. Viot! Ha decidido, por consideración hacia su familia y preocupación por usted... y en vista de la conmemoración de mañana, perdonarle.
You'll make me lose my temper, damn it! Your Honor, in view of the confused but cunning denials of the accused, who wishes to make us think him mad, but who will not succeed -
Su Señoría, en vista de la confusa aunque astuta negativa del acusado, que desea hacernos creer que está loco, pero que no tendrá éxito...
In view of this, sir, I feel I must give my notice.
En vista de esto, señor, creo que debo presentar mi renuncia.
In view of my circumstances, I had no right to go playing at hearts with a swell person like you.
Dadas mis circunstancias, no tenía derecho a jugar con el corazon de alguien como tú.
In view of what you've just told me, I'll risk examining my patient.
En vista de los hechos, descubriré a mi paciente.
From my point of view, it's very refreshing to find someone like yourself, who's not entirely in tune, shall we say, with Manderley.
Desde mi perspectiva, es muy alentador hallar a alguien como usted que no encaja tan perfectamente en Manderley.
[Murmuring] And in view of the fact... that the FBI have apprehended these scoundrels, I'm turning over my evidence to the state.
Teniendo en cuenta que el FBI... ha capturado a los bribones... le entrego mis pruebas a este estado.
In my opinion, In view of the lack of commodities these days, I do not ask for much but the meals here leave a lot to be desired.
En mi opinión, en vista de que hoy en día escasean los alimentos básicos, no soy muy exigente, pero la comida de aquí deja mucho que desear.
- You should have seen the view from my room in London.
Tenía que ver las que tenía en Londres.
In view of the fact that this family refuses to let me in on their little intrigues I'll handle the telephone in my own way.
En vista de que esta familia me oculta sus pequeñas intrigas manejaré el teléfono a mi manera.
My little laugh was a kind one. I was merely curious in view of your quiet background. As to where you might have observed these mature and worldly passions.
Sólo tengo curiosidad, a la vista de su poca experiencia, por saber... dónde ha observado todas esas pasiones mundanas que tan bien describe Ud.
And in view of my failure...
Y en vista de mi fracaso...
My Lord, in view of the prisoner's slanderous insinuations and his boast that he can prove his own innocence out of our witnesses'mouths, we propose to present only one.
Continúe con los testigos. En vista de las insinuaciones del prisionero para demostrar su inocencia, voy a llamar al siguiente testigo.
In view of that, and in order that you may be able to adopt a style of living befitting a member of the D'Ascoyne family, I have decided to appoint you my private secretary at a salary of £ 500 per annum.
En vista de eso, y para que pueda llevar un estilo de vida... acorde a un miembro de la familia D'Ascoyne... he decidido nombrarle mi secretario privado... con un sueldo de 500 libras anuales.
In view of the fact that your evidence had put the rope round my neck you could hardly expect a glance of warm affection.
En vista de que tu declaración me ha puesto la soga al cuello... no podrías esperar un ápice de afecto.
His view is that nothing but harm for everyone could come from a trial. My orders are to remind you in the strongest terms...
Opina que un juicio no favorecería a nadie.
And from my point of view, it's very refreshing... to fiind someone like yourself who's not entirely in tune, shall we say, with Manderley.
Da gusto encontrar a alguien como Vd... que no es de Manderley.
For 30 years I've seen this view in my dreams.
Por 30 años he soñado con esta vista.
65. In view of this, my government has decided to grant an extension of 72 hours in order to render your ship, the Admiral Graf Spee, seaworthy.
En vista de esto... mi gobierno ha decidido conceder una prórroga de 72 horas... a fin de que su barco quede listo para la navegación.
In view of the above... and in the light of my examination of the patient... it is my professional opinion... that it will be necessary for Mr. Van Gogh... to undergo extended observation and treatment... in this institution.
En vista de lo anterior... y a la luz de mi examen del paciente... es mi opinión profesional... que será necesario tener bajo observación... al Sr. Van Gogh y someterlo a tratamiento... en esta institución.
And Monday night, you come and view me in my coffin.
Y el lunes por la noche ven y me verás en un ataúd.
In front of my house, blocking my view.
- ¡ Papá! Delante de mi casa, para quitarme la vista.
In view of my position, I hardly think it ethical to express my opinion.
Considerando mi posición, creo que no es ético que haga pública mi opinión.
You keep my rear lights in view. Don't let them out of your sight for a second.
Intenta no perder de vista mis luces de atrás.
In fact from our point of view I'm afraid it's a downside too wonderful, you scared my people out of their wits
A decir verdad, nosotros pensamos que se pasa de espléndida.
I made it in view of dating Nathalie. But my feelings have changed completely.
La hicimos con la intención de que yo saliera con Nathalie... pero ahora mis sentimientos hacia ella han cambiado completamente.
My Lord, in view of the extraordinary circumstances, may I make a few observations before sentence is passed?
Señoría, en vista de las extraordinarias circunstancias del caso,... ¿ podría hacer algunas observaciones antes de que se pronuncie la sentencia?
Understandably, in view of my concern on the advice of the Professor and Mr. Alcamo I thought it best to call the police
No obstante, como puedes entender ante mi preocupación con ayuda del profesor Berardelli, y también del abogado Alcamo he creído oportuno acudir a la policía.
Rest assured that my decisions always have in view the ultimate good.
Pierda cuidado que mis decisiones siempre tenga por objeto el bien de esencia
That material's not covered in my course. You can view it different ways.
No es parte de mi asignatura.
In spite of your pessimistic view of my military career,
A pesar de tu pesimistica vision de mi carrera militar...
In view of my lack of modesty, allow me to show you my car which I'm still driving in.
En consideración a mi pequeña modestia, me permite le enseñe mi coche que está todabía en rodaje. Le gusta?
In view of the fact that the security of this institution has been breached, I am well within my authority.
En vista de que la seguridad de esta institución ha sido violada, sí que tengo autoridad.
You will love the view in my suite.
Te encantará la vista desde mi suite.
I never gave these stories much credence but particularly in view of some other things that have happened I find them difficult to put out of my mind.
Yo nunca di mucha importancia a esas historias pero, considerando las cosas que ocurrieron me resulta difícil olvidarlas.
In view of the attempt on his life I'm sure you can understand my reasons for secrecy.
Después de esta tentativa, entenderá que quiera mantenerlo en secreto.
In my point of view... if I'd treat everyone alike then I'd look upon myself as a villain.
Desde mi punto de vista... Si los trato a todos por igual... Luego me ven como un villano.
in my opinion 572
in my room 109
in my heart 96
in my mind 161
in my bed 49
in my country 72
in my experience 382
in my dreams 78
in my defense 150
in my case 131
in my room 109
in my heart 96
in my mind 161
in my bed 49
in my country 72
in my experience 382
in my dreams 78
in my defense 150
in my case 131
in my world 69
in my house 118
in my day 121
in my family 33
in my eyes 40
in my home 30
in my hand 30
in my own way 47
in my head 141
in my car 54
in my house 118
in my day 121
in my family 33
in my eyes 40
in my home 30
in my hand 30
in my own way 47
in my head 141
in my car 54
in my book 75
in my life 110
in my dream 57
in my pocket 58
in my office 200
in my apartment 37
in my professional opinion 37
in my 68
in my hands 18
in my time 45
in my life 110
in my dream 57
in my pocket 58
in my office 200
in my apartment 37
in my professional opinion 37
in my 68
in my hands 18
in my time 45