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It has begun traduction Espagnol

278 traduction parallèle
Little fool. Trying to end your life before it has begun.
¿ Quieres acabar con tu vida antes de que empiece?
It has begun, Toongramon.
Ya ha empezado, Toongramon.
The partition of Siam, it has begun.
La partición de Siam ha comenzado.
Oh Emily.. it has begun.
¡ Oh, Emily, es el principio!
"It has begun"
'Ha empezado
"It has begun"
'Ha empezado'
It has begun!
¡ Ya comenzó!
It has begun.
Ya ha comenzado.
- It has begun.
- Ha comenzado.
Oh, this work is only beginning, but it has begun.
Oh, este trabajo es sólo el principio, pero ha comenzado.
May it continue as it has begun, in the service of the fatherland.
Que siga como ha empezado... al servicio de la patria.
It has begun.
Ha comenzado.
It has begun snowing, but there's very little wind.
Ha empezado a nevar, pero hace muy poco viento.
Amphion is no longer nova, it has begun its life as a star.
Amphion ya no es una nova, comenzó su vida como una estrella.
I'm afraid it has begun.
Me temo que ha comenzado.
Tell the others our Mr. Lincoln has been found. It has begun.
Dile a los otros, que Lincoln aparecio. ya ha empezado.
It has begun to rain!
Ha comenzado a llover!
It looks like it has begun.
Parece que ha comenzado.
And it has begun after all.
Y ha comenzado después de todo.
Yes, it has begun.
Sí, ha comenzado.
It has begun.
Vivo para servirle.
You've been playing so long you've begun to believe it.
Has estado jugando tanto que acabaste creyéndotelo.
Everybody has begun to notice you're not there and it's embarrassing the family.
Todos han empezado a notar que no estás e incomoda a la familia.
The show has already begun, but never fear... we're in time for the beginning of our story... and we hope you enjoy it.
La función ha comenzado ya, pero no se preocupen. Llegamos a tiempo para el inicio de la historia... y esperamos que la disfruten.
Don't lie to me. Or has it begun to work with you too?
No mientas. ¿ O es que también está funcionando contigo?
Because if you can't understand what that caterpillar... has begun to mean to the world... or what it could mean to your brother's future... then we might just as well forget the whole thing.
Porque si no comprende lo que la oruga... significa para el mundo... o lo que podría significar para el futuro de su hermano... entonces será mejor olvidarnos de todo.
It seems she has quite recently and suddenly begun to entertain.
Al parecer ha empezado hace poco a recibir en su casa.
It's the realization that, at last... our mission has begun.
Me he dado cuenta deque Nuestra misión ha comenzado.
The fight for Poland and what kind of country it's to become has only just begun.
La guerra terminó hoy, pero la lucha sigue.
Miss keene doesn't know it yet but her period of waiting has just ended, for something different is about to happen to her, has, in fact, already begun to happen via two most unaccountable telephone calls in the middle of a stormy night.
La señora Keene no lo sabe todavía pero su período de espera ha terminado, pues algo diferente está a punto de sucederle, de hecho, ya ha empezado a suceder a través de dos llamadas telefónicas sin respuesta a mitad de una noche de tormenta.
It's a horrible din, the artillery preparation has begun.
El ruido es horrible, la preparación de la artillería ha comenzado.
But, Herman... If Marilyn's clock of romance has begun to tick, it does not behoove us to overwind her mainspring.
Abuelo, si el reloj sentimental de Marilyn comenzó a hacer tictac... a nosotros no nos corresponde ir a darle cuerda.
A trial with a verdict before it has even begun.
O sea, una deliberación de una sentencia que ya está dada de antemano.
The exercise has already begun, hasn't it? Yes.
- El ejercicio ya ha empezado, ¿ verdad?
It has already begun to take effect.
Ya debió cumplir su función.
The search has already begun and it won't be long until the handcuffs.
El registro ya ha empezado, en cuanto a las esposas, no tardaremos, Don Mariano.
It has already begun.
¡ Ni palabra!
Once you've begun tampering with it, the oddest things start happening.
Una vez has comenzado a manipularlo, las cosas más extrañas comienzan a suceder.
Ask yourself, has it not already begun?
Preguntate a ti mismo si ya ha comenzado.
If we have begun to win, it is because the enemy has pushed its mistakes so far.
Justamente porque el enemigo ha llevado tan lejos sus errores... hemos empezado a ganar.
my courage is restored all at once and that fear I had not known before, that fear you had just begun to teach me, that fear, I do believe, has left me as quick as it came!
Y el miedo que nunca aprendí el miedo que tú apenas me enseñaste ¡ ese miedo, creo, tonto de mí, ya lo he olvidado por completo!
So, everything is not as it seems Your training has begun
No todo es lo que parece. Cada vez que cometas un error... este bruto dormirá contigo. Tu entrenamiento ha empezado.
It has barely begun
Apenas ha empezado.
That God, who has begun a good thing in you will complete it!
En que Dios, quien ha comenzado algo bueno en tu ser, ¡ Lo completará!
It has only begun.
Esto apenas está comenzando.
Because it has already begun.
Ese día ya ha llegado...
In less than seven hours it has learned our systems and begun to reprogram our computer.
En menos de siete horas aprende nuestro sistema y reprograma nuestra computadora.
It's the same kind of healing I desperately needed, and... finally feel has begun... with you.
Es el mismo tipo de saneamiento que Yo necesito y... finalmente ha empezado... contigo.
- Why has it not begun?
- ¿ Por qué no ha empezado?
It has already begun.
- Ya ha comenzado.
To make you think you've seen everything there is to see at 1 6, that you've had the best of life before it's even begun.
Hacerte creer que has visto todo lo que hay para ver a los 16 años. Que tuviste lo mejor de la vida antes de que haya comenzado.

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