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It really traduction Espagnol

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Friends can make you feel the world is smaller and safer than it really is, because you know people who have similar experiences.
Amigos que te hacen sentir que el mundo es más pequeño y seguro, porque han pasado por experiencias similares.
Is it really worth it?
¿ Vale la pena?
They called it a cycle. All it really was? Just another box.
Le llamaban un ciclo, pero en realidad era... solo otra caja.
It really brings out her breasts, don't you think?
Realmente realza sus pechos, ¿ no crees?
- Bastard's making it really difficult for me to make payroll this week.
- El desgraciado lo está haciendo realmente Difícil para mí hacer la nómina esta semana.
You know what it is about these fatties? Do you know what it really is?
¿ Saben cuál es el problema con los gordos, el problema real?
Well, it really is great about Ledda?
Bueno, es realmente sensacional lo de Ledda, ¿ verdad?
No, it really feels that way.
No, realmente lo siento así.
To be honest with you, I didn't really get it.
Para serte honesto, no la entendí.
If you're really trying to help us, why didn't you tell Jones about it?
Si de verdad estás tratando de ayudarnos, ¿ por qué no se lo contaste a Jones?
It's really got you rattled.
Esto te tiene muy perturbada.
Or whatever it is, his confession... it's all that I really have to know him by.
Y este documento... o lo que sea que es, su confesión, es todo lo que sé de él.
It's really up to you.
Es realmente depende de ti.
It was a good luck charm, really.
Era un encantamiento de buena suerte, de verdad.
But it's really not your fault.
Pero realmente no es tu culpa.
It just really hurts me when someone hurts you, you know?
Me duele mucho de verdad cuando alguien te hace daño, ¿ sabes?
- I think you'd really... - Got it.
- Creo que te...
It's really quite liberating.
En realidad es bastante liberador.
It's sweet, really.
Qué tierno, de verdad.
Do you really think it's that simple?
¿ De verdad crees que es tan sencillo?
It's really red?
¿ Es roja de verdad?
He doesn't want the D.O.D. to know what he's really doing here. It's a research program.
Miller acaba de recibir una visita de su abogado.
It's like, " Really?
Piensan : " ¿ En serio?
You've got to put it all over here in a little box, all your evil, as you're just sitting there, fucking smiling, knowing what's really going on.
Tienes que dejar de lado toda maldad, y sentarte y sonreír, sabiendo lo que en verdad ocurre.
And I think it's a really good mix of people to get rid of.
Y creo que es un buen grupo de gente para eliminar.
Dude, okay, next time Kanye's going off on himself, I'm telling you, just close your eyes, forget it's him and really listen to what is coming out of this guy's mouth.
A ver, la próxima vez que Kanye hable, cierren los ojos, olvídense de que es él y escuchen atentamente lo que sale de la boca de esta persona.
Well, if you really want to help, perhaps you could tell me who it was who alerted the police to the gunshot at Raymond Worrall's cottage.
Si en realidad quiere ayudar, quizá podría decirme quién avisó a la policía... del disparo en la cabaña de Raymond Worrall.
At this point, I really think it is her best chance.
En este punto, realmente creo que es su mejor oportunidad.
What, whatever it is, I just, I really... I really want you to just think it through.
Sea cual sea, quiero que... quiero que lo pienses detenidamente.
I bet it would be really hard to make a thoughtful observation if you... say... couldn't hear.
Apuesto a que sería muy difícil hacer una observación reflexiva si tú... digamos que... no pudieras oír.
- It's really not that... honestly, the card...
- Ahora vuelvo. - En serio, no es tan... honestamente, la tarjeta...
It sounds really, really good.
Suena muy, muy bien.
It doesn't really concern us.
No nos incumbe.
It's a really simple surgery.
Es una operación muy sencilla.
It's a perfect match, and Chris is responding really well.
Es perfectamente compatible, y Chris está respondiendo muy bien.
Oh! Dr. Minnick's method is awesome, but I've really been wanting to do it with you.
El método de la Dra. Minnick es asombroso, pero he estado esperando a practicarlo contigo.
If you're going to Chicago, you really have to take that boat tour. It's...
Si vas a Chicago, tienes que hacer ese tour en barco.
But whatever it is, I really don't care.
Pero sea lo que sea, no me importa.
Ooh, it was bad. Really bad?
Fue malo, ¿ muy malo?
Now I understand what it was really about.
Ahora entiendo para lo que era en realidad.
It was really lovely.
Fue realmente encantador.
Mr. AUSA, let's really get down to it here.
Sr. ayudante del fiscal, vayamos al grano.
I didn't want to push it, but I really wanted to see you.
No quise presionarte, pero tenía muchas ganas de verte.
Happy's evaporation vacuum machine is sucking as much air as it sucked before, but in this case, sucking is a really good thing.
La máquina aspiradora de evaporación de Happy está succionando más aire de lo que succionaba antes, pero en este caso, succionar es una cosa realmente buena.
This is really gonna work, isn't it?
Esto realmente va a funcionar, ¿ no?
I hate to say it, but we really need the waitress.
Odio decir esto, pero realmente necesitamos a la camarera.
Yeah, Lorraine really spruced it up.
Sí, Lorraine realmente lo ha mejorado.
It's really plowing through the Cheez-Its.
Está escarbando entre las galletas de queso.
Do I really have to spell it out?
¿ De verdad lo tengo que decir?
What they don't realize, it's... it's really just the opposite.
Lo que no ven es... que es justo lo contrario.
But it'll be really brief.
Pero será realmente breve.

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