Just me and him traduction Espagnol
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Just me and him.
Solos él y yo.
You're proposing marriage to me, and you've only just decided to tell me about him?
Me propones matrimonio, ¿ y acabas de decidir hablarme de él?
I tried to tell him it was 8am, but he just stared at me with a crazed look in his eyes and said...
Intenté decirle que eran las 8 de la mañana, pero me miró con ojos locos y me dijo...
Why didn't you just let him fire you and have your share of the winnings, you bell-end?
¿ Por qué no me dejaste despedirte y que te de una parte de las ganancias, pene?
Wayne was yelling for me to get her off him, so I grabbed her by the hair and I pulled her to the bed, and... and she just... she just kept screaming and screaming so I...
Wayne me estaba gritando para que se la quitara de encima, así que la agarré del cabello y la tiré sobre la cama, y ella solo... y ella solo gritaba y gritaba.
In him my wrongness is made right and yet he loathes me, just the same!
En él mis errores se corrigen ¡ Y aun así, me aborrece!
Because I know my ex-husband quite well, and it would really upset him if he found out you flew me to San Francisco in your private jet just to have fried clams.
Por que conozco a mi ex-marido muy bien, y le preocuparía mucho si descubriera que me has llevado a San Francisco en tu jet privado solo para tomar almejas fritas.
As I was just telling your son, about a half mile back I saw him hit the brake lights when he saw me and then speed up again.
Como le estaba diciendo a su hijo, hace un kilómetro estaba frenando, y cuando me ha visto ha acelerado de nuevo.
Your son seemed a bit worried when I was talking to him just now, and this roadway is a major conduit for drugs, money, weapons...
Me ha parecido que su hijo estaba un poco preocupado cuando he hablado con él, y esta carretera es un conducto muy importante de drogas, dinero, armas...
I just wanted him to see me and be proud, you know?
Solo quería que me mirara y se sintiera orgulloso, ¿ sabes?
He pulled me to him and I remember his arms were wet, very wet, all the way up to his elbows, but I just didn't care.
Me atrajo a él y recuerdo sus brazos mojados, muy mojados, hasta los codos, pero no me importó.
I recently moved to Long Beach, and Jay lives in Hollywood, so I just see him a whole lot less now.
Recientemente me mude a Long Beach, y Jay vive en Hollywood, así que lo veo muy poco ahora.
We had just gotten back together and then the couple adopting my baby suggested I break up with him, so I did.
Acabamos de volver a estar juntos y después la pareja que adoptará a mi bebé me sugirió que terminara con él, así que lo hice.
Let me just give him a call, and I'll find out what's going on.
Lo llamaré para ver qué pasa.
I figure I'll just come clean, tell him I screwed up, and beg him to come back.
Me imagino que tendré que sincerarme, le diré que metí la pata, y le rogaré que vuelva.
That's- - we'll be happy to have him and just call me after your thing.
Eso... nos gustará tenerlo y simplemente llámame después de los tuyo.
You know, not actively but I wrote him off because he did this really shitty thing to me and I just- - he never apologized.
Sabes, no activamente pero lo aparté de mí porque me hizo esa putada y... nunca se disculpó.
I just got tired of hearing him talk, he was just going on and on and on, he was stoned out of his mind.
Me cansé de oírle hablar, y él no paraba y no paraba, Estaba apedreando fuera de su mente.
I just think I better call my son and have him pick me up.
Yo... creo que mejor llamo a mi hijo... y le pido que me busque.
Uh, yes, but I have a physical with Sam, and if my sugar is up, I have to listen to him and his perfect form lecture me about it, so, I um, I just- - I gotta run.
Sí, pero tengo un examen físico con Sam, y si tengo alto el azúcar, tengo que escuchar su perfecta charla al respecto, así que yo... tengo que irme pitando.
So they asked me to come down to- - you know, just to make sure that it was really him and that it wasn't somebody who had stolen his wallet or something.
Así que me pidieron que fuera a... ya sabes, a asegurarme de que era realmente él y que no era alguien que le robara la cartera o algo.
Well, he just got married, and I thought I would be devastated, but as I watched the ceremony from the janitor's closet where I'd hidden all night, I realized I'm over him.
Es que se acaba de casar, y pensé que estaría destrozada, pero al ver la ceremonia desde el armario del conserje donde llevaba escondida toda la noche, me di cuenta de que lo he superado.
I took a risk bringing him here, and I just want to make sure that risk does not backfire on me.
Me arriesgué trayéndole aquí, y solo quiero asegurarme de que ese riesgo no se vuelve en mi contra.
I-It's just, that guy really got to me, and I wanted to stick it to him.
Es que ese tipo me molesta y quería hacérselas pagar.
I was so, so happy for him and also very proud and he just did an amazing job, well worth me jumping into a giant bowl of gaucamole.
Estaba muy feliz por él y muy orgullosa y él hizo un trabajo impresionante, aunque me lanzó a un bol gigante de guacamole.
So the king said "Find someone who looks just like me and after sunset I'll put him in the king's chamber"
Así que el Rey dijo : "Busca alguien parecido a mí... tras la puesta de sol lo pondré en mi recamara"
And I was just mad at him because he didn't tell me?
¿ Y estaba enfadada con él porque no me lo dijo?
I know, and I'm proud of him for that, but I guess I'm just not used to him putting himself in harm's way.
Lo sé, y me enorgullece, pero supongo que no me acostumbro a que se ponga en peligro.
And sex him and then have a martini. Oh, I just had one of those moments
Acabo de tener uno de esos momentos donde me doy cuenta que soy una chica genial.
When James gets to turn down Katie, Michelle, and Josh every year, it makes him feel really powerful, and on that day, I can ask him for anything in the world, and he won't refuse me, just like don corleone on the day of his daughter's wedding in "The Godfather."
Cuando James logra rechazar a Katie, Michelle, y Josh cada año, le hace sentirse de verdad poderoso, y ese día, puedo pedirle cualquier cosa en el mundo, y no se rehusará, algo así como Don Corleone en el día de boda de su hija en "El Padrino".
She told me..... she just stood there... .. and watched him slip away.
Ella me dijo... que ella sólo se quedó ahí... observándolo cómo lentamente moría.
It's just the thought of sharing a bed with a man, and letting him do with me- -
La sola idea de compartir lecho, de dejar que un hombre haga... haga conmigo...
I don't want to say I was holding something back, but there had been some unusual things that had happened to me while working in the theater, and I just couldn't come out and tell him.
No es que yo ocultara algo pero a mí me pasaron unas cosas extrañas mientras trabajaba en el teatro y simplemente no podía decírselo.
It just felt really comfortable, and I felt so much safer having him do it with me, and I could feel it, when I was singing with him and, like, looking at him, that I could pretty much zone out what was going on as long as he was next to me, and, I don't know,
Me sentí realmente cómoda, y me sentí mucho más segura teniéndole haciéndolo conmigo, y podía sentirlo, cuando estaba cantando con él y, como, mirándole, que podía saber lo que estaba pasando siempre que estuviera junto a mí, y, no sé,
Like, sometimes I look at him, and he looks at me, and I'm just like, " were you a dream?
A veces le observo, y él a mí, y es como, " ¿ fuiste un sueño?
And when I told him I was Undirmaor, he just... he sent me away.
Y cuando le dije que era Undirmaor, él... me envió fuera.
I was driving him... And he just took off on me.
Lo estaba llevando... y él se alejó de mi.
You telling me she just reaches down, picks this up and kills him?
¿ Me estás diciendo que simplemente ella se agacha, recoge esto y lo mata?
And I would just rather him hear the truth from me before that happens.
Y preferiría que escuchara la verdad de mí antes que eso pase.
Damon agreed to let me work with him before the pass drills, and let's just see if we can get him to believe what you believe.
Damon ha aceptado dejarme trabajar con él antes de pasar los ejercicios, y veremos si podemos hacer que crea lo que crees.
And with the week I just had, if there really was a man like that, I think I'd have met him by now.
Y con la semana que acabo de tener, si realmente hubiera un hombre así, creo que a estas alturas, ya me habría cruzado con él.
I just want to talk to him for ten minutes and then I'll go.
Solo quiero hablar con él diez minutos y me iré.
Just tell him I died and I'll see him next month.
Dile que me he muerto y ya lo veré el mes que viene.
So just "hoo" with me and the hell with him. Hee hee hoo.
Entonces "ju" conmigo y al diablo con él.
I tried to talk to him, ask him if he needed any help, and he just came at me.
Intenté hablarle, preguntarle si necesitaba ayuda, y simplemente se me vino encima.
And I don't mean just like take him out, But I mean completely discredit him.
Y no me refiero sólo a sacarle de allí, sino a que le desacreditemos por completo.
And I just - - I just fell in love with him.
Y simplemente... me enamoré de él.
Paolo's even looking for her, and she won't know to meet him at Kismet, and that just breaks my heart.
Paolo está buscándola y no sabrá que se tiene que reunir con él en Kismet, y eso me rompe el corazón.
Solo me hizo pagarle, y el Dr. Goebel rechazó incluso eso.
You'll just go to school and leave John here with me or are you thinking you'll take him with you and leave me here?
Tu vete a la escuela y deja a John aqui conmigo. O estabas pensando en llevartelo contigo y dejarme a mi aqui?
♪ it goes by different names ♪ If you change your mind, if you want to... just hold him for whatever time he has and forget the rest, you can do that. ♪ and it put me in my grave ♪
Si cambias de opinión, si quieres... sostenerlo durante el tiempo que le queda y olvidar el resto, puedes hacerlo.
just me 553
just messing with you 17
just me and you 64
me and him 71
and him 200
just come home 43
just eat it 38
just do it 1237
just so you know 1100
just be cool 104
just messing with you 17
just me and you 64
me and him 71
and him 200
just come home 43
just eat it 38
just do it 1237
just so you know 1100
just be cool 104
just breathe 514
just relax 1151
just be yourself 145
just go 1748
just talk to me 109
just let it be 17
just kidding 689
just bear with me 31
just be honest with me 16
just like that 1429
just relax 1151
just be yourself 145
just go 1748
just talk to me 109
just let it be 17
just kidding 689
just bear with me 31
just be honest with me 16
just like that 1429
just answer the questions 19
just a little 454
just eat 44
just a man 25
just be nice 17
just be patient 84
just us 261
just a joke 49
just beautiful 39
just be quiet 102
just a little 454
just eat 44
just a man 25
just be nice 17
just be patient 84
just us 261
just a joke 49
just beautiful 39
just be quiet 102