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Knock yourselves out traduction Espagnol

97 traduction parallèle
But if you like darkness, knock yourselves out!
Pero si te agrada la oscuridad, ¡ es tu problema!
Todos, vayanse.
You people kinda knock yourselves out here, don't you?
La pasan bien aquí, ¿ verdad?
I mean, if you want to sit around here and play "Dear Abby," knock yourselves out, I'm history.
Si quieren quedarse y jugar a "Dear Abby" háganlo, pero yo me voy.
Knock yourselves out.
Knock yourselves out.
Knock yourselves out.
Que se diviertan.
Knock yourselves out.
Sírvanse Uds. mismos
Knock yourselves out.
Dense el gusto.
Knock yourselves out.
Knock yourselves out, ladies.
Disfrútenlo, señoras.
Knock yourselves out. You're not gonna find anything.
Miren todo lo que quieran.
Knock yourselves out!
¡ Que lo disfruten!
Knock yourselves out.
Todo para ustedes.
Knock yourselves out.
Ponte fuera de combate.
Knock yourselves out.
Si les hace ilusión.
Please... knock yourselves out.
Por favor, retírenla ustedes.
Knock yourselves out.
No, diviértanse solos.
Knock yourselves out.
Que lo disfruten.
Geez, fine, knock yourselves out.
Dios, esta bien, sientanse como en casa
- Guys, knock yourselves out.
- Tíos, daos un coscorrón.
If all of you want to point and whisper and stare at me, knock yourselves out.
Si todos quieren apuntar y susurrar y mirarme, cánsense de hacerlo
Knock yourselves out.
Bueno, adelante. Vengo de ver al senador Wright.
Knock yourselves out.
Mejor se largan.
Knock yourselves out.
- That's great, knock yourselves out.
- Será genial, pasadlo bien.
Those who want to stack dog food, knock yourselves out.
Aquéllos que quieran apilar comida para perros, que se diviertan.
Knock yourselves out.
Lo que sea, dense gusto.
Knock yourselves out.
Knock out a vosotros mismos.
Hey. Knock yourselves out, guys.
Oigan, sírvanse, chicos.
You guys want to play Operation Ghetto Storm, knock yourselves out.
¿ Quieren jugar a la Operación Tormenta Ghetto? Golpearos vosotros mismos.
- Knock yourselves out.
You guys knock yourselves out!
¡ A trabajar, chicos!
Knock yourselves out.
Como ustedes gusten.
Knock yourselves out.
Aporread vuestras propias puertas.
Knock yourselves out.
- So knock yourselves out. - Oh!
- Así que llamar a sí mismos fuera. - ¡ Oh!
Well, knock yourselves out. Yeah, we'll take it from here.
Sí, nosotros nos haremos cargo desde aquí.
Knock yourselves out.
Knock yourselves out.
Castigaos vosotros.
Knock yourselves out.
Adelante, diviértanse.
Look, if it makes you guys feel good to hide behind shoptalk, knock yourselves out, but I got a client to defend.
Miren, si eso hace que ustedes chicos se sientan bien ocultándose detrás del argot profesional, eliminense ustedes mismos, pero tengo un cliente para defender.
- Knock yourselves out.
- Haced lo que queráis.
Knock yourselves out.
Todo lo que quieran.
Oh, knock yourselves out. All right!
[All Sighing] Boys, knock yourselves out.
Adelante, muchachos.
Go ahead and knock yourselves out.
Vayan y encárguense de eso.
If you boys didn't kill Angel and Jesse, and the One-Fives here have figured out some way to stroll down your streets and knock off anyone they want, and then disappear into thin air. Well, you're probably better off just shooting yourselves in the head right now and getting it over with.
Si tus chicos no mataron a Ángel ni a Jesse... y aquí los "Uno-Cincos" averiguaron una forma... de pasearse por tus calles y liquidar a quien ellos quieran... y después desaparecer en el aire, bueno, probablemente es mejor... que sólo te dispares en la cabeza ahora mismo... y acabes con esto.
Knock yourselves out.
Knock yourselves out.
Lo que sea.

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