Meant to be traduction Espagnol
5,998 traduction parallèle
- You're meant to be the brains!
- ¡ Tú eres el cerebro!
Don't be sad. It wasn't meant to be.
No estén tristes, el destino es así.
Sometimes I think the way you're meant to be, you're meant to be.
A veces pienso que lo que estás destinado a ser, eso serás.
Look, if he's not happy and she's not the right one for him, then obviously, it's just not meant to be.
Si no está contento y ella no es la persona correcta... obviamente, no es su destino.
It needed the prey to save it from what it was meant to be.
Necesitaba a la presa para salvarla... de lo que debería ser.
But she writes in a telegram to you that this crash was initially meant to be kept secret... due to the upcoming general elections in Denmark.
Pero le escribió un telegrama diciendo que el accidente debía mantenerse en secreto. Debido a las próximas elecciones en Dinamarca.
We're meant to be.
Estábamos predestinados.
I-it's meant to be around here somewhere.
Que está por aquí en algun lugar.
Perhaps this was how it was meant to be.
Tal vez esto estaba destinado a ser.
Well, it wasn't meant to be.
Bien, lo nuestro no tenía futuro.
It was meant to be impenetrable.
Se suponía que debía ser impenetrable.
This was not meant to be.
Esto no debería suceder.
Those are meant to be admired, appreciated.
Esas deben ser admiradas y apreciadas.
Science isn't meant to be constrained, to be confined to a pristine environment.
La ciencia no debe limitarse... o ser confinada a un ambiente prístino.
I was never meant to be here.
Nunca estaba destinado a estar aquí.
This was not meant to be.
Esto no estaba destinado a ser.
The book stuff is meant to be a metaphor.
Lo que dice el libro es metafórico.
♪ I could find the way to ♪ ♪ who I'm meant to be ♪
Descubriría el camino hacia mi destino
A fair is not meant to be enjoyed with one's father!
No es justo que tu destino lo decida tu padre.
You guys, this was totally meant to be.
Chicas, esto fue totalmente el destino.
Nothing's meant to be removed.
Nada debía ser quitado de ahí.
We're meant to be together.
Nos significan'para estar juntos.
This is where I'm meant to be.
Estaré aquí, haciendo esto.
- No, no, no, no, no. - You're not meant to be here.
- Estoy con Larry.
You are meant to be looking after me!
Se supone que tienes que cuidar de mí.
The campaign was now something it was never meant to be.
La campaña ahora se había convertido en algo que nunca tenía que haber sido.
This is meant to be top secret.
Se supone que esto es alto secreto.
Zhongkui, scholar from Hu, you were meant to be the highest-ranked scholar of this Dynasty.
Zhong Kui, erudito de Hu se suponía que serias el más inteligente de esta dinastía
This - the house, the island - is meant to be my recuperation.
Esto ; la casa, la isla, se suponía que iba a ser mi recuperación.
I don't think it was meant to be.
Creo que no era nuestro destino.
You guys are meant to be giving us a pass on this.
Se suponía que nos dabais carta blanca en esto.
They're meant to be trained when they come here.
Deberían haber sido instruidas antes de venir aquí.
We're meant to be doing lighting fires.
Lo que significa que encenderemos fuegos.
Why is it that some people were meant to be served on hand and foot, and all others could hope for was washing toilets?
¿ Por qué es que algunas personas estaban destinados a ser servidas en manos y pies, y todos los demás podían esperar lavar baños?
- It was always meant to be this way.
Siempre tuvo que ser así.
is meant to be plural...
es en plural...
Can I just ask, are the book covers meant to be an ironic post-modernist representation of the role of women in the'60s?
Puedo pregunta, ¿ las tapas del libro representan... una visión irónica post-moderna... del rol de las mujeres en los'60s?
It wasn't meant to be a flattering nickname.
No estaba destinado a ser un apodo halagador.
Oh, and that girl, she cut out of work early, strayed from the path she was meant to be on, and she got eaten by a wolf for it.
Oh, y esa muchacha, ella salió del trabajo temprano,... se desvió del rumbo que iba a tomar,... y fue comida por un lobo por eso.
Meant to be.
Destinado a ser.
Just like I was always meant to be.
Justo como se supone que debía ser.
It's not much, but I'd be willing to donate it if it meant bringing back the Glee Club. Hmm. You know...
No es mucho, pero estaría dispuesta a donarlo si eso significa traer de vuelta al Glee Club.
I was never meant to be with him. Why is that?
¿ Por qué?
He knew that was gonna be his last trip up here and it meant a lot him to come to this place where everything had started.
Sabía que iba a ser su último viaje hasta aquí. Significó mucho para él venir aquí, donde empezó todo.
And I meant what I said before, about being anybody that you need me to be.
Y era en serio lo que dije antes, acerca de ser quien quisieras que fuera.
- This what I'm meant to be doing.
- No.
Because I'm starting to feel like every single thought that you put into Ben's head is somehow meant to undermine us. Let's just be honest here.
Porque estoy empezando a sentir que cada pensamiento que pusiste en la cabeza de Ben Seamos honestos.
I'm sure you meant that as the compliment it was intended to be.
Estoy seguro de que querías decirlo como el cumplido que estaba destinado a ser.
But I can't escape this feeling that... we're still meant to do something bigger, that-that maybe I'm supposed to be a part of something bigger.
Pero no puedo escapar de esta sensación de que... todavía estamos destinados a hacer algo más grande, que quizás se supone que debo formar parte de algo más grande.
I never meant to be involved with CDC.
Nunca quise involucrarme con el CDC.
When he said he was going to be president of Colombia, he meant it.
Cuando dijo que sería presidente de Colombia, hablaba en serio.
to be continued 170
to be honest 1950
to be on the safe side 18
to better days 18
to be loved 19
to bed 99
to be more precise 22
to be quite honest 33
to be or not to be 51
to be happy 39
to be honest 1950
to be on the safe side 18
to better days 18
to be loved 19
to bed 99
to be more precise 22
to be quite honest 33
to be or not to be 51
to be happy 39
to be with you 30
to be blunt 18
to be honest with you 224
to be completely honest 27
to be free 36
to begin with 126
to be fair 354
to be perfectly honest 76
to begin 33
to be frank 90
to be blunt 18
to be honest with you 224
to be completely honest 27
to be free 36
to begin with 126
to be fair 354
to be perfectly honest 76
to begin 33
to be frank 90
to be sure 151
to be precise 156
to be 126
to be clear 133
to be safe 60
to be specific 31
to be alone 26
to be married 16
to be exact 289
to be truthful 21
to be precise 156
to be 126
to be clear 133
to be safe 60
to be specific 31
to be alone 26
to be married 16
to be exact 289
to be truthful 21