Meet traduction Espagnol
134,761 traduction parallèle
We will meet again.
Nos volveremos a encontrar.
May we meet again.
Que nos volvamos a encontrar.
Dude, Ben Stiller had abs in Meet The Parents!
¡ Ben Stiller tenía abdominales en La familia de mi novia!
He's gonna go meet his buddies, he's gonna talk to his friends now, like he should be, right?
Se encontrará con todos sus amigos, les hablará, tal como debería, ¿ no? ".
He's trying to meet my bride price so my father will let him marry me.
Está tratando de pagar mi dote para que mi padre le deje casarse conmigo.
Anders, meet Sally.
Anders, te presento a Sally.
Good to meet you, Mr. Henderson.
Encantado de conocerle, Sr. Henderson.
It states that every prisoner has the right to meet in private with a spiritual advisor or representatives thereof.
La que establece que cada prisionero tiene derecho a reunirse en privado... con un consejero espiritual o los representantes del mismo.
Time to meet your match.
Es hora de buscar las parejas.
Meet me at the finish line.
¡ Nos vemos en la meta!
Her parents are very eager to meet you, Dr. Avery.
Sus madres están muy ansiosas por conocerte, doctor Avery.
Well, it's a pleasure to meet you both.
Bien, es un placer conocerlas.
Yeah, he's gonna be here after school, take you to Alison's, and I'll meet you guys after my test, yeah?
Sí, estará aquí para después del colegio, te llevará a casa de Alison y nos veremos todos allí tras mi examen.
It's nice to meet you, Special Agent Patterson.
Es agradable conocerte, agente especial Patterson.
Then meet me back at the bunker.
Entonces reúnete conmigo en el búnker.
I'll meet you there.
Te veré allí.
Get ready to meet your girl,'cause here she comes.
Prepárate para conocer a tu niña, porque aquí viene.
- Lovely to meet you.
- Encantada de conocerlos.
- We did more than meet.
- Hicimos más cosas aparte de conocernos.
So, just need to meet the boss first, and if he likes me...
Así que, solo tengo que conocer al jefe primero, y si le gusto...
It's so nice to meet y'all.
Encantada de conoceros a todos.
Did you meet that woman last night?
¿ Quedaste con esa mujer anoche?
Did I meet that woman last night?
¿ Si quedé con esa mujer anoche?
Get your bags, five minutes, meet me at the car.
Coged vuestras mochilas, cinco minutos y quedamos en el coche.
And you will go online and ask him or her to meet about the blackout tonight?
¿ Y se conectará a internet y le preguntará a él o a ella que se reúna para hablar del apagón esta noche?
At 10 : 00, I'm gonna need you at the SWSMU offices, so meet me at reception in 20 minutes.
A las 10 : 00 voy a necesitarte en las oficinas del SWSMU, así que reúnete conmigo en recepción en 20 minutos.
How am I supposed to make ends meet if he won't pay child support?
¿ Cómo voy a pagar los gastos si no paga la manutención de sus hijos?
In other words, we spaced, but we'll get it and we'll meet you at the winery.
En otras palabras, nos espaciamos, pero lo conseguiremos y nos reuniremos con vosotros en la bodega.
I... I don't get to meet my baby girl.
No conoceré a mi hija.
Call Simmons and have him meet us.
Llama a Simmons y que se reúna con nosotros.
Nice to meet you.
Encantada de conocerte.
"We should meet up."
Deberíamos quedar ".
We already suggested we meet.
Ya hemos sugerido un encuentro.
Nice to meet you.
Encantado de conocerla.
- Maia, your dad is gonna call you in the next day or two and ask you to meet him to talk.
- Maia, tu padre te va a llamar en un día o dos y te pedirá que hables con él.
If your dad calls to talk to you, tell him you can't meet.
Si tu padre te llama para hablar, dile que no puedes quedar.
Um... he wanted to meet, alone, without a lawyer.
Quiere verme a solas, sin abogado.
My dad, he wanted to meet tonight, but I said I couldn't.
Mi padre quería que nos viéramos esta noche y le dije que no podía.
- Hey, Zack, nice to meet you. Colin.
- Hola Zack, encantando, soy Colin.
Did you ever meet with Reddick / Boseman clients in order to steal them away?
¿ Alguna vez se reunió con clientes de Reddick / Boseman para robárselos?
Did you ever meet with Reddick / Bosemen clients with the direct intent of stealing them?
¿ Alguna vez se reunió con clientes de Reddick / Boseman con la clara intención de robárselos?
Nice to meet you.
Encantado de conocerlas.
Clarence, please, meet my son, Colin.
Clarence, por favor, te presento a mi hijo, Colin.
Very nice to meet you, Lucca.
Encantada de conocerte, Lucca.
She used as an excuse these appointments in her calendar so she could meet with your uncle Jax at his home.
Usaba como excusa estas citas en su agenda para poder verse con tu tío Jax en su casa.
Meet Candy Morningstar.
Te presento a Candy Morningstar.
Well, lovely to meet you.
Bueno, encantada de conocerte.
Meet Candy Morningstar, my wife.
Os presento a Candy Morningstar, mi mujer.
Nice to meet you, sir.
Encantada de conocerle, señor.
We haven't really had the chance to meet.
Realmente no hemos tenido la oportunidad de conocernos. Lo sé.
I'm glad you agreed to meet me.
Me alegro que hayas accedido a reunirte conmigo.
meeting 160
meets 27
meetings 75
meet my friends 20
meet you there 25
meeting you 28
meet me at 32
meet me 37
meet my friend 19
meet me there 52
meets 27
meetings 75
meet my friends 20
meet you there 25
meeting you 28
meet me at 32
meet me 37
meet my friend 19
meet me there 52
meet me outside 20
meeting someone 17
meet her 16
meeting adjourned 70
meeting's over 17
meet mr 30
meet him 24
meet us there 16
meet dr 28
meeting someone 17
meet her 16
meeting adjourned 70
meeting's over 17
meet mr 30
meet him 24
meet us there 16
meet dr 28