My little one traduction Espagnol
1,457 traduction parallèle
My little one?
¿ A mi pequeño?
I got the Ace of Spades, you're finished my little one!
Tengo el as de picas. Estás muerto, amigo.
Oh baby, my little one!
¡ Oh cariño, mi chiquitín!
I missed you, my little one.
Te extrané, chiquito.
Don't cry now, my little one.
No llores, mi pequeña.
Hush now, my little one.
Duérmete ya, mi chiquita
Well, the first one's good for really little kids, like my sister, who's three.
- -bueno lo primero esta bien para niños de 3 años como mi hermanito
certainly when I was younger it was probably laziness that stopped me when we did the last program there was a comment my father made which was maybe he should've pushed me a little bit harder and I think maybe in retrospect he should've done and that's probably the one thing I'll do with mine that he didn't do with me
cuando era joven probablemente la flojera me detuvo cuando iba en mi ultimo año mi papá hizo un comentario como que quiza él deberia haberme exigido un poco mas y quiza mirando hacia atras creo que deberia haberlo hecho y eso es algo que el no hizo y que probablemente yo hare con los mios
She held my little brother in her arms--in one arm... and my 4 1 / 2-year-old sister in her hand- - and I was holding on to her hand... and this is how we were walking towards- -
Ella tomó a mi hermano pequeño en sus brazos - en un brazo... y a mi hermana de 4 años y medio en su mano - y yo me sostenía de su mano... y así es como caminábamos hacia -
I make up one little white lie, and they put my picture in the paper!
¡ Digo una inocente mentira y acabo con mi foto en los periódicos!
I saw this and told him it was like one my grandmother had when I was a little girl.
Vi esto y le dije que se parecía a uno que tuvo mi abuela cuando era niña.
The thought of that, man, the thought of that, of spending the rest of my fucking life in a little fucking room. No-fucking-one around except a few fucking hacks.
Sólo de pensar en eso, pensar en pasar el resto de mi asquerosa vida en un reducido y asqueroso cuarto, sin nadie alrededor excepto unos cuantos guardias asquerosos.
One day she talked to me about the explosions and I told her about my napalm and gave her a little demonstration.
Un día, estaba hablándome sobre las explosiones. Le conté del napalm y le hice una demostración.
- I need one ticket for my little brother. - That's a little brother?
- Necesito un pasaje para mi hermanito - ¿ Ese es tu hermanito?
The problem is, apparently, one squadron of those little buggers..... got themselves reassigned in my liver.
Al parecer, el problema lo causa un escuadrón de esos cabroncillos con destino fijo en el hígado.
Eric, a little less talk and a little more rubbing. You're the only one who's not afraid of my bunion.
Eres el único que no le tiene miedo a mi juanete.
Not to mention, one of the little Borgs barfed all over my clothes.
Sin mencionar que uno de los Borgo vomitó sobre mi ropa.
My little Sly one.
Mi querido Sly.
My injuries don't heal as well as yours. I'll be little help like this. One day you'll have to teach me your trick.
mis heridas no se curan como las tuyas no seré de gran ayuda tendras que enseñarme tu truco
Perhaps you boys can watch after this little one while I'm at my chores.
Vigiladla mientras hago mis tareas.
If I were going, I'd bring two laser guns - a little one for my pocket and a laser rifle.
Si yo fuera él, llevaría dos una de bolsillo y un rifle.
You know what you need, Chief Yardley? Hope you don't mind, my saying? Is a pair of them mirrored sunglasses for you and the little one.
Sabe lo que necesita, jefe, si no le importa que se lo diga es un par de gafas reflectoras para usted y el pequeño.
Me and my little brother Jimmy here we got these tattoos one day.
Mi hermano pequeño, Jimmy y yo nos lo tatuamos un día.
My little girl had one just like it.
- Mi hijita tenía una igual.
Me quitan la placa... por un arrebato insignificante.
You know, just one thing you gotta remember, little man, is this is my house.
Pero hay algo que debes recordar, hombrecito. Ésta es mi casa.
Come to one of my little get-togethers.
¿ Vendrá a una de mis reuniones íntimas?
I think you met my little Molly here on one of your visits.
Creo que conoció a mi pequeña Molly aquí, en una de sus visitas.
He had four little children, one my age.
el tenia cuatro pequeños, uno es de mi edad.
Then he's going to do a kind of traditional western song, one that Gene Autry used to sing when I was a little boy, It's Midnight in Montana and I Can't Get My Dick Out of this Cow.
¡ Y va a cantar una especie de canción del oeste tradicional! ¡ Una que cantaba Gene Autrey cuando yo era pequeño...! "¡ Es Medianoche En Montana Y" No Puedo sacar La Verga de esta Vaca! "
I ferry souls there, every one I can get my little hands on, so to speak.
Llevo almas allí, todas a las que puedo echar la mano, por decirlo así.
If I had a nickel for every time one of my parents walked out instead of teaching me how to drive, I'd be one rich little...
Si tuviera un centavo por cada vez uno de mis padres salieron En lugar de enseñarme a conducir, Yo sería un poco rica...
I kept one of those Lincoln pictures and held a little auction of my own.
Conservé una de esas fotos de Lincoln y organicé mi propia subasta.
Oh, sure, you know, my first one, some little clandestine affair.
Ah, claro, usted sabe, mi primera, alguna relación clandestina poco.
My grandma had one when I was little.
Mi abuela tuvo uno.
I just can't believe that Red took away my car... because of one stupid little scratch.
¡ No puedo creer que Red me quitara el coche sólo por un estúpido pequeño rayón!
You know, one of my favorite artists of all time made this little song.
Sabes, uno de mis artistas favoritos de todos los tiempos hizo esta canción.
♪ Of breaking little hearts like the one in me ♪ ♪ Before I put another notch in my lipstick case ♪
Antes de que manches tu Revólver con mi lápiz labial barato
At first I felt a little uncomfortable, so much the same way as you would, if you stumble in my one of large meetings.
Al principio me sentía un poco incómodo... de la misma forma que lo estarían Uds. si tropezaran en una de las reuniones de mi logia...
My disease tells me that I don't have a disease, that it's my birthday and I can have one little beer, one little line, a little Valium.
Veréis, mi enfermedad me dice que no estoy enfermo. Que puedo tomarme una cerveza, una rayita, un poco de Valium.
I'm lying in bed at night and... this thought comes into my head... that my insides are slowly detaching themselves... from one another. Stretching. Little gummy strings of me getting thinner and thinner... about to snap.
Estoy en la cama, a la noche y de pronto se me ocurre que dentro de mí mis órganos comienzan a unirse entre sí estirándose... haciéndose cada vez más delgados y próximos a romperse.
Won't be long before I go, little one. It's nearly my time.
Buenas Noches, Sr Pulga.
Don't I have enough on my plate? Come here, little one.
Sabes muy bien que en todos lados hoy es el día de Su Señoría.
My friends and I have a little bet goin'... that one of you fire boys plays on our league, if you know what I mean.
Mis amigos y yo hicimos una apuesta... que uno de Uds. juega en nuestra liga, no se si me entiendes.
One morning my mother came to my room from her and Ruthika "s room... and she said," Judith, your little sister Ruthika is dead. "
Una mañana mi madre vino a mi cuarto desde el que compartía ella con Ruthia... y dijo : "Judith, tu hermana pequeña Ruthia está muerta".
One day I might, yes many years from now, when I've lost my looks a little.
Un día podría, sí dentro de muchos años, cuando haya perdido mi belleza.
I'm on my way for a little Giles one-on-one.
Quiero consultar algo con Giles antes.
Well, little did I suspect that one day my picture would be on the wall, and perhaps now other children will come in, gaze at it, and wonder...
Bueno, poco se sospecho que un día mi foto sería en la pared, y tal vez ahora otros niños que entran, la mirada en él, y me pregunto...
One more bite, and we'll conclude our little tour of Italy with my impression of Pompeii.
Un bocado más, y vamos a concluir nuestro pequeño recorrido por Italia con mi impresión de Pompeya.
In my business, one tends to know a little about a lot.
En estos asuntos uno conoce de todo un poco.
It's one of my little secrets.
Es uno de mis secretitos.
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my little princess 20
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my little baby 33
my little friend 38
my little girl 178
my little daughter 20
my little man 34
my little princess 20
my little sister 36
my little brother 58
my little angel 31
my little baby 33
my little friend 38
my little girl 178
my little daughter 20
my little man 34
my little 30
my little boy 72
little ones 55
little one 348
ones 44
one day at a time 90
one moment please 57
one more time 797
one thing at a time 106
one month later 23
my little boy 72
little ones 55
little one 348
ones 44
one day at a time 90
one moment please 57
one more time 797
one thing at a time 106
one month later 23
one day 2293
one more 931
one year ago 42
one more shot 23
one more day 57
one more chance 34
one more hour 17
one step at a time 173
one hundred 76
one more minute 37
one more 931
one year ago 42
one more shot 23
one more day 57
one more chance 34
one more hour 17
one step at a time 173
one hundred 76
one more minute 37
one more thing 865
one more round 22
one more drink 18
one moment 967
one and two 35
one second 1230
one sec 340
one night 558
one at a time 318
one time 516
one more round 22
one more drink 18
one moment 967
one and two 35
one second 1230
one sec 340
one night 558
one at a time 318
one time 516