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Not completely traduction Espagnol

2,146 traduction parallèle
Not completely true.
No es del todo cierto.
not completely.
No completamente.
- So the only thing way we can think of it at this point is... - that our sense of the way that space is connected between the 2 people - is not completely right!
lo único que podemos pensar en este momento es es que nuestro sentido de la forma en que el espacio está conectado entre dos personas. no es correcto por completo.
ECT does not completely erase one person from your memory and leave everything else intact.
- Pete! La TEC no elimina completamente la memoria de una persona. dejando intacto el resto.
And, you know, if you really like Rosalind, it's not completely mad if you go travelling with her.
Y, sabes, si realmente quieres a Rosalind, No es demasiado loco si te vas de viaje con ella.
All three assault battalions from yesterday are groggy, if not completely knocked out.
Los tres batallones de asalto de ayer son aturdidos, o si no... completamente noqueados.
The next, after the sex, what you try to establish is the... age at death and in this case, you can see on the long bones that they are still not completely grown, because the epiphysis and the diathesis are not fused together.
Lo siguiente, después del sexo, que se trata de establecer es su edad al morir, y en este caso, puedes ver que los huesos largos aún no están completamente desarrollados porque la epífisis y la diátesis no están unidas.
But a moon is not completely useless.
Pero, la luna no es completamente inútil.
It's not completely abnormal.
No es completamente anormal.
Well, not completely.
- Sí. Bueno, no del todo.
Not completely.
No del todo.
Sir, not completely.
Señor, no del todo.
If we put something that is not completely understandable and the future people don "t understand what it means they" II want to find out.
Si colocamos algo que no sea comprensible por completo y en un futuro no pueden entender su significado, querrán saber lo que hay ahí.
She's not completely stupid, but she won't pull any tricks.
No es realmente estúpida, pero no saldrá con ardides.
Not completely.
No completamente.
Exactly what causes the poles to reverse is not completely understood.
No se sabe completamente lo que provoca este cambio de polo
He is not completely Adorable?
Él no es del todo Adorable?
I was not completely honest.
Yo no era del todo honesto.
I'm not completely out of the loop.
No estoy tan cortado.
I'm just being hard on you so you're not completely unprepared for boot camp.
Sólo estoy siendo dura contigo para que no llegues sin preparación al campamento de alistamiento.
I know Amrish is not completely clean.
Sé que Amrish no está completamente limpia.
I see from Ethan's notes that we still have not completely resolved the issue of site access for the inspection teams.
Voy en las notas de Ethan que aún no hemos resuelto totalmente el problemas de los lugares a los que acceden los grupos de inspección
Show Mr Manders we're not completely ground down by the iron heel of capitalism.
Muéstrale al Sr. Manders que no estamos totalmente atravesados por el terrible hierro del capitalismo.
Well, I hope not completely different.
Espero que no completamente diferente.
I'm not completely sure that that's true.
No estoy completamente seguro de que eso sea verdad.
I'll end up wondering if I'm not completely right all the time.
Terminaré preguntándome todo el tiempo si no estoy completamente acertado.
Yes, I'm not completely blind.
- No soy ciega del todo.
Every night they completely clean out the dressing room, and anything that's in there they put it in here in the lost and found and it's not...
Cada noche limpian totalmente los vestidores y todo lo que encuentran lo dejan aquí en objetos perdidos.
Still, it's not a completely disastrous outcome, as it confirms McCall's behind Harry's kidnapping.
En fin... No es un desastre total si confirmamos que McCall... -... está detrás del secuestro de Harry.
I asked you not to talk to him and you completely ignored me.
Oh, así que te pedí que no hablases con él y me ignoraste completamente.
You are so completely not a coward. ( exhales ) I'm sorry, silver,
De verdad, no eres un cobarde.
I was completely wrong about not tipping you.
Estuve completamente equivocado al no darte propina.
Every face I see is completely alien to me and I'm not really used to it.
Cada cara que veo es completamente extraña para mí y en realidad no estoy acostumbrado a esto.
It's extremely cold... and completely dark for much of the year, so conditions are not unlike those of the deep ocean.
Es extraordinariamente frío y está totalmente oscuro gran parte del año de modo que las condiciones se parecen a las de las profundidades oceánicas.
In terms of inspiring people... to not just have a synthesizer in their rock band... but to be completely electronic...
En términos de inspirar a la gente... a no sólo tener un sintetizador en tu banda de rock... sino que sea toda electrónica...
Van Buren does not actually completely suck.
Van Buren, en realidad no completamente apesta.
I know that you do not is completely honest, Stefan.
Sé que no estás siendo totalmente honesto conmigo, Stefan.
I have not been completely honest with you.
No he sido totalmente honesto contigo.
Well, to be completely honest with you, I'm not into the freaky freaky.
Sinceramente, no tengo vicios extraños.
( Vernon ) Well, I'm not sure my wife would completely agree with you on that.
No estoy seguro de que mi esposa esté de acuerdo con usted.
We would probably be able to lower it, if not get rid of it completely
Es probable que podamos reducirlos, si no es dejarlos completamente
Not unless you do something completely horrible.
A menos que hagas algo realmente terrible.
They will have to be completely replaced, and that is not a simple proposition.
Deberan ser totalmente reemplazados y eso no es un simple determinacion.
Communications with Earth will resume as soon as I am completely satisfied that the next attempt to connect will not result in another coincidence, or convenience, or a surprise.
Las comunicaciones con la Tierra se retomarán así como esté totalmente seguro de que el próximo intento de comunicación no se convierta en una nueva coincidencia, conveniencia, o sorpresa.
And its roof is completely out, if I do not get what I want.
Y completamente fuera de su techo, como este Yo no consigo lo que quiero.
I believe from beginning to end the only people cares what he loves, and you can not love something unless you identify completely with this.
Creo de principio a fin que la gente solo cuida aquello que ama, y no puedes amar algo a menos que te identifiques completamente con ello.
A little girl of your own to love and a man who completely adores you. That's not such a bad deal, is it?
Una pequeña tuya para amar y un hombre que te adora totalmente.
My wounds still did not return completely healed.
Mis heridas aún no han sanado completamente.
And what he discovered, having tried this completely for many years, was that he had not answered his question.
Y lo que descubrió, habiendo intentado por muchos años, era que no había contestado su pregunta.
Not enough for a completely accurate reading.
No es suficiente para una lectura completamente exacta.
I'm not saying we played it completely by the book.
- No estoy diciendo que no lo hiciésemos todo según las normas.

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