Pleased traduction Espagnol
12,016 traduction parallèle
I am pleased!
¡ Estoy complacida!
I'm very pleased to make your acquaintance.
Me alegra conocerte.
Do you think she would be pleased with you?
¿ Crees que le gustaría lo que haces?
For as much as it has pleased Almighty God to take unto himself the soul of our dear sister here departed, we therefore commit her body to the ground.
Ya que Dios Todopoderoso ha gustado de aceptar junto a Él, el alma de nuestra querida hermana aquí difunta, por eso encomendamos su cuerpo a la tierra.
I think Bell would be pleased to know that your wife had something to remember her by.
Creo que a Bell le gustaría saber que su esposa tiene algo para recordarla.
We are very pleased about this new development.
Estamos muy contentos con este nuevo desarrollo.
Pleased to meet you, Nick.
Encantada de conocerte, Nick.
pleased to meet you. How are you?
Encantado, ¿ cómo está?
I'm pleased you still remember the old tongue.
Me alegro de que aún recuerdes la vieja lengua.
Vanessa Ives, pleased to meet you.
Vanessa Ives, encantada de conocerla.
~ Pleased with yourself?
- Sal. - ¿ Contenta contigo misma?
I like to reward talent, therefore, I am pleased to announce... the first place on the subs bench will be Faith Maguire.
Me gusta premiar el talento, así que estoy contenta de anunciar el primer lugar en el banquillo se destinará a Faith Maguire.
And I am very pleased to see you among this august company, Mrs. Strong.
Y estoy encantado de veros entre esta insigne compañía, Sra. Strong.
I'm very pleased to be here.
Estoy contenta de estar aquí.
I thought to bring it personally because I have some news which I think you'll be pleased to hear.
Pensé traerlo personalmente porque tengo algunas novedades que creo estará encantada de escuchar.
Tomorrow, the squires who have pleased me will be knighted
Mañana, los escuderos que me agradaron serán designados caballeros
I am good, my friend. Thank you. I am so pleased you could both attend, you and your beautiful wife.
También me da gusto que hayan venido ustedes dos tú y tu hermosa esposa.
I'm sure Rosalie would be pleased -
Seguro que a Rosalie le gustaría...
I am pleased...
I thought you'd be pleased.
Pensé que estaría contento.
I thought you'd be pleased to see me.
Pensé que estaría contento de verme.
Your father will be so pleased. What about you, buddy?
A tu padre le encantará. ¿ Y tú, colega?
He seems pleased.
Parece contento.
Are you pleased, my lady?
¿ Estáis complacida, mi señora?
Do you know how pleased I was when I saw you?
¿ Sabes lo complacido que estaba cuando te vi?
Just pleased you're not cross.
Me alegra que no estés enojada.
If he wished to write a letter to them, of reconciliation, I would be pleased to deliver it to his mother.
Si él deseara escribirles una carta, de reconciliación, me complacería entregársela a su madre.
Well, you'll be pleased to know I have the requisite stickers.
Bueno, te gustará saber que tengo todos los adhesivos requeridos.
I must say that I'm very pleased that we finally have a chance to talk.
Estoy realmente muy feliz... que por fin hayamos tenido la oportunidad de establecer un diálogo.
Pleased to meet you.
Encantado de conocerte.
I'm very pleased for you, Doctor.
Me alegro por usted, doctor.
- We're right pleased to have you back, my laird.
- Estamos muy contentos de que haya regresado, Señor.
Pleased to make yer acquaintance, mistress.
Encantado de conocerla, señora.
I'm pleased to announce that working closely with the Bernalillo County district attorney's office, we have reached a plea agreement for former treasurer Craig Kettleman.
Me complace anunciar que trabajando estrechamente con la oficina del fiscal del distrito del Condado de Bernalillo, hemos alcanzado un acuerdo entre las partes por el antiguo tesorero Craig Kettleman.
I thought you'd be pleased.
Pensé que le gustaría saberlo.
Loyal subjects, Homecoming Day is upon us, and I am pleased to welcome back one of McKinley High's most distinguished graduates, who will serve as Grand Marshal for tonight's activities.
Leales súbditos, el día de antiguos alumnos está cerca, y estoy encantada de dar la bienvenida de nuevo a una de las graduadas mas distinguidas del instituto McKinley, que servirá como Gran Mariscal para las actividades de esta noche.
I'm just pleased not to be covered in pureed carrot.
Me alegro de no estar cubierta de puré de zanahoria.
She seems pleased to see him.
Parece encantada de verle.
Regan will be pleased.
A Regan le complacerá.
I wouldn't be pleased. I'd be very disappointed. I'd probably react badly, but not violently.
No estaría muy contento, estaría... muy decepcionado, reaccionaría seguramente muy mal pero... sin violencia.
Think I'm pleased?
¿ Acaso dije que me hace feliz?
I'm pleased to hear you say so.
Me place que digas eso.
But I know I have never pleased him.
Pero sé que nunca le he complacido.
I'm pleased to hear it.
Me alegra escuchar eso.
I'm pleased to see you.
Me ha encantado verte.
After careful consideration, we are pleased to nominate for the job Mr. Raphael Warren of the firm Tate, Warren, and Bond.
Tras una cuidadosa reflexión, tenemos el placer de elegir para el trabajo al Sr. Raphael Warren de la compañía Tate, Warren y Bond.
But I've looked over your architect's blueprints and I believe you'll be pleased with my revised cost estimates.
Pero he revisado los planos de su arquitecto y creo que les gustará el coste estimado revisado.
- Very pleased to have you aboard.
- Es un placer tenerle a bordo.
Herman, you will be pleased to know that the club has voted to grant your membership.
Herman, te encantará saber que el club ha votado a favor de tu entrada.
- Pleased.
- Hola. - Hola, encantado.
- Pleased to meet you.
- Hola, encantado de conocerte.
pleased to meet you 738
pleased to make your acquaintance 26
please 113895
please wait 223
please stop 847
please be quiet 78
please go 220
pleasure 680
pleasant 54
please wait a moment 35
pleased to make your acquaintance 26
please 113895
please wait 223
please stop 847
please be quiet 78
please go 220
pleasure 680
pleasant 54
please wait a moment 35
please don't kill me 179
please don't touch me 30
please be careful 172
please don't leave 64
please don't worry 50
please don't hurt me 189
please don't be mad at me 43
please don't hate me 28
please don't cry 105
please leave a message 381
please don't touch me 30
please be careful 172
please don't leave 64
please don't worry 50
please don't hurt me 189
please don't be mad at me 43
please don't hate me 28
please don't cry 105
please leave a message 381