Put her through traduction Espagnol
542 traduction parallèle
By all means, put her through.
No importa lo que hagas, tienes que conseguirme... a la escritora Lee Mi Hyun en el teléfono.
I took her to Paris and put her through everything...
La llevé a París para que lo probara todo.
Yes, put her through.
Sí, pásemela.
"I did my best for her. Gave her a home." "Put her through high-school."
Hice lo mejor que pude por ella, le di un hogar la envié a la facultad.
Ah, put her through.
Ah, pásamela.
She put her through a cross-examination
Le hizo miles de preguntas
They'd put her through the wringer... and, brother, the things they would squeeze out.
La interrogarían y le arrancarían la información.
All right, put her through.
Bien, comuníqueme.
No, why put her through that?
Doctor, ¿ por qué disgustarla?
Put her through.
Ponme con ella.
Yes, put her through.
. Sí, pásemela.
- Why put her through this?
- ¿ Porqué hacerla pasar por esto?
Put her through Yukiko? You're back in Tokyo?
Ah, eres tú, Yukiko.
Really put her through the wringer, didn't you, Luke?
De veras lo pasaste por el rodillo, ¿ no, Luke?
You're not leaving before hearing what we put her through.
No saldrá sin admitir que sufrió por su culpa y la mía.
He knows... that we'd never put her through an ordeal like that.
Él sabe... que nunca permitiríamos que pasara por eso.
- One second, I'll put her through.
- Un segundo, le pongo.
Yeah, put her through, please.
Sí, pásemela, por favor.
But since they put her through...
Pero ya que está al teléfono...
Okay, put her through.
Sí, pásame con ella.
- Put her through.
- Pásamela.
Thank you. Put her through...
Gracias, pásemela.
Yeah. But I've put her through a lot.
- Ha tenido que pasar por mucho.
Put her through.
Pasa la llamada.
After what you put her through, I had to give her some sedation.
Después de lo que le hizo pasar, tuve que sedarla.
You don't wanna put her through that again. You know, people staring at her as she walks down the street.
No querrás que vuelva a pasar por eso, que la gente vuelva a mirarla por la calle.
I wonder if she calculated the exact amount it would cost to raise a child and put her through college,
Supongo que calculó la suma exacta que costaría criar a la niña... y mandarla a la universidad,
Tess McGill calling from Petty Marsh. May I put her through?
Llama Tess McGill, de Petty Marsh. ¿ Le puede pasar la llamada?
I was going on to say that I didn't put her through to you because she wouldn't give her name.
Lo que quería decirle es que no le pasé la llamada porque no quería darme su nombre.
Put her through, Miss Lemon.
- Puede pasármela.
You just sign it over to her and let her put it through.
Usted se lo endosa a ella y deje que ella lo cobre.
But if anyone should try to take her from me, I'd put a foot of steel through his body.
Pero si cualquiera intenta apartarla de mí, le ensartaré el cuerpo con mi acero.
Yeah, Miss Lake have her put through here right away, will you?
Sí, la Srta. Lake... pasa la llamada aquí, ¿ entendido?
I've known her to put her hand through a window she couldn't open.
Yo sabía que si ponía la mano en una ventana no podría abrir.
You see, someone put a bullet through your painting, and another one through her neck.
Alguien perforó con una bala su cuadro, y con otra el cuello de ella.
Anyone touches her, I'll put a bullet through their God-fearing gut!
Al que la toque, le meto un balazo en esas tripas temerosas de Dios.
We're very sorry to have to put you through this, Mrs. DeLorca... but the coroner requires that you identify her body.
Sentimos mucho hacerle pasar por esto, señora DeLorca... pero el juez de instrucción requiere que identifique su cuerpo.
I hope you'll go through her things as soon as possible because we have to put the house on the market right away.
Espero que te ocupes de sus cosas lo antes posible. Debemos poner la casa en venta cuanto antes.
That's where Ella put her foot through, and I mended it with plywood.
Ahí es donde metió el pie Ella, y lo arreglé con contrachapado.
All right, put her through
Bien, póngame.
Yes, we'll put her right down through there over that ridge.
La línea pasará por encima de esa cresta.
My wife should be there. Could you put me through to her?
Mi esposa debe estar ahí. ¿ Puede pasármela?
You should've put them through her office mailbox.
Debiste haberlas puesto a través del buzón de la oficina.
Why would Mrs. Hallet put her own keys... through her own goddamn office mailbox?
Por qué la Sra. Hallet pondría sus propias llaves a través de su maldito buzón de la oficina?
I'd put her on her lead and walk her through what he would want.
La pongo adelante y hacemos el camino que queremos que haga.
I made up an excuse... to call for a meeting of the joint production committee... to try to put her in the minority through a democratic vote.
Inventé cualquier motivo y reuní al comité de empresa... para intentar una votación democrática.
She put Dad through law school and financed the start of his practice so, in a sense, it was like he was her creation.
Le pagó la carrera de derecho a papá y lo mantuvo cuando empezó a ejercer. En cierto sentido, era como si él fuera su creación.
She put him through four years of medical school... two years of residency, and a year of internship... and now he won't even take her calls.
Ella le pagó 4 años en la facultad de medicina... dos años de residencia y un año de práctica... y ahora ni le responde las llamadas.
She never would have put her mother through suffering!
Nunca hubiera hecho sufrir así a su madre.
Why don't you just put me through to her?
¿ Por qué no me comunica con ella simplemente?
Even a woman like me will put her life on the line and see her business... through to fruition.
Incluso una mujer como yo puede dejar su vida y ver su negocio... florecer.
put her there 45
put her down 94
put her on 66
put her on the phone 19
through 593
through the window 42
through me 16
throughout history 33
through and through 51
through the woods 16
put her down 94
put her on 66
put her on the phone 19
through 593
through the window 42
through me 16
throughout history 33
through and through 51
through the woods 16