School's out traduction Espagnol
1,114 traduction parallèle
Hey, what's wrong with you? Flunk out of dental school or what?
¿ No lograste estudiar para ser dentista o qué?
That goes for every school she's been yanked in and out of since then.
En todos los colegios donde ha estado.
Today after school was out, I went to UCLA... and sat in the back of Hilary's physics class.
Bien. ¿ Ah, sí?
School's out.
Se acabó el curso.
School's out, boys.
La lección ha terminado, chicos.
Yo, man, it's my fault you had to drop out of school... and we can't have that.
Yo, man, es mi culpa tuviste que abandonar la escuela... y no podemos tener eso.
Then what's behind this perverse desire to risk getting thrown out of school?
Entonces, ¿ qué hay detrás de este perverso deseo de arriesgarse a que lo echen?
The fact remains that officers from the United States Marshal's Service... took young Donoghue out of school yesterday... and they did not say where they were taking him.
El hecho permanece en que los oficiales del Servicio de Alguaciles de los Estados Unidos se llevaron al joven Donoghue de la escuela ayer y no dijeron dónde se lo llevaban.
Somebody's been shot out at the Regis School!
¡ Alguacil! ¡ Alguien ha sido disparado en la Escuela Regis!
I showed you the game, now school's out.
O ahora que la Reina te llama "Sir" ya no te parece.
It's just that when I'm at school, I just tend to shut everybody out. Well, then, I'll just have to see you outside of school.
Están un poco grasosas, a decir verdad.
He's got himself thrown out of practically every private school in Los Angeles.
Lo han echado de casi todas las escuelas privadas de Los Ángeles.
I couldn't get out of bed before noon when I was in high school. It's the legacy of being a new kid. But you know something, when I got out, I had this awakening.
Sus vibraciones son transferidas por tres huesos pequeños al caracol que está dividido en dos cavidades por la membrana basilar la cual entra a una estructura compleja el órgano de Corti.
If I come out here and go to school, how's it gonna work out in the long run?
Si vengo aquí a la universidad ¿ cómo será en el largo plazo?
Steve, I think Sandy's got more important things to do than hang out on the beach with high school kids.
Steve, creo que Sandy tiene cosas más importantes que ir a la playa con chicos de secundaria.
Judging by the way she was checking you out all day, I think you're the only high school kid she's interested in hanging out with.
Por la forma en que te miró todo el día creo que eres el único chico de la secundaria con quien quiere estar.
I mean, maybe you haven't heard, but school's out, you know?
Quizás no te enteraste, pero terminaron las clases.
- Hey, at least school's out.
- Al menos terminaron las clases.
School's out.
Salgamos de aquí.
She's just out of law school.
Mi abogada recién salió de la facultad.
And sometimes, if she's off from school, she'll go out with me on a tail job.
A veces, cuando no tiene clases, me acompaña a seguir gente.
What's the name - okay - of the guy you went out within high school?
¿ Cómo se llamaba el chico con el que saliste en el instituto?
Yeah, that's what you said when we went to high school... and we got the crap knocked out of us every day.
Sí, eso dijiste cuando fuimos a la secundaria y nos partían la cara todos los días.
In fact, I call for anyone out there who's ever had a brother... or a sister who's a nerd, anyone who's admired a nerd from a distance... to join me in shutting this school and all Adams city services down... until our rights are restored!
Pido que cualquiera que esté escuchando y que haya tenido un hermano nerd... o una hermana lerda, cualquiera que haya admirado a un nerd... que se una a mí paralizando esta universidad y todos los servicios de la ciudad... ¡ hasta que recuperemos nuestros derechos!
I'd get on that plane in a minute if I could, but if there's any hope of me graduating early I've gotta go to summer school and get my math and science requirements out of the way.
Donna, me subiría a ese avión enseguida si pudiera pero si espero graduarme antes debo ir a la escuela de verano y sacarme de encima matemáticas y ciencias.
School's out.
Se terminaron las clases.
I went to the school library I got Vogue, Sassy, Seventeen, Lear's and several other fine periodicals and I cut out those little fragrance inserts, and voilà.
Fuí a la librería de la escula recorté las muestras de las fragrancias, las mezclé y voilá.
Let's go beat the hell out of somebody pick up a couple of private-school girls and rock the pleats right off their skirts.
Vamos a mandar al infierno a alguien afuera recojamos a una pareja De chicas de colegios privados y tiremos los pliegues de sus faldas.
It's times like this... I'm glad I flunked out of dental school.
En estos momentos me alegra haber fracasado en odontología.
Mmmmm... ohh... ahh... Marge, it's times like this... I'm glad I flunked out of that Mexican med school.
Marge, en momentos como éstos me alegro de que me hayan echado de esa escuela mexicana de medicina.
So if we get out of this alive, it's back to school.
Así que después de esto volverás a la escuela.
- Bet you're glad school's out.
- ¿ Os alegráis por las vacaciones?
He's out of school now.
No está yendo a la escuela.
He's gonna be out of school for three weeks.
Estará tres semanas sin venir al colegio.
He's dropped out of school for a while.
Está fuera de la escuela por un tiempo.
The money has flown out of the country for the founding of a golf school in the U.S.
El dinero fué transferido fuera del país a una Fundación de una escuela de golf en los Estados Unidos.
I kept in touch with those guys over the years, and I found out that Yeah - Yeah's parents shipped him off to military school.
Me mantuve en comunicación y supe que Sí-Sí había ido a una escuela militar.
Find out from your high-school class if anyone has met a black kid pretending to be a movie star's son.
Descubrid quién ha conocido a un chico negro que finja ser el hijo de un actor.
- His father's pulled him out of school.
- Su padre le ha sacado de la escuela.
Quizá es distinto para tipos de ciudad como usted pero aquí, un anillo de secundaria aún significa mucho.
Little Reggie's been telling tales and talking out of school.
El pequeño Reggie anda contando cuentos fuera de la escuela.
He's been out of school for two months and lost a whole semester's credit.
él ha estado fuera de la escuela por dos meses y ha perdido el crédito de un semestre entero.
Whereas our students, if they get out of high school... a lot of them, it's an accomplishment.
Mientras que nuestros estudiantes, si salen de la secundaria... Para muchos de ellos, es un logro.
Let's kick those Chinese pigs out of the school.
Saquemos a esos cerdos chinos de la universidad.
School's out forever
I mean, it's enough of a bombshell to hear that you're dropping out of school.
Ya es una sorpresa grande saber que dejas la universidad.
Donna's dropping out of school.
Donna dejará la universidad.
So that's what's got your Sunday-school nose all bent out of shape.
Me echa sus torcidas enseñanzas de la escuela dominical.
It's a dance. Which I am trying to make into a great dance. Which is almost impossible since apparently the idea of school spirit... is out the window.
Es un baile que voy a intentar que sea un gran baile lo que parece imposible desde que la idea de espíritu escolar se fue por la ventana
She can't even afford to go out to lunch. She - She's been eating in school cafeterias.
Ada no ha podido costearse los almuerzos y ha estado comiendo en las cafeterías escolares.
If Nog doesn't get a good grade on this project he's going to drop out of school.
Si Nog no saca buena nota en este proyecto dejará el colegio.
outside 883
outer 19
outfit 21
outsiders 26
outrageous 90
outlaw 21
outs 110
out of context 16
out now 39
out of curiosity 82
outer 19
outfit 21
outsiders 26
outrageous 90
outlaw 21
outs 110
out of context 16
out now 39
out of curiosity 82
out of order 40
out of my mind 17
out of the blue 171
out of sight 112
out of town 49
out of interest 20
outstanding 214
out of nowhere 149
out of my sight 38
out of respect 50
out of my mind 17
out of the blue 171
out of sight 112
out of town 49
out of interest 20
outstanding 214
out of nowhere 149
out of my sight 38
out of respect 50
out like a light 17
outside of work 17
out of 299
out loud 97
out of mind 55
out of my house 22
out of love 16
out of time 18
out of the way 896
out here 191
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out of 299
out loud 97
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out of my house 22
out of love 16
out of time 18
out of the way 896
out here 191