Seems like traduction Espagnol
14,130 traduction parallèle
Okay, I know it seems like we're moving fast, but this is all pretend.
Vale, sé que parece que estamos yendo rápido, pero es todo fingido.
Seems like she's in a good place.
Parece que está en un buen lugar.
Seems like too often.
Parece que demasiado a menudo.
It seems like you're having a really bad day, son.
Parece que va a ser sometido un día realmente malo, hijo.
Seems like I was wrong.
Parece que estaba equivocada.
Seems like a good fit.
Parece algo bueno.
Seems like a bold idea to me.
Me parece una idea audaz.
I'm not punishing you, Victor, and it seems like it's going rather well.
No te estoy castigando, Víctor, Y parece que va bastante bien.
Seems like one of us lost track of time.
Parece que uno de nosotros ha perdido la noción del tiempo.
Seems like your mind is made up... and that's fine.
Parece que tu decisión está tomada y eso está bien.
- Seems like yesterday.
- Parece que fuera ayer.
And it seems like, I'm not going to change yours.
Y parece que no voy a cambiar el suyo.
Seems like the director didn't like me very much.
No le gusté al director.
It seems like he's in a better place.
Parece que está en un mejor lugar.
I don't want to do that to her. It just seems like a lot.
Me parece demasiado.
He seems like he knows what he's doing.
Parece que sabe lo que hace.
When I wake up, my body is all aching, it seems like I got beaten up, I don't know.
Cuando me despierto, mi cuerpo está todo dolorido, parece que me golpearon, no sé.
It seems like you have everything under control here.
Parece que tienes todo bajo control.
Judging from the way he left the phone, it seems like he ran away.
A juzgar por la forma en que dejó el teléfono, parece que se escapó.
It seems like they can fight well.
Parece que serán buenos en combate si atacan ciegamente.
Hey... It seems like you've taken a liking to this mutt.
Veo que le tomaste cariño a este chucho.
From what I can piece together, it seems like you were caught in some kind of firefight.
Según lo que reconstruyo, parece que quedaron atrapados en un tiroteo.
Still, 4,000-year-long relationship... seems like it'd be hard to get over.
Aun así, una relación de 4.000 años... parece que será difícil pasar página.
So it seems like you decided to ignore the advice from Old West you about not being with Ray.
Así que parece que decidió hacer caso omiso de los consejos del viejo oeste que por no ser con Ray,
The detective seems like a very lovely woman.
El detective parece una mujer muy hermosa.
Seems like a crime of passion.
Parece como un crimen pasional.
He seems like a very sensitive boy.
Parece un chico muy sensible.
I mean, you know, he seems like a...
Quiero decir, tú sabes, parece un...
Seems like diggin'up the past ain't gonna get us nowhere.
Empecemos a hablar de lo que quiere cada una, por favor. Al parecer, hurgar en el pasado no nos llevará a ningún lado. Al parecer, hurgar en el pasado no nos llevará a ningún lado.
I have to say, it seems like that's where you and Jacob have been going this whole time.
Admito que parecía que hacia eso tú y Jacob se encaminaban todo este tiempo.
He seems like he really likes our show, but he also seems like, if I'm being honest, like he's slimy enough to get it done.
Parece que le agrada el show, pero a la vez parece siendo honesto que es lo suficientemente inmoral para conseguirlo.
That seems like a nice family you got in there.
Parece que tienes una familia preciosa ahí dentro.
Custer gets on top of those bluffs and then he sees this amazing village that seems like it stretches forever.
Custer se posiciona en lo alto de esos riscos y observa ese asombroso poblado que parece que se extiende eternamente.
Well, I mean, if we're gonna gel married, it seems like...
Bueno, quiero decir, si vamos a gel de casado, parece que...
If anything, I would say that this seems like a setup.
En todo caso, yo diría que esto parece como una trampa.
That's why I just said this seems like a setup.
Es por eso que acabo de decir esto parece como una trampa.
It seems like a contradiction.
Parece una contradicción.
Seems like you're unable to win because you don't have the requisite skills to excel at the game.
Parece que usted no puede ganar porque no tiene Las habilidades requeridas para sobresalir en el juego.
Because the way they talk, it kind of seems like he's doing her.
Porque por la forma en que hablan, parece que hay algo entre ellos.
From my perspective, it seems like you're ignoring something that could, oh, I don't know, get Wally killed.
Desde mi punto de vista, parece que estás ignorando algo que podría, no sé, matar a Wally.
I mean, it just seems like a natural reaction to my question.
Es decir, parece una reacción natural a mi pregunta.
Yeah, seems like the next logical step after being kicked out.
Sí, parece el siguiente paso lógico después de ser echada.
It just seems like bad timing with everything that's going on.
Parece un mal momento con todo lo que está pasando.
Seems like his spark can dazzle anyone.
Parece que su chispa puede deslumbrar a quien sea.
Seems like something scared her.
Parece que algo la asustó.
Just seems like you're hanging out at clubs Taking pictures with a bunch of party girls.
Parece que solo sales de discotecas y te haces fotos con un montón de chicas fiesteras.
And I'd ask Dad, it just seems like they've got so much going on right now.
Le preguntaría a papá, pero parece que están muy ocupados ahora.
We may have a socialist government now, doing things differently, but nothing, it seems, will stop the meat being cooked like this.
Podemos tener un gobierno socialista ahora, haciendo las cosas de manera diferente, pero nada, al parecer, va a detener que la carne se cocine así.
I know it seems, like, grim right now, but...
Sé que estás triste ahora, pero...
It always seems to me like yesterday.
Siempre me parece que fue ayer.
Not to sound like a total katen, But haley's new job seems whack.
No es por sonar como una Katen total, pero el nuevo trabajo de Haley parece chocante.
seems like it 42
like 39801
likely 68
liked 74
likes 62
like my father 47
like a virgin 32
like you mean it 28
like a dream 34
like a bird 44
like 39801
likely 68
liked 74
likes 62
like my father 47
like a virgin 32
like you mean it 28
like a dream 34
like a bird 44
likewise 551
like me 894
like a 442
like your brother 20
like a baby 70
like a princess 21
like you and me 45
like your dad 19
like an angel 29
like i said 2538
like me 894
like a 442
like your brother 20
like a baby 70
like a princess 21
like you and me 45
like your dad 19
like an angel 29
like i said 2538
like i told you 172
like you told me 16
like always 190
like a cat 27
like you 1448
like i care 29
like us 230
like hell 158
like you said 759
like yours 81
like you told me 16
like always 190
like a cat 27
like you 1448
like i care 29
like us 230
like hell 158
like you said 759
like yours 81