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Spread them traduction Espagnol

445 traduction parallèle
Spread them out.
I'd have to grill them and spread them on some bread.
Habría que asarlos primero y luego untarlos en pan.
When they're done, I remove the livers, I chop them and spread them on the toast. I serve with a fresh crunchy lettuce and the lightest touch of garlic.
Cuando están a punto, cojo las asaduras, las machaco y unto con ellas las tostadas, que sirvo con una ensalada fresca y crujiente, con un saborcillo a ajo como toque final.
You've got the prettiest feathers in the room, now spread them.
Y tiene las plumas más bonitas, que las vean.
Sometimes we roast them. Spread them all around A crackly young pig Just dripping In its own gravy.
Algunas veces las asamos acompañando a un crujiente cochinillo envuelto en su propia salsa.
Spread them out, Mac. What happened to him?
- Encárgate, Mac. ¿ Y él?
Bring out those fire buckets, throw out the sand, fill them with gas and oil, spread them in the forward deck and light it.
Saquen la arena de los baldes... pongan gasolina, derrámenla en proa y prendan fuego.
I'll spread them around this time.
Esta vez las repartiré.
- and spread them out ten meters apart along this side.
- y dispérselas por este lado.
- Better not spread them out too much.
- No los aleje unos de otros.
- Spread them around, they're manifestos.
- Reparta los folletos.
- I must spread them around?
- ¿ Los tengo que repartir yo?
¿ Cuándo vas a abrir esas alas, ricura?
Yes, well spread them around the hole.
Extiendelas alrededor del agujero.
Hope this is going to work... no, spread them around a bit more... yes, that's it...
Espero que esto funcione. Espárcelas un poco más. Así, eso es.
The special way you spread them when saying good-bye.
La forma en la que los extendías al despedirte.
It's as if some ethereal wave skimming over surfaces soaked up their visible emanations to shape them and give them form and then spread them like a perfume, like an echo of themselves, like some imperceptible dust, over every surrounding surface.
Una onda aérea resbala sobre las superficies las define y moldea propagándolas como un perfume sobre los alrededores de polvo imponderable.
Spread them fingers.
Separa los dedos.
Spread your legs. Spread them.
Abre las piernas.Ábrelas.
Spread them out across the road!
¡ Que se dispersen por el camino!
Spread out and find them.
You just offer them 600-for-1, and this thing will spread like a four-alarm fire.
Ofréceles 600 por uno y esto se esparcirá como un incendio.
First you will spread discontent in his army, make them believe that he is the one who is stealing their tax money.
Primero sembrarán descontento en su ejército... les harán creer que el es quien les roba el dinero de los impuestos.
Over town you'll see them scufflin'and trucking'along Whoa, spread like a forest blaze
Pronto todos en la ciudad estaban bailando el truckin'
Heber, put some fellas on horses. Tell them to spread the word.
Heber, que unos jinetes corran la voz.
"Flashing-eyed senoritas, " many of them continental style, spread out over the sidewalk. " Huh?
"Señoritas con ojos brillantes, muchas con estilo continental... repartidas en las aceras".
We'll feed the little things with medicine droppers, spread newspapers for them, take them on walks.
Los alimentaremos con cuentagotas. Les pondremos periódicos. Los pasearemos.
Avoid what is to come. And do not spread the compost on the weeds to make them ranker.
Rehuid lo que ha de venir, y no abonéis la cizaña para que medre.
I've spread word that they're won'thless, that my father will never be able to pay them off.
He extendido el rumor de que no tienen valor, que mi padre jamás los pagará.
Spread it around. Blast it over the radio, and make them think we got 100 leads.
Que emitan por radio, que piensen que tenemos cien pistas.
You've got to spread those out somehow... make them last five men for maybe six days.
hay que racionar la comida... raciones para cinco hombres quizá llegue para seis días.
"many of them continental-style, spread out all over the sidewalk."
"muchas de ellas de aire continental, desparramadas por toda la acera."
There we were, tied spread-eagle to them wagon wheels and them savages putting brush around my legs...
Nos ataron a las ruedas de la carreta, esos salvajes nos hicieron dar vueltas.
Spread out and look for them.
Divídanse y búsquenlos.
Spread out, and kill them all.
Dispersaos y matadlos a todos.
And its wings spread out that wide... and you could see right through them.
Cuando abría sus alas podías ver a través de ellas.
He has a girl, who would crush all the nuts spread on the bench if she sat on them!
Tiene una moza con un cuerpo tan bien formado que podría partir nueces al sentarse.
If we permit them to escape now... this condition will spread throughout the entire empire.
Si les dejamos escapar... esta situación se extenderá por todo el Imperio.
When three people come to you with their lives spread out on a table for you to cut to pieces the only honest thing you can do is give them one last chance to come out alive.
Si tres personas se te acercan... y despliegan sus vidas ante ti para que tú las destruyas... lo único honesto que puedes hacer es darles una última oportunidad de salir vivas.
... his path was not spread with roses, but there were thorns, and many of them.
Nada de esto fue un camino de rosas, tuvo espinas y muchas
Don't you have enough by them having spread on you the hairless spots?
¿ No tienes bastante con que te hayan pegado las calvas?
The Mexicans like them alive, wrapped in tortillas and with a spread of hot salsa.
Los mejicanos, gustan de la mesa rodeados de tortillas, y con mucha salsa picante.
Spread this among the performers and get them something to eat.
Dáselo a los artistas y cómprate algo de comer.
And they will spread the word that Rome has accepted them as equals, then we will have our human frontiers.
Enseñarán al mundo que Roma ha aceptado la igualdad y sólo así habrá paz en todas nuestras fronteras.
I don't mind telling you, this story about a ghost, let a thing like that spread and people will come from miles around, hundreds of them, maybe thousands.
Pero no me importa decírselo. Esta historia sobre un fantasma... Deje que una cosa así se extienda, y vendrán de todos los alrededores.
Keeping them here so they can't spread the word.
Aislándolos del resto del mundo. Evitando que se esparza la noticia.
- Yeah. - Indians take the seeds, grind them up into a butter and spread it over themselves to keep the sun out.
- Los indios cogen sus pipas, las machacan con grasa y se la ponen por el cuerpo para protegerse del sol.
in the "representative democracy" of Varona, who could read clearly the death which through them spread over Cuba, death by hunger, by sickness, by torture, by frustration?
¿ quién podría leer directamente la muerte que a través de ellos se expandía por Cuba? La muerte por hambre, por enfermedad, por tortura, por frustración.
Tell them they are selling reservations at the station. Spread it! Spread it!
Di a todos que están vendiendo reservas en la estación.
There's no sign of them on this level, sir. Right, spread down on the next level by the old workings.
Me temo que el disparo ha fundido los cables.
If one of them gets really sick, I don't wait for him to spread it to the whole load.
Si uno de ellos se enferma realmente, no espero a que contagie a toda la carga

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