Take me away traduction Espagnol
4,341 traduction parallèle
Grandma always told me that if I didn't behave, then Hotamétaneo'o would come through the window and take me away.
La abuela siempre me decía que si no me portaba bien, el Hotamétaneo'o entraría por la ventana y se me llevaría.
Take me away from here.
Llévame lejos de aquí.
My God, Victoria, if you don't do this, they will take me away from you forever.
Dios mío, Victoria, si no haces esto, me apartarán de ti para siempre.
Nate promised to take me away from Miami.
Nate prometió llevarme de Miami.
That day nobody, not a thousand Carrillos together, will take me away from my calling. - You can be sure of that.
Ese día nadie, ni mil Carrillos juntos podrán desviarme de mis obligaciones, podéis estar seguro.
Flimsy lead, take me away!
Una pista débil, ¡ me llevará lejos!
You wanna take me away from all this and make an honest woman out of me?
¿ Me quieres llevar lejos de todo esto y convertirme en una mujer honesta?
If you take me away, everything comes down.
Si yo no estoy, esto se viene abajo.
Why did you take me away from my son?
¿ Por qué me alejaste de mi hijo?
No, you have to take me away.
No, tienes que sacarme de aquí.
You're going to take me away from them?
- ¿ Me vas a separar de ellos?
Don't take her away from me, please.
No la aleje de mí, por favor.
Don't take this away from me, too.
No me alejes de esto también.
Far be it for me, sir, to take up Mr Dudley's role, but if we are to give flowers away...
Lejos esta de mí, señor, asumir el papel del señor Duddley. pero si vamos a regalar flores...
Then why are you trying to take this away from me?
¿ Entonces por qué intentas quitarme esto?
You cannot take that away from me
No puedes quitármela para coquetear con un juguetito.
I will not permit you to try to take Moray away from me.
No te permitiré que intentes apartar a Moray de mí.
But if they take this away from me, I can start again.
Pero si me quitan esto, puedo empezar de nuevo.
It would take a team of navy S.E.A.L.S. with a team of real seals to drag me away from you and the kids.
Haría falta un comando de la armada, junto a un comando de focas para separarme de ti y de los chicos.
I've come too far to have him take that power away from me.
He llegado demasiado lejos para permitir que tome el poder de mí.
If Herb Baumeister's spirit came after my boy's... I would take action right away. And I would leave.
Si el espíritu de Herb Baumeister fuera por mis hijos actuaría inmediatamente y me iría.
I had to take everything away from you because you took everything away from me.
Tuve que arrebatarte todo porque tú me arrebataste todo.
But...! There's so much trash for me to throw away that I think it'll take me a while to throw it away.
Pero... tengo demasiado que tirar... me tomará algo de tiempo hacerlo.
We made a deal, you gave me something, and you can't just take it away.
Teníamos un trato, me diste algo y no puedes simplemente volvértelo a llevar.
Please tell me there's a pill I can take to make this all go away.
Por favor, dime que hay una pastilla que pueda tomar para que todo esto desaparezca.
Don't take away my 4-Pete.
No me quites mi 4-Pete.
What's he gonna say about a weekend's take rolling away on a train?
¿ Qué me diría acerca de un fin de semana... que se tomó esfumándose en un tren?
I'll go away and I'll take the pills, and I'll... I'll think that I'm better, you know?
Me voy lejos y tomo estas píldoras, y yo... pensaré que estoy mejor, ¿ entiendes?
Oh, they're going to take my money away.
Me van a quitar el dinero.
Trust me, it's not going to take your problems away.
Créeme, no va a alejar tus problemas.
But you can't take away how proud I am of you... or how proud I am of who you turned out to be... even if it's in spite of me.
Pero no puedes quitarme lo orgulloso que estoy de ti... o lo orgulloso que estoy de en lo que te convertiste... incluso si es a pesar de mí.
Take a look at the specs and come into my office tomorrow in your best suit, and, uh, blow me away with your take.
Echa un vistazo a las especificaciones y ven mañana a mi oficina con tu mejor traje, y, deslúmbrame con tus ideas.
Help me - take it away!
Ayúdame. ¡ Llévatelo!
And it was wrong of me to try and take something that special away from you.
Y estuvo mal por mi parte intentar arrebatarte algo tan especial.
Hey. I know... I know you're trying to avoid me, but just take this gift I got you and I will walk away.
Sé... sé que estás tratando de evitarme, pero toma este regalo que tengo para ti y desapareceré.
So, you take away Baby Feels-A-Lot's shelf space and then take me out for drinks.
Me quita los estantes del Bebé Sentimientos... y luego me invita una copa.
# Take this cup away from me
aparta de mí este cáliz
So if I take, er, beta blockers, it stays in my system for a week instead of going away for a day.
Así que si me tomo, eh, un bloqueador beta, se queda en mi sistema durante una semana en lugar de irse tras un día.
I will take away this evidence
Me llevaré esta evidencia.
Not the gods But you, team leader, saved me I'll take this away as evidence
No los dioses... sino tú, Oficial Jefe.
Have it hauled away. You want me to take care of it?
Lo han acarreado lejos. usted Quiero que me encargue de él?
Hilton! I'll take care of it right away, Mr. Hitchcock.
- Ahora me encargo señor Hitchcock.
I'd hate to take you away from your writing partner.
Me fastidiaría separarte de tu compañero de guión.
I wouldn't let anybody take it away from me.
No dejaría que nadie me la quitara.
He took my Soniya away from me and I will take away his money.
Tomó mi Soniya lejos de mí Y voy a quitarle su dinero.
I'm not letting you take this opportunity away from me!
¡ No te permitiré que me quites esta oportunidad!
You're right. Daddy did take my childhood away, but I'm not so sure that was a bad thing.
Mi papi me quitó mi niñez, pero no sé si eso fue malo.
Every week he visit, with books, medicines and cigarettes... which, of course, they take away the moment he leave.
Cada semana me visitaba, trayendo libros, medicinas, cigarrillos... los cuales, por supuesto, me quitaban apenas se iba.
They want to take him away from me, and I can't let them do that.
Quieren quitármelo y no puedo dejar que hagan eso.
See how they take away the only thing I care about?
¿ Qué vea cómo me quitan lo único que me importa en la vida?
But if you take away my free time, I will get you iced.
Si me quita el tiempo libre, puedo hacer que lo frían.
take me away from here 19
take me 491
take me back 66
take me there 54
take me out 21
take me with you 319
take me home 231
take me to your leader 17
take me along 20
take me instead 42
take me 491
take me back 66
take me there 54
take me out 21
take me with you 319
take me home 231
take me to your leader 17
take me along 20
take me instead 42
take me in 25
take me now 23
take me to him 61
take me to her 22
take me to them 19
away 568
away from home 17
away with you 30
away present 49
away from here 45
take me now 23
take me to him 61
take me to her 22
take me to them 19
away 568
away from home 17
away with you 30
away present 49
away from here 45
away from me 19
away you go 17
away from you 37
away party 43
take it easy 3777
take care 2154
take your time 1039
take care of yourself 629
take it away 239
take that 698
away you go 17
away from you 37
away party 43
take it easy 3777
take care 2154
take your time 1039
take care of yourself 629
take it away 239
take that 698
take a nap 62
take it 3226
take off your coat 49
take off your dress 19
take it slow 68
take thee 47
take a walk 160
take a shower 102
take them off 138
take off the mask 22
take it 3226
take off your coat 49
take off your dress 19
take it slow 68
take thee 47
take a walk 160
take a shower 102
take them off 138
take off the mask 22