Take it down traduction Espagnol
3,570 traduction parallèle
Let's take it down, you're a little testy.
- AJ, if you love me, take it down.
- AJ, si me amas, quítalo.
Take it down.
If you love me, take it down.
Si me amas, quítalo.
Maybe take it down a notch before you're arrested for shrooming in public.
Quizás nos tomamos un respiro antes que te arresten por estar alucinando en público.
Take it down.
Okay, but you gotta take it down a notch...
Tienes que parar con esa actitud...
We gotta take it down a notch.
Debemos bajar los decibeles.
Until then, you take it down.
Hasta entonces, llévalo con calma.
You can take it down.
Puede bajar el brazo.
We're going to turn all those pieces of fabric into one of these nice bags, and then we're going to take it down to market, and we're gonna sell them for lots of money.
Vamos a convertir a todos esos trozos de tela en uno de estos bolsos agradables,... y luego vamos a llevarlo al mercado, y vamos a venderlos por mucho dinero.
Sergeant, take it down.
Sargento, tómelo con calma.
Take it down!
¡ Tírenla abajo!
Well, that's very generous of you but, um, it's on my land, so I want to take it down.
Bueno, eso es muy generoso de su parte pero, um, es en mi tierra, así que quiero que la bajara.
- Take it down.
- Tómalo todo.
Yeah, I thought it'd be cool if there was a real clock in the clock tower, but I can take it down.
Sí, pensé que sería genial si realmente hubiera un reloj de verdad en la torre del reloj, pero puedo quitarlo.
Okay, take it down a notch, fanboy.
Vale, baja la intensidad, colega.
You might want to take a look at it before we whisk it down to Inverness.
Querrás echarle un vistazo a esto antes de que lo enviemos a Inverness.
If it's a numbers card, you will take the bottle and down it for the duration of the count.
Si es un número alto, tomas la botella y la pones en tu boca.
- Just calm down, take it easy.
- Sólo cálmate, tranquilízate.
If it was up to me I'd treat you like the fucking pussy you are and I'd take that armband off you and I'd beat you down like all your fucking friends.
Si fuera por mí te trataba como el jodido coñito que eres te quitaba el brazalete y te partía la cara como a tus jodidos amigos
So, yeah, man, it's, like, waiting on these motherfuckers to call me back, yo, so I can go down here, take this test and whatever, whatever, you know.
Si, pues, es como... espernado a que estos cabrones me llamen... y pues no puedo ir a la prueba, ya sabes.
It means that Jerry was paying Ellis for information, so he could shut down the show and take it over himself.
Significa que Jerry pagaba a Ellis a cambio de información, y así podría cerrar el espectáculo y quedárselo.
No no no, right now I want you to tear all this down, we gonna take it out backyard, okay?
- No, no, quiero que rompas esas... -... cosas, las llevaré al patio ¿ de acuerdo?
It's gonna take a while, would you like to sit down?
Esto tomará tiempo, ¿ quiere sentarse?
Look, Billy, just tell me, what's it gonna take for me to get you down from here?
Mira Billy, tan solo dime, ¿ Qué es lo que necesito para bajarte de aquí?
If you have a reason to arrest them and you can prove it, then, I mean, by all means take me down,'cause I... I will understand.
Si tiene una razón para arrestarlos y puede probarlo, entonces, digo por todos los medios lléveme, porque, lo entenderé.
My good friend POTUS, my Gamma Chi brother, is gonna summon me to his office and he's gonna show me a sword and he's gonna tell me to take the sword and slide it down my throat until it comes out my ass.
Mi buen amigo Potus, mi hermano de Gamma Chi, me va a llamar a su oficina y me va a mostrar una espada y me dirá que coja la espada y que me la meta por la garganta hasta que me salga por el culo.
Take it up with your little boy, your buddy, when he comes back down in a minute.
Hablarás con tu amiguito cuando baje en un momento.
It took me two years on cubicle island to learn to really take advantage of these moments when the system breaks down.
Me tomó dos años en isla cubículo para aprender a aprovechar realmente de estos momentos cuando el sistema se viene abajo.
I think it will take three to four hours until send someone down here.
Creo que va a tomar 3-4 horas enviar a alguien aquí.
With my dog, Ron, the sound guys would get this laser light and run it up and down the walls of studio "B". And he'd take chunks out of the wall, and put holes in all the walls.
A mi perro, Ron, los chicos de sonido traían un láser y lo pasaban por las paredes del estudio B y él arrancaba pedazos de la pared, dejaba agujeros en la pared.
ah... why no she has not tell me more oh man, check it so a bunch of us story players formed an alliance to take down the legacy, and... keep questing in the game.
ah... no lo ha hecho, cuentame mas oh macho mira un puñado de jugadores por la historia forjamos una alianza para derrotar a los legacy, y mantener las misiones como posibilidad de juego.
- Um... down to the left there, it'll take you down.
- Um... allá abajo a la izquierda, le acompaño.
We got it, Dad. Take me down, Sergei.
¡ Entendido, papá!
For now. He'll calm down. Don't take it personally.
Por ahora dejaremos que se calme.
He got a phone call a couple minutes ago, went down the hall to take it.
Recibió una llamada hace unos minutos, fue al recibidor para contestar.
I take the right boot off and set it down.
Me saco la bota derecha y la pongo en el suelo.
And take the left boot off and set it down.
Me saco la bota izquierda y la pongo en el suelo.
- You shot and killed two guys, got Xavier breathing down your neck, and you better believe that this report is gonna be read as high up as he can take it.
- Disparaste y mataste a dos tipos, tienes a Xavier respirando en tu nuca, y puedes estar seguro que él va a leer ese informe de cabo a rabo.
The FBI is gonna take her as collateral damage if it means bringing down Vincent. I can't have that.
El FBI va a tomarla como un daño colateral si eso significa atrapar a Vincent.
Now look here. When it dries up, you come down here early in the morning,'fore light, and I'll pick you up and take you to work.
Cuando se seque, vienes aquí, temprano en la mañana, antes de que amanezca,
You wanna take down Cain, but you can't do it alone.
Quieres acabar con Caín, pero no puedes hacerlo solo. / - ¿ Y?
But now it's on you to take him down.
Pero ahora está en ti tumbarlo.
It takes a lot more than Larkin to take down a Mullins.
Hace falta algo más que Larkin para cargarse a un Mullins.
Before we take the honor of going private with Justanna, i wanna make it clear that we do not crank down under any circumstances.
Antes de tener el honor de ir al privado con Justanna, quiero dejar claro que no nos la cascaremos bajo ninguna circunstancia.
And if you call it "shit" one more time, you can take your ass down to Danita.
Y si lo vuelves a llamar "mierda" una vez más, puedes mover tu culo hasta Danita.
If we see one, we might take a few shots with the camera and take out the tranqs, put the leopard down, hopefully get over there and tag it before it wakes up.
Si lo vemos, podemos tomar algunas fotos con la cámara Y sacar los tranquilizantes, Poner al leopardo abajo, espero ir allá y marcarlo antes de que se despierte.
I want you to take this. It's gonna keep your heart rate down.
Quiero que se tomne esto, mantendrá su ritmo cardiaco bajo.
If it wasn't for you, we would have never been able to take down Dick Roman.
Si no fuera por ti, nunca habríamos podido eliminar a Dick Roman.
Take another. Push it down and then back.
Toma otra, empuje hacia abajo, y luego de vuelta.
take it down a notch 45
take it easy 3777
take it away 239
take it 3226
take it slow 68
take it up 36
take it or leave it 210
take it off 554
take it back 224
take it home 26
take it easy 3777
take it away 239
take it 3226
take it slow 68
take it up 36
take it or leave it 210
take it off 554
take it back 224
take it home 26
take it from me 172
take it like a man 22
take it outside 56
take it with you 38
take it out 200
take it and go 23
take it all 88
take it easy there 31
take it in 45
take it to him 17
take it like a man 22
take it outside 56
take it with you 38
take it out 200
take it and go 23
take it all 88
take it easy there 31
take it in 45
take it to him 17
take it easy now 42
take it easy on him 18
take it all off 18
take it now 28
down 3353
downtown 201
downstairs 319
downs 77
downey 56
downers 18
take it easy on him 18
take it all off 18
take it now 28
down 3353
downtown 201
downstairs 319
downs 77
downey 56
downers 18
downton abbey 33
down the street 38
down on your knees 79
down the hall 119
down the stairs 50
down low 42
down the road 38
down the line 26
down there 402
down on the floor 28
down the street 38
down on your knees 79
down the hall 119
down the stairs 50
down low 42
down the road 38
down the line 26
down there 402
down on the floor 28
down the hatch 65
down the drain 18
down you go 36
down below 33
down to business 31
down here 450
down on the ground 130
downing street 23
down now 22
down in one 23
down the drain 18
down you go 36
down below 33
down to business 31
down here 450
down on the ground 130
downing street 23
down now 22
down in one 23