The father traduction Espagnol
52,755 traduction parallèle
The father was Ronald Teller.
El padre era Ronald Teller.
Do we know the father, or is this some Mamma Mia nonsense?
¿ Conocemos al padre o esto es una tontería a lo Mamma Mia?
I'm the father.
Soy el padre.
You have defeated the son but not the father.
Venciste al hijo, pero no al padre.
He is the history of his race, father.
Es la historia de su raza, padre.
How do we know that we're going in the right direction, father?
¿ Cómo sabemos que vamos en la dirección correcta, padre?
Logan claims he had no idea his father-in-law was in danger, um, and we think he's telling the truth.
Logan dice que no tenía ni idea que su suegro estaba en peligro y creemos que dice la verdad.
I have a sister and a brother-in-law in the U.K., and I'd tell them I'm in the States searching for my father.
Tengo una hermana y un cuñado en el Reino Unido, y voy a decirles que estoy en Estados Unidos buscando a mi padre.
My father says that peasants are like the hands of a clock.
Mi padre dice que la plebe es como las manecillas de un reloj.
You heard ; He believes the same things as his father.
Ya lo habéis oído ; cree en lo mismo que su padre.
Being the responsible father and all.
Siendo un padre responsable y todo.
Growing up the son of an emperor, as someone who was raised from birth to succeed his father, we have to imagine that Commodus's ego had no place to go.
Al crecer como hijo de un emperador, criado desde la cuna para suceder a su padre, es fácil imaginar cómo sería de desmedido el ego de Cómodo sabiendo que tendría ese papel.
Against his will, Commodus has been called to Germania. Ordered to train under his father to become the next Emperor.
Cómodo ha sido llamado a Germania contra su voluntad, presionado a formarse a las órdenes de su padre para ser el próximo emperador.
Commodus heads back to Rome with his father. But his training for the throne is far from complete.
Cómodo regresa a Roma con su padre, pero su preparación para el trono está lejos de su fin.
Her father has been consul twice. A clever emperor needed the support of the most powerful people in Roman society, who tended to be the Senatorial class, and so he knows then that when he himself dies,
Su padre había sido cónsul dos veces y un emperador inteligente necesitaba el apoyo de la gente más poderosa de Roma, que tendía a ser la clase senatorial.
And while the Empire grieves, the royal family looks to the future... knowing that the only son of Marcus Aurelius... must now carry on his father's legacy.
Y mientras el Imperio llora, la familia real contempla el futuro, consciente de que el único hijo de Marco Aurelio debe ahora continuar el legado de su padre.
And with his father gone, he knows he must make a choice that will determine the fate of Rome.
Y con su padre ausente, sabe que debe tomar una decisión que determinará el destino de Roma.
It's easy for us to judge Commodus by the standards of his father. But Marcus Aurelius was an exceptional emperor, who had ruled from the very highest standards of good governance.
Nos es fácil juzgar a Cómodo comparándole con su padre, pero Marco Aurelio era un emperador excepcional que había gobernado según unos patrones muy altos de buena gobernanza.
It kept your father away for eight years. And now, it's threatening - to do the same to you.
Mantuvo a tu padre lejos ocho años y ahora amenaza con hacerte lo mismo.
I promised my father I would finish the war.
Prometí a mi padre acabar esta guerra.
Despite his father's wishes and the advice of his military advisors,
A pesar de los deseos de su padre y el consejo de sus asesores militares,
Commodus did not continue to pursue his father's war with the Germanic tribes.
Cómodo no continuó la guerra de su padre contra las tribus germanas.
After the death of his father, Marcus Aurelius...
Tras la muerte de su padre, Marco Aurelio,
Commodus has ended the war in Germania and has returned home to take his father's place as Emperor of the Roman Empire.
Cómodo ha puesto fin a la guerra en Germania y ha regresado a su hogar para ocupar el lugar de su padre como emperador.
The crowning of an emperor marks a new era for Rome, and Commodus believes that to carry on his father's legacy and make a mark of his own... he'll need to gain the support of the Empire... starting with the military.
La coronación de un emperador marca una nueva era para Roma. Y Cómodo cree que para continuar el legado de su padre y dejar su propia marca necesitará ganarse el apoyo del Imperio.
Your father was a great friend to the Senate.
Su padre era un gran amigo del Senado.
"What should we do, Father?" " You go to the bar.
"? Qué hacemos, padre? ".
His father would lean out the window.
Su padre se asomaba : " Anthony.
" Hey, Father, we're havin'a thing on Saturday down in the basement.
" Padre, organizamos algo en el sótano para el sábado.
Their father would come up to school and beat them in the middle of class.
Su padre llegaba a la mitad de la clase y los golpeaba.
I don't think it's very convincing, but I am also the ghost of Christmas past and I'm here to show you that your father should be king.
No creo que sea muy convincente, pero también soy el fantasma de Navidad pasada y estoy aquí para mostrarte que tu padre debería ser rey.
And you've come dressed as Father Christmas for the children.
Y has venido vestido como el Padre Navidad para los niños.
This is the first year my father's gonna be in town, so I figured I should do something.
Es el primer año que mi padre va a estar en la ciudad así que, pensé que debería hacer algo.
You're forgetting about the will of her father- - furniture tycoon Sam Ridgley. I'm not in that one, either.
Olvida el testamento de su padre, el magnate de los muebles, Sam Ridgley.
You know it's not his father, his physical therapist, or anyone on the household staff.
Bueno, estamos buscando al cómplice de Ethan. Sabes que no es su padre, su fisioterapeuta o nadie del personal de la casa.
So when he took his father's compensation and opened a business in the city,
Colócalo bien. Por eso cuando abrió un negocio en la ciudad con el dinero de la indemnización de su padre, lo apoyé...
You saw how terrible it was. If we're not lucky, Min Jae will die of the same thing that killed his father!
Si pudiera elegir ¡ prefiero morir enferma que por la radiación!
Without your father's testimony to authenticate the new documents... they have rejected the appeal.
Sin su padre para certificar los nuevos documentos, rechazaron la apelación.
The sad part is that while she was there, her father was murdered.
Lo triste es que, estando ella en prisión, mataron a su padre.
But my father was in the audience.
Pero mi padre estaba entre el público.
I believed if I won, my father would let me compete in the Nationals.
Y yo creí que, si ganaba, me dejaría competir en el campeonato nacional.
After the fight, my father forbade me from ever fighting again.
Después de la pelea, mi padre me prohibió volver a luchar.
Your partner, your friends on the force... your father.
Tu compañero, tus amigos de la fuerza tu padre.
Bak Industries looked like it was on its last legs, first wrecked by embezzlement and scandal, and the death of your father, who began the company 25 years ago.
Bak Industries parecía acabada por la estafa y el escándalo, y por la muerte de tu padre, que la fundó hace 25 años.
And it's my hope that prison will help her become the kind of person that our father would be proud of.
Y espero que la prisión la ayude a convertirse en la persona que enorgullecería a nuestro padre.
When my father fell, the honor should have passed to me.
Cuando mi padre cayó, ese honor debió pasar a mí.
His father and the rest of their number remain exiled to the Darklands, but they have been trying to escape for centuries.
Su padre y su raza siguen exiliados, pero intentan escapar.
Care? I only care to find the stones so my father can escape this wretched prison.
Solo me interesan las piedras para liberar a mi padre de esa prisión miserable.
Which is why I summoned the stalkling. I'm sick of hiding in shadows while this fleshbag stumbles closer and closer to my father's bridge.
Por eso recurrí a ellos, me cansé de esconderme mientras esa carne se acerca cada vez más al puente de mi padre.
Father, the mantle of Trollhunter has fallen to a human.
Padre, un humano es el cazatroles.
I am Draal the Deadly, son of Kanjigar, and you will suffer for my father's death!
Soy Draal el Letal, hijo de Kanjigar, ¡ y sufrirás por la muerte de mi padre!
father 10424
fathers 85
father of the year 25
father and son 35
father brown 114
father christmas 18
father jack 19
father beocca 17
father quinn 28
father abbot 27
fathers 85
father of the year 25
father and son 35
father brown 114
father christmas 18
father jack 19
father beocca 17
father quinn 28
father abbot 27
father crilly 18
the floor is yours 27
the first one 115
the flash 89
the first time i saw you 26
the forest 35
the first of many 20
the family business 35
the final frontier 122
the floor 53
the floor is yours 27
the first one 115
the flash 89
the first time i saw you 26
the forest 35
the first of many 20
the family business 35
the final frontier 122
the floor 53
the family 112
the first time we met 43
the future 293
the first 240
the french 76
the front 31
the fool 54
the food 120
the front door was open 16
the facts 28
the first time we met 43
the future 293
the first 240
the french 76
the front 31
the fool 54
the food 120
the front door was open 16
the facts 28
the first day 25
the fuck is this 18
the feds 64
the four 34
the fight 31
the funeral 36
the fire 114
the fuck 145
the fear 48
the fireplace 19
the fuck is this 18
the feds 64
the four 34
the fight 31
the funeral 36
the fire 114
the fuck 145
the fear 48
the fireplace 19