Then you'll know traduction Espagnol
1,340 traduction parallèle
All we need is a snapshot, then they'll know that you were responsible for some of the biggest hits of the millennium, and you will be so fucking rich!
Todo lo que necesitamos es una instantánea, entonces se sabrá que tu fuiste la responsable de algunos de los más grandes exitos del milenio. ¡ Y serás jodidamente rica!
I think you're one of those guys who, you know, sort of flirts with a girl, maybe even takes her to dinner, and then, you know, when push comes to shove, the only frenching you'll be doing with her are her braids.
- ¿ Qué? Si eres uno de esos que romancean con una chica, quizás incluso la lleves a cenar, pero llegada la hora, lo único enrevesado que podrás hacer con ella serán sus trenzas.
Así que necesito saber qué quieres hacer, y entonces decidiré si me quedo.
You know that? " ( Buzzer ) I'll go, then, shall I?
Yo abro.
But I know if I give you enough time, pretty soon you're going to slip up, and then I'll be able to send you back to your miserable existence.
Sé que si les doy tiempo suficiente... pronto cometerán un error... y entonces podré regresarlos a sus miserables vidas anteriores.
When you know everything about me, then I'll be dead.
Cuando así sea, estaré muerta.
Then you'll know that in this hotel they'll almost definitely... have a dress code.
Entonces, sabrás que en este hotel sin lugar a dudas... se necesita un vestuario apropiado.
Then you'll also know that her blackguard of a husband was murdered, Doctor.
Entonces usted también conoce que el canalla de su marido fue asesinado, Doctor.
But even then, I'll probably just, you know, back away.
Aunque en ese caso, lo más probable, es que ande para atrás.
Then he'll know you're doing it, and he'll find you.
Sabrá que eres tú quien lo hace y te encontrará.
Then you will become master, and you'll know what to do.
Entonces te convertirás en maestra y sabrás qué debes hacer.
All right, you start, and then I'll, you know... do a dance and cheerlead and stuff.
Tú comienza y después yo agrego el baile y la animación.
Then you'll know what exposure is.
Alli comprendera lo que es estar expuesto.
Well, I was thinking that I'll stay here another year and then, you know, I can declare myself financially independent...
Estaba pensando en que podía quedarme aquí otro año. Podría declararme económicamente independiente y solicitar cupo de nuevo.
You know, we'll talk about it. We'll get it out in the open, and then we'll feel a lot better.
Hablemos de ello abiertamente y después nos sentiremos mejor.
'I'll be crushed.'Then, as you know, all hell broke loose.
"Yo estare devastada." Y luego sucedio lo que ya sabemos.
- Then you'll never know what I got.
- Entonces, no sabrás qué es.
Bueno, entonces le alegrará saber que estamos teniendo un pequeño programa educativo aquí.
Then you'll know my joy.
Entonces conocerás mi dicha.
Let's just wait till the prof finds more answers for you. Then you'll know for sure.
Si el profesor halla más información sobre ti, entonces estarás seguro.
When you know he'll be there a while, page me, then leave.
Cuando esté en el apartamento me avisas y sales.
I don't know, if you change your mind, or if you ever check your machine... then you'll know where to find me.
Si cambias de idea o si alguna vez escuchas tus mensajes... sabrás dónde puedes encontrarme. No sé qué decir. De acuerdo.
And then you got your more laid-back folk who just, you know, maybe they'll wash their stuff when it's dirty.
Y hay otras personas más relajadas que quizá lavan la ropa cuando está sucia.
Good. Then you'll come by and see me and let me know what you found out.
Y luego vendrás a verme y me dirás lo que averiguaste.
I'll take a long walk, and then you'll know. I mean, I don't have to.
Iré a caminar un rato, y luego lo sabrás.
Listen to this sentence then you'll know how good it is 31 8 years, 6 months and 1 9 days ago Parisians woke up to the sound of all the bells ringing loudly
Escucha esta frase : "ese día, hacía 348 años, 6 meses y 19 días que los parisinos se despertaron con el sonido de todas las campanas repicando con fuerza".
Then they'll know you did it.
Así sabrán que fuiste tú.
I've not got any right to ask you for anything, darling, but if you feel anything at all, if there's anything left at all, then tell me and I'll fucking hang about here, you know?
No tengo derecho a pedirte nada pero si sientes algo dímelo y me quedaré aquí. Me quedaré para siempre.
It's, kind of have to, you know, would thank Farrel...'cause he brung it up to Trixie there and then Trixie kind of forced me to go get her dealt with and I'll, you know it was the right thing to do.
Es, algo que..., ya saben, gracias a Farrel... Porque se lo dijo a Trixie y entonces Trixie me me obligó a afrontarlo y, ya saben... era lo correcto.
Then I'll know it's you, and I'll come fast.
Entonces sabré que eres tú, y vendré rápido.
If you give up now, then you'll never know.
¡ Qué tonterías! Si te das por vencido, nunca lo sabrás.
What you have to do, you have to look straight in their eyes, and then, I don't know, they'll do the rest.
Mira, basta con mirarle a los ojos. Él hará el resto.
I'll show her this, I'll let her start talking. Then I'll get you the stuff she doesn't want us to know.
Le mostraré esto, la dejaré hablar entonces te daré el material que ella no quiere que sepamos.
In a couple of hours they'll brief you and then you'll know more than I do.
En un par de horas ellos lo informarán y entonces usted conocerá más de lo que yo sé.
Then you know what'll happen if I find out you're lying to me.
Entonces sabes lo que pasará si me entero de que me estás mintiendo.
I understand, tyr, But if you stay here, then you'll never know,
Te entiendo, Tyr, pero si te quedas aquí, entonces nunca lo sabremos,
Let them know that your new commonwealth will be a place where they'll have choices, then you will see their faith.
Hágales saber que su nueva Comunidad será un lugar donde tendrán opciones, entonces usted va a ver su fe.
If you had, then you wouldn't be the boy I'd raised, or the man I know you'll be.
Si lo hubieras hecho, ya no serias el muchacho que crié, o el hombre que se que seras.
This is like his test. If we can figure out how he's communicating with us, then we'll be... you know, worthy.
es como un test. tenemos que descubrir como se esta comunicando con nosotros.
- Yes, she is. You know a great idea? If the two of you would discuss this, and then I'll go to work and you tell me how it works out.
Así es, y sería buena idea que lo hablaras con ella que yo me fuera al trabajo, y que, al regreso, me contaran.
Yeah, it's true, you know, about the cooking. Although, we'll probably be breaking up soon, and then God knows what string of ho's he'll have running through here.
Es cierto que cocina, aunque podríamos romper pronto y quién sabe qué cosas podrían pasar aquí.
You know, and then I was, like, " lf l fall asleep now, I'll get six hours'sleep.
Y luego yo me decía : " Si me duermo ahora, son seis horas de dormir.
But then you'll know about that. No.
Pero usted sabrá sobre eso.
Then you'll be glad to know that he's gone.
Entonces te alegrará saber que se ha ido.
Then you should also know that they have taken millions of lives, and they'll keep on doin'that unless we stop them.
Entonces, deben saber que esas cosas han acabado con millones de vidas y que lo continuarán haciendo a no ser que los detengamos.
Bubbles, you untie them witch hos, you know what I'm saying, and get your freak on, and then, Sam, ya'll come in and say,
Bubbles, tú desatas a las brujas y lo haces con ella. Luego Sam entra y dice,
Sure, they're gonna miss me now and then... but they'll always know... I haven't really gone anywhere, you know?
Seguro, me extrañarán de vez en cuando pero siempre sabrán que en realidad nunca me marché, ¿ sabes?
She'll blow the whistle on us, you know? And then the red room will be off-white again. You know?
Podría darle una pista sobre nosotros.
Then she'll tell her friends across the pond, and, like, the name "ron" will be, like, their new little secret inside joke for bad sex, you know?
Y se lo contará a sus amigas y mi nombre será la nueva broma sobre un mal polvo.
He should go out there, he should let this dude beat his head in, and then at least he'll respect him after that, you know?
Sale fuera y deja que ese tío le patee el culo. Al menos, le respetará después.
You can't deduct things like that, Eric. Santa will know and then he'll come after you.
No puedes restar cosas como esa, Eric, Santa lo sabrá y vendrá por ti.
you'll know 126
you'll know it when you see it 17
you'll know soon enough 17
you'll know it 23
you'll know what to do 26
know 759
knowledge 78
knows 86
knowing 61
known 107
you'll know it when you see it 17
you'll know soon enough 17
you'll know it 23
you'll know what to do 26
know 759
knowledge 78
knows 86
knowing 61
known 107
knowles 44
knowledge is power 34
know your place 28
know thyself 21
know your enemy 19
know what i'm saying 125
know why 81
know it 54
know what that means 36
known what 18
knowledge is power 34
know your place 28
know thyself 21
know your enemy 19
know what i'm saying 125
know why 81
know it 54
know what that means 36
known what 18