Then you can traduction Espagnol
18,219 traduction parallèle
Soon you will be restored to your full glory and then you can restore my Box.
Pronto recuperarás toda tu gloria... y entonces podrás recuperar mi Caja.
And then you can ask Billy to re-trace the staff and passengers from last Friday night and find out if anybody saw anything suspicious around about door 5B during the night.
Además, pide a Billy que localice al personal... y pasajeros de la noche del viernes. Averigua si alguien vio algo sospechoso. Sobre todo, durante la noche en la puerta 5B.
Then you can give me a reasonable answer.
Entonces podrán darme una respuesta razonable.
Then go right ahead and then you can go into your reading after that.
Puedes comenzar y después sigues con tu lectura.
And I hope you've got the receipt,'cause then you can get the tax back at the airport.
Ojalá tengas el recibo. Recuperarás el impuesto en el aeropuerto.
If you look, and it influences your work, then you can be open to a lawsuit and you've copied it.
Si lo haces, influencia tu trabajo y quedas expuesto a una demanda porque lo copiaste.
Then you can go.
Así puedes irte.
And then you can get back to living your life, because... this place is not where your story ends.
Entonces podrá volver a su vida, porque este lugar no es donde termina su historia.
I mean, if I make you happy, if being with me makes you happy, then you can be happy.
Es decir, si te hago feliz, si estar conmigo te hace feliz, a continuación, se puede ser feliz,
Then you can start by telling us where you were the night that Tamika Weaver and her son were murdered.
Entonces puede empezar diciéndonos dónde estaba la noche que Tamika Weaver y su hijo fueron asesinados.
- And then you can...
- Y entonces se puede...
"Why doesn't your group get their shit together, and then you can ascend to the top and then you can oppress other people."
"¿ Por qué tu grupo no se organiza bien asciende y oprime a los demás?".
Or, in your case, if you can make a girl go to bed with you, then you can make her laugh.
En tu caso, si puedes llevarla a la cama, luego puedes hacerla reír.
I know there's probably some protocol in place that says you can't, but if you CAN somehow let him know exactly what happened, then at least he'd know, and he'd be able to get on with dealing with... whatever it is.
Sé que hay probablemente algunos protocolos a seguir... que no te permiten decir nada. Si de alguna manera pudieras... hacerle saber exactamente lo que sucedió, entonces él sabría... seguir adelante tratando con... lo que sea.
You can't keep making up stuff and then expect it to happen.
No puedes seguir inventando cosas y esperando que se vuelvan realidad.
So, there's nothing you can do, then?
Entonces, ¿ no hay nada que pueda hacer?
Then I can learn to like New York and join you at your nameless, faceless, godless institution.
Entonces puedo aprender a querer a Nueva York y unirme a usted en su institución sin nombre, cara o Dios.
You can save Cisco and then move on with your life.
Puedes salvar a Cisco y luego seguir con tu vida.
Simmons, secure what you can in the lab and then rendezvous in my office.
Simmons, asegura lo que puedas del laboratorio y nos reunimos en mi oficina.
If that's true, and you can soften matter, then doesn't that mean you could theoretically miniaturize an atom?
SI eso es verdad, y se puede ablandar la materia, entonces, ¿ no significa eso que usted podría teóricamente miniaturizar un átomo?
- Then Cosimo is happy and you can speak to Ivano in secret.
- Así Cosimo se tranquiliza y puedes hablar con él a escondidas.
He told me the only thing in this world you can trust is yourself. And then, one day, when I was 12,
Me dijo que lo único en que podía confiar en el mundo era en mí mismo.
And then here you can counter.
- Aquí puedes argumentar.
When you go out there, you wanna give it your all, but you know, you can go too far and then...
Cuando sales, quieres dar lo mejor que tienes, pero puedes extralimitarte y entonces...
Then I give'em a little, "I can't hear you. I can't hear you."
Luego les diré : "No puedo oírlos".
Well, enjoy it while you can because IBM is going to have a portable and then it's sayonara.
"Bueno, disfrútenlo mientras dure porque IBM lanzará una portátil y entonces será sayonara".
If you can give an individual a given set of objectives, measure them, and then reward them, then almost any target can be achieved.
Si puedes darle a un individuo un conjunto de objetivos... VICEPRESIDENTE DE MERCADOTECNIA DE IBM... medirlos y luego, recompensarlos entonces, casi cualquier objetivo puede lograrse.
I can't approve of that. - Where will you release it then?
No puedo aprobar eso.
The stitches can be removed after a week, but you'll need to keep the area sanitized till then.
Las puntadas pueden ser removidas después de una semana, pero necesita mantener esta área con higiene hasta entonces.
And if you're responsible, and I get back a positive report, then we can pretend that none of this ever happened. You got it?
Si eres responsable y me dan un informe favorable haremos de cuenta que nada de esto sucedió. ¿ De acuerdo?
Yeah. I'm gonna let you sit up there and if I think you can handle it then I might allow you to take him to a walk.
Te dejaré sentarte allí arriba y si creo que puedes con eso tal vez te deje llevarlo a caminar.
Well, then you must prove your mother wrong... so you can ride that stagecoach.
Bueno, entonces, tienes que mostrarle que está equivocada... para que puedas montar en la diligencia.
And then any time you have a thought or we want to tell each other something, you just put it in there and we can trade it back and forth.
Y cada vez que tengas una idea... o haya algo que nos queramos decir... apúntalo ahí... y lo podemos intercambiar.
And then, you rope in the wounded... so that you can sit back and watch them throw away their lives, and you can feel important.
Entonces, recoges a los heridos... para poder contemplar cómo echan a perder sus vidas mientras te sientes importante.
So if you'd be so kind as to deliver them, then we can be on our way without any... unpleasantries.
Si fuera tan amable de entregarlas, entonces podríamos irnos sin ningún... problema.
Then give me something that I can use against Lucifer, and I'll make sure you're both back where you belong.
Entonces dame algo que puedo usar en contra de Lucifer, y voy a hacer Seguro que los dos están de vuelta a donde perteneces.
Then give me something that I can use against Lucifer, and I'll make sure you're both back where you belong.
Entonces dame algo que pueda usar contra Lucifer, y me aseguraré de que los dos están de vuelta a donde perteneces.
We're heading out in a couple of hours, if you can be ready by then.
Saldremos en un par de horas, si puedes estar listo para entonces.
Then why can't you just say that to the D.A.?
Entonces ¿ por qué no puedes simplemente decir que a la DA?
Then they're like, "Now you can skip as many years as you want."
Y dicen : "Ahora puedes saltar tantos años como quieras".
I said,'If you don't have it, you can... you can use mine now, but then... then next it's my turn.'"
Si no la tienes, puedes usar la mía, pero... Y luego me toca a mí ".
Um, I just called a car to come get Jack, bring him to the train station, so maybe we'll wait outside for that, and then after that, I can show you guys the theater.
Llamé a un taxi para que venga por Jack y lo lleve a la estación podemos esperar afuera, y luego puedo llevarlos al museo.
Then I'll stay with you for as long as I can.
Entonces me quedaré contigo lo más que pueda.
Okay, we've got a whole closet full in the back, and then I'll help you do your makeup and everything, and then you and me can take some beautiful pictures of you.
Tenemos todo un armario allí atrás... y luego te ayudaré con el maquillaje... y luego... tú y yo podemos tomarte unas fotografías hermosas.
Unless you know how someone who's broke can make enough money to get out of a shitty situation, then it's worth it to me.
A menos que sepas cómo ganar mucho dinero para salir de un aprieto, yo debo quedarme.
But if you bring the briefcase back, then I can get the whole share and cut her out of it.
Si me traes el maletín, me quedo con mi parte y la dejamos afuera del trato.
You know, if he's from Crete, he's lying, and if he's telling the truth, then he can't be from Crete.
Ya sabes, si es de Creta, está mintiendo, y si está diciendo la verdad, entonces no puede ser de Creta.
You will investigate their complaints... this is your brother's office... and then you'll do what you can to satisfy their complaints.
Tú investigarás sus quejas... esta es la oficina de tu hermano... y harás lo que puedas para satisfacer sus quejas.
Only then can you take the helm. "
Solo después puedes tomar el timón ".
I haven't seen you for years and then all of a sudden you can't keep away from me.
No te veo durante años y de repente, no te apartas de mí.
Because then I can't possibly help you, Norman.
Porque entonces, no tengo posibilidad de ayudarte, Norman.
then you can go 37
then you're an idiot 17
then you're wrong 16
then you know 40
then you 156
then you're right 18
then you die 16
then you're on your own 16
then you're a fool 17
then you should 20
then you're an idiot 17
then you're wrong 16
then you know 40
then you 156
then you're right 18
then you die 16
then you're on your own 16
then you're a fool 17
then you should 20
then you go 36
then you know what 34
then you understand 18
then you said 18
then you tell me 17
then you say 25
then you should go 18
then you'll know 16
then you do it 25
you can do it 1412
then you know what 34
then you understand 18
then you said 18
then you tell me 17
then you say 25
then you should go 18
then you'll know 16
then you do it 25
you can do it 1412
you can 2818
you can't miss it 64
you can't be serious 595
you can't 4106
you can't beat me 46
you can talk to me 162
you can't kill me 112
you can't beat that 16
you can't fool me 70
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you can't miss it 64
you can't be serious 595
you can't 4106
you can't beat me 46
you can talk to me 162
you can't kill me 112
you can't beat that 16
you can't fool me 70
you can't understand 78