Then you tell me traduction Espagnol
3,487 traduction parallèle
I guess I just need to tell you about it, what happened then and how it affected me.
Supongo que tenía que decirte al respecto, lo que sucedió entonces, y el cómo me afectó.
Then, can you tell me if there's a bar around.
Sólo dime dónde queda el bar más cercano.
Come with me... and then tell me you're not intrigued.
Ven conmigo. Y entonces dime que no estás intrigado.
Then why didn't you tell me you met him?
¿ Por qué me ocultaste que te encontraste con él? ¡ No me lo dijiste!
All those times you were staring off into space, or when you'd say your eyes were just watering and you were, like, folding laundry or something stupid, and I'd say, "Aidan, tell me." And then you'd make a joke,
Todos esos momentos donde tenías la mirada perdida, o cuando decías que tus ojos estaban llorosos y estabas, como, doblando la ropa o algo estúpido, y yo decía, "Aidan, dime." Y luego tu hacías un chiste.
You'll tell me his schedule, find his food supply and then poison it with your blood.
Me dirás su horario, encontrarás su almacén de comida y lo envenenarás con tu sangre.
Then, best you tell me where it is he keeps them.
Entonces, mejor será que me diga dónde las tienen.
Then you will be able to tell it to me... every detail.
Entonces serás capaz de contarme todos los detalles.
Then why didn't you tell me?
Entonces ¿ por qué no me lo dijiste?
But then you were actually going to tell her. It hit me- - if I let you go through with this and throw everything away, well... I'd be the one being selfish, wouldn't I?
Pero ahora que realmente se lo ibas a decir, me di cuenta... si te dejo seguir adelante con esto y tirar todo por la borda, bueno... sería yo la que está siendo egoísta, ¿ no?
The food is ready, and then you can tell me all about it.
La cena está lista, y entonces puedes contarme todo.
Then I can count on you to tell me the truth.
Bien. Entonces puedo contar contigo para que me digas la verdad.
So, you going to tell me, then?
- Entonces, ¿ me lo vas a contar o qué?
It tells me everything I need to know. - Oh, did Tom's face tell you what they singled out, then?
Me dice lo que necesito saber. - ¿ Te dice lo que destacan?
- Well, then why didn't you just tell me you were meeting?
¿ Viniendo de ti? Frank. - ¿ Entonces por qué no me dijiste que os reunisteis?
This is the part where you tell me I'm your hero, - and then, you shower me with kisses.
Ahora me dices que soy tu héroe y me llenas de besos.
Tell the Pope how much you love me, then quickly follow with something quite unforeseen, something you have learned while married to Anna Maria.
Dile al Papa lo mucho que me amas y luego algo imprevisto... que has descubierto mientras estuviste casado con ella.
Tell me you and Bergmans are one and the same, then I'll go
Díme, ¿ tu y Bergman son la misma persona? , si es así me voy.
Well, then maybe you can tell me why we're in this position at all?
Bueno, entonces quizá podría decirme ¿ porqué estamos ahora mismo aquí?
Look, I'll make it simple for you. You tell me why you're looking for Cameron and then maybe I'll tell you if I find her.
Mire, se lo haré simple usted me dice por qué está buscando a Cameron y entonces yo tal vez le avise si la encuentro.
Good, then you can tell me...
Bien, entonces puede decirme...
- Wondering then why you kissed her, and felt compelled to drive an hour in the snow to tell me about it.
- Me pregunto entonces por qué la besaste y te sentiste obligado a conducir una hora en la nieve para contármelo.
If you know anything about this, then you have to tell me.
Si no tienes nada que ver en esto, entonces tienes que decírmelo.
Then i don't have to tell you that Hank picked me up, gave me a job, and a place to live.
Entonces no hace falta que te diga que Hank me recogió, me dio un trabajo y un lugar donde vivir.
When I tell you to wake up, you will remember everything, then you will tell me what you remember.
Cuando te diga que te despiertes, recordarás todo, entonces me contarás lo que recuerdas.
Let me tell you the rules, then.
Déjame decirte las reglas entonces.
Well, if you insist that I try to understand, then you have to tell me that story as well.
Si insistes en que trate de entender, tendrás que decirme esa historia también.
Then tell me what you like about me.
¿ Por qué lo hace siempre?
You can cut me a little bit on my arms and my legs, and I'll bleed a lot, all over the place, and then you can tell your friends you killed me.
Puedes cortarme un poquito en los brazos y en las piernas, y sangraré mucho, por todo el suelo, y luego puedes decirle a tus amigos que me has matado.
My dad wouldn't tell me why he didn't like you, and... I wanted to know why, and... and then I realized that...
Mi padre no me diría porque no le gustabas, y... quería saber porque, y... y entonces me di cuenta de que...
I could say that I'm gonna take my mom to, like, a doctor's appointment or something, and then you could just tell me what's on the test later.
Podría decir que tengo que llevar a mi madre a una cita con el médico o algo y luego tú me podrías decir qué entra en el examen.
- Then why did you call me, tell me to meet you here, saying that you have it, and then not have it?
- ¿ Entonces por qué me llamaste y me dijiste que nos viéramos aquí y que lo tenías y ahora no lo tienes?
Then you gonna tell me don't look in the mirror, and when I do you freak all out.
Entonces vas a decirme no mires en el espejo, y cuando lo hago le freak todo.
Look, I spoke to Linda on the phone before coming here. So if you tell me I was mean to you, then I give in completely.
Mira, yo hablé con Linda antes de venir aquí... así que si dices. que fui malo contigo, entonces me rindo y lo acepto completamente.
You know, if you're not gonna tell me things, then can you tell your friends not to either?
Sabes, si no vas a contarme cosas, entonces, ¿ puedes no contarle a tus amigos tampoco?
And then you're gonna tell me where Larkin is.
Y ahora me dices dónde está Larkin.
Then tell me how divine you think it is.
Entonces me dirá qué tan divino cree que es.
Then do the heroic thing and tell me what you know.
Haga algo heroico y dígame lo que sabe.
Well, I tell you what, if you can make it a glass of wine, then I'm in.
Bueno, te diré qué, si me ofreces una copa de vino, entonces acepto.
She was then found beaten to death with what my examiner is calling tremendous rage by a person who knew her, and you refuse to tell me what the phone call she made to you was about.
Luego fue encontrada golpeada hasta morir, mi forense dice que con tremenda furia por una persona que la conocía. y usted se negó a decirme de que se trataba el llamado que le hizo.
And then he tell you when to die.
Y luego me dijo cuándo vas a morir.
Then you can tell me what to do.
Entonces podrás decirme qué hacer.
You tell me what I wanna know, then you'll talk about your deal.
¡ Bien!
If you're not going to tell me, then I'll just have to find out for myself, won't I?
Si no me dices, entonces tendré que averiguarlo por mi cuenta, ¿ no?
Then tell me what you know about Wassily.
Díganme qué saben de Wassilij.
Well, then, tell me honestly, do you want to make this work'?
Entonces dime honestamente, ¿ quieres hacer que esto funcione?
If you can't tell me what you want, then tell me what you need.
Si no puede decirme lo que quieren, entonces dígame lo que necesitan.
Then just tell me why you two aren't together.
Entonces dime por qué los dos no estáis juntos.
I'll tell you what... you find him, you take me to see him... and then I'll let you do whatever you want.
Le diré algo... le encuentra, me lleva a verle, y entonces dejaré que me haga lo que quiera.
Scarlet, I'm gonna find out whether you tell me or not, and if they were involved in Beau Randolph's death, then that makes you an accomplice unless you help.
Scarlet, lo voy a saber de una u otra forma, y si ellos están involucrados en la muerte de Beau Randolph, eso te convierte en cómplice, a menos que me ayudes.
If you are not happy with that then you need to tell me... and walk away.
Si no eres feliz con eso necesitas decirlo... y alejarte.
then you're an idiot 17
then you're wrong 16
then you know 40
then you 156
then you're right 18
then you die 16
then you're on your own 16
then you can 17
then you're a fool 17
then you should 20
then you're wrong 16
then you know 40
then you 156
then you're right 18
then you die 16
then you're on your own 16
then you can 17
then you're a fool 17
then you should 20
then you go 36
then you know what 34
then you said 18
then you understand 18
then you'll know 16
then you say 25
then you should go 18
then you do it 25
then you can go 37
you tell me the truth 27
then you know what 34
then you said 18
then you understand 18
then you'll know 16
then you say 25
then you should go 18
then you do it 25
then you can go 37
you tell me the truth 27
you tell me 1648
you tell me everything 17
you tell me now 18
you tell me that 18
you tell me where she is 17
tell me 9887
tell me about yourself 90
tell me more 252
tell me everything 270
tell me something about yourself 16
you tell me everything 17
you tell me now 18
you tell me that 18
you tell me where she is 17
tell me 9887
tell me about yourself 90
tell me more 252
tell me everything 270
tell me something about yourself 16
tell me about it 1085
tell me again 158
tell me you love me 72
tell me what happened 368
tell me something i don't know 107
tell me your name 121
tell me the truth 559
tell me that you love me 17
tell me why 196
tell me something 611
tell me again 158
tell me you love me 72
tell me what happened 368
tell me something i don't know 107
tell me your name 121
tell me the truth 559
tell me that you love me 17
tell me why 196
tell me something 611