There was a break traduction Espagnol
273 traduction parallèle
There was a break on the Merritt County chain gang this morning.
Hubo una fuga en los trabajos forzados del Condado de Merritt hoy.
There was a break from the camp.
Hubo una fuga en el campo.
There was a break-in last night, and some money taken.
Entraron y robaron dinero.
Although the fbi isn't saying much... a source at the police department tells wins... he wouldn't be surprised if there was a break... in the case of the three elderly men who held up the Union Marine Bank.
A pesar de que el FBI no dice nada... una fuente en el departamento de policía dijo a WINS... que no le sorprendería si hay un receso... en la investigación de los tres ancianos que asaltaron el Unión Marine...
So there was a break-in!
iAsi que ha habido un robo!
- They said there was a break-in.
Dijeron que habian entrado a robar.
If there was a break in the Bridge that'd be the safest place to go.
sería el lugar más seguro adonde ir.
There was a break-in at the weapons cache.
La tienda de armas ha sido robada.
There was a break-in and your father tried to stop them.
Hubo un robo y tu padre trató de detenerlo.
We'll tell Maris there was a break-in.
, Frasier, me das en la cabeza con esto, vamos a decirle a Maris que hubo un robo!
There was a break-in a few months back. Inside job.
Hace unos meses entraron ladrones.
There was a break-in.
Alguien entró a la casa.
There was a break in training for personal time and I decided to take mine here to help you move back home and ensure your safe arrival.
Hay una pausa en el entrenamiento para cosas personales... y decidí tomar el mío aquí y ayudarte a mudarte a casa... y asegurarte una llegada segura.
- So... there was a break-in last night.
- Entonces... Hubo un asalto anoche.
But despite everything sometimes when there was a break in the shelling and it was quiet up top, I'd go outside with Eva Braun and Frau Christian, into the grounds.
Pero a pesar de todo... en ocasiones cuando se rompía esa cáscara... y estaba tranquilo arriba, salíamos un poco... Eva Braun y la Señora Christian, por el parque.
Say there was a break-in at that museum this week.
Supongamos que hay un robo en ese museo.
That was a break for me. If you hadn't been, I might still be lying out there in the gutter
Si no, también esperaría a que se dignase a tener interés por mí.
There was a prison break.
Había un escape de prisión.
¤ Once there was a nightingale, who at the break of day,... ¤ who was held captive by a flower far from his mate.
# Una vez un ruiseñor, con las claras de la aurora, # quedó preso de una flor lejos de su ruiseñora.
It was a pretty tough break you had, Being born in prison And mother dying there.
Fue mala suerte nacer en la cárcel y que tu madre muriera allí.
If I can convince them that there was attempt to break Manners out of jail.
Si puedo convencerlos de que ayudé a sacar a Manners de la cárcel.
Joanna told her mother as soon as she walked in... and I had the stupid idea, that maybe... there was some way to... break this gently.
Joanna le dijo a su madre tan pronto como la vio y yo tuve la estúpida idea, de que tal vez habría una forma sutil de decírselo a usted.
There was a party and as every Russian break some objects.
Tuvimos una fiesta y, como buenos rusos, rompimos algunos muebles.
We discovered sometime later... when the correspondence was made public by Hanoi... that four days before our letter could arrive in Hanoi... a letter arrived there, sent over PresidentJohnson's signature... which was a very hard line letter indeed... which restated all the previous conditions regarding cessation of the bombing... and even added some new ones... and which was, in our judgment... intended to do what it did do... which was to break off any possibility of negotiation at that time.
Descubrimos algo después cuando la correspondencia fue hecha pública por Hanoi que cuatro días antes de que nuestra carta pudiera llegar a Hanoi había llegado una carta firmada por el Presidente Johnson la cual era una carta muy dura que volvía a exponer todas las condiciones previas con respecto al paro del bombardeo e incluso agregando algunas nuevas y que era, a nuestro juicio iba dirigida a hacer lo que hizo, terminar con cualquier posibilidad de negociación en aquel momento.
There was a barrier I couldn't break through.
Había una barrera y no pude pasar a través de ella.
Was there a break-in?
¿ Cómo pasó?
Is that right? Hey, Kojak, did you come here to break in a nightclub act, or was there something special you wanted?
Oiga, Kojak. ¿ Ha venido aquí a hacer el payaso... o quería usted algo en concreto?
There was a communications break.
No fue una ruptura de las comunicaciones.
There was a lot of pressure have to take a break.
Tenía un montón de presión tener que tomar un descanso.
And there was no sign of a break-in, or of an intruder?
¿ Y no había signos de una entrada forzada, o de un intruso?
There was no sign of a struggle, there was no break-in that Sunday.
No habia indicios de lucha, nadie forzo la entrada.
There was never no feelin never not needing that child even though i couldn't always be there and time don't wait on love, now life don't wait for a break in the weather what if i'm left
Nunca sentí nada, Nunca necesité de esa niña... Y aún cuando yo siempre estaba allí... y el tiempo no espera a nadie.
I wish there was a way to break this news more gently.
Me gustaría que hubiera una manera más suave de darte estas noticias.
There was a time when you couldn't break away from your starship fantasy at all.
Hubo un tiempo en que no podía liberarse de su fantasía de la nave estelar.
There I was... this C-minus student... about to break up with my boyfriend over... over some self-imposed rule.
Ahí estaba yo... una estudiante mediocre... a punto de romper con mi novio... por esta regla auto-impuesta.
Let's hope they were only supposed to break radio silence if there was a problem.
Esperemos que sólo debieran romper silencio radio si había un problema.
I was in the break room getting a cup of coffee... and there was this woman...
Estaba en mi descanso tomando una taza de café...
There was no evidence of a break-in at the Walker home...
No hay indicios de que hayan forzado la entrada- -
Our idea was to bring Adam's parents... up to the surface very slowly... make them very comfortable... and then break the bad news to them... that there was no nuclear holocaust.
Pensábamos subir { y : i } a los padres de Adán... poco a poco a la superficie. Ponerlos muy cómodos. { y : i } Y luego darles la mala noticia de... que no hubo un holocausto nuclear.
The Golem was right there, before I took my break. I'm tellin'ya. - Golem?
Le estoy diciendo, el GOLEM estaba ahí antes que fuera a tomar mi descanso.
There was a water main break and the train got stuck in Rye.
Se rompió un caño de agua y el tren se demoró en Rye.
A few hours later, there was the break-in.
Dijo que lo haríamos al día siguiente. Luego, pocas horas después, pasó lo que pasó.
And all the time he was there, Éverson played around with them. At any break, they'd get together to play ball, ride bike... and so it happened that, because of this wonderful thing about kids... the farm children didn't mind the camera... they did what they had to do. It turned out to be a game for them.
Y Éverson, durante el tiempo que estuve allá, conviví siempre... con los niños, en recreos jugaban al fútbol, andaban de bicicleta... y eso permitió, esa cosa maravillosa solo de niño... que los chicos no tuvieran miedo a la cámara... cumplían sus tareas, es para ellos se transformó en un juego.
A break-out at the brothel, was there?
Un salida de un budel, ¿ fue eso?
l was over there to break up with Becky.
Había ido a la casa de Becky a cortar con ella.
But among this nauseating chorus of congratulation there's at least one that dares break rank, that in fact sees the conquest as it surely was - a brutal, ruthless and completely successful act of aggression and cruelty.
Pero en medio de este nauseabundo coro de gratificación hay al menos uno que se atreve a romper filas, que de hecho ve la conquista como seguramente fue, un brutal, despiadado y completamente exitoso acto de agresión y crueldad.
There was a small part of me that was relieved to get a break.
Hubo una parte de mí que sí se sintió aliviada.
She'd never break cover unless there was no other way.
Nunca se descubre, a no ser que no haya otro remedio.
I was there for five days without a break, watching every act.
Estuve ahí cinco días sin descanso, viendo cada actuación.
Charlie, you told me yourself there was a fight in the Pudding Club room which Eckersley-Hyde had to break up.
Charlie, me dijo que hubo una pelea en el Pudding club, y que Eckersley-Hyde tuvo que detenerla.
there was a break-in down the street, and Mr. Teal bought a gun for protection.
there was this 68
there was 570
there wasn't 74
there was a time 64
there was a problem 25
there was no other way 31
there was an explosion 49
there was a boy 17
there was an accident 105
there was nothing 90
there was 570
there wasn't 74
there was a time 64
there was a problem 25
there was no other way 31
there was an explosion 49
there was a boy 17
there was an accident 105
there was nothing 90