There was a time traduction Espagnol
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There was a time when you would ask me what it was you should do. Now you choose your own path.
Hace un tiempo me habrías preguntado qué debías hacer... pero ahora eliges tu propio camino.
There was a time when I pitied myself. But I have found better, more loyal friends among these people than I ever had in the outside world.
Hubo un tiempo en que me compadecía... pero he encontrado amigos más leales entre esta gente... que los que tuve en el mundo exterior.
There was a time when I was like you. Jason!
Hubo una época en que era como tú...
There was a time when I helped.
Hubo un tiempo en que ayudé.
There was a time when I was envious of you.
Hubo un tiempo en que tuve envidia de ti.
There was a time I wanted that to be true, as much as you do now.
Hubo un tiempo en que quise que eso fuera verdad. Tanto como tú ahora.
There was a time when I believed that you belonged to me,
Hubo un tiempo en que yo creía que me pertenecía,
You know, there was a time I would've taken a bullet for you.
Hubo un tiempo en el que me hubiera dejado disparar por ti.
Yeah, well, you know there was a time when I thought the pro scouts would be calling.
Sí, en una época pensaba que me llamarían.
And there was a time that I thought I'd be 5'9 ".
Y en una época yo pensé que mediría 1.75.
♪ Now, there was a time ♪
♪ Ahora, hubo un tiempo ♪
There was a time when you were as reckless as he is, and who bailed you out?
Hubo un tiempo cuando eras tan temerario como él es, ¿ y quién te rescató?
There was a time when Earth was covered in them... and the animals would run freely amongst them.
Hubo una época en la que la Tierra estaba cubierta de ellas y los animales corrían libres entre ellas.
You see, there was a time when a man owned the land, he controlled the water, but things are different.
Verás, hubo un tiempo cuando el hombre poseía la tierra, él controlaba el agua, pero las cosas son diferentes.
Cheryl, who did not respond to a single wink... the whole time she was on there.
Cheryl, quien no respondió a un solo guiño... todo el tiempo ella estaba allí.
and I think, 12 months'time, you'll probably have forgotten there ever was a siege.
y creo que, el tiempo de 12 meses, es probable que haya olvidado alguna vez hubo un asedio.
Once upon a time, there was a little tiger... who lived in a cave with her family.
Había una vez una pequeña tigresa que vivía en una cueva con su familia.
Once upon a time, there was a beautiful tiger.
Había una vez una hermosa tigresa.
- There was this one time, That I was selling pot to Amish dude.
- Una vez, le estaba vendiendo hierba a un tipo Amish.
And I'm proud that throughout the time I was there with the 456, never lost anyone, not one.
Y me da orgullo que en todo el tiempo que estuve allí con el 456, nunca perdimos a nadie, ni uno.
You know, right around the time that I met Evan... there was this guy...
Ya sabes, justo en el momento en que conocí a Evan... había este tipo. Harwick Windsor.
When he came back home and asked for equal treatment, he was lynched... and that's the last time I saw him, hanging there from that tree.
Cuando volvió a casa y pidió un trato igualitario,... lo lincharon. Esa fue la última vez que lo vi. Colgado de ese árbol.
Thinking there was no way I'd ever be in a position where the fate of an entire city... I'll buy you some time.
Pensando que no había manera Me gustaría alguna vez estar en una posición donde el destino de toda una ciudad... voy a comprar un poco de tiempo.
Carl went along with us but he was such a slow hiker that ultimately we decided most of the time to go up there without him because he just couldn't keep up.
Carl vino con nosotros pero era muy lento y al final decidimos subir sin él porque no podía seguirnos.
Used to be that, by the time it got to the States there was only so much profit you can squeeze.
Solía ser que, por el momento en que llegó a los Estados sólo había tanta ganancia se puede exprimir.
Can you tell me a little more about the school and the time that she was there?
¿ Puede contarme un poco más sobre la escuela... y la época en la que ella estuvo ahí?
At that time, when I was a girl in Skopje, Yugoslavia, I read there were missionaries who were going to India.
En esa época, durante mi niñez en Skopie, Yugoslavia... leí que había misioneros que iban a la India.
There was a prophecy, recorded in a text called the "Jinn Scrolls". It was lost a long time.
- Hay una profecía grabada en un texto, con las palabras de los Jinn, perdido hace mucho tiempo.
The first time you came up to accounting, I could tell there was something deep about you.
La primera vez que viniste a Contaduría me di cuenta que eras profundo.
Once upon a time, there was a young psychiatrist called Hector, who had a very satisfactory life.
Había una vez un joven psiquiatra llamado Héctor, que encontré extremadamente vida satisfactoria.
Once upon a time, there was a psychiatrist called Hector, who was scared to death of dying before he ever really lived.
Había una vez un psiquiatra llamado Héctor. Tenía un miedo mortal de morir, antes de que él realmente vivió.
Once upon a time, there was a young psychiatrist called Hector who was very satisfied with his life.
Había una vez un joven psiquiatra llamado Héctor. Él estaba muy contento con su vida.
Once upon a time there was a little boy who always wanted to love another little boy.
Érase una vez un niño que siempre quiso amar a otro niño.
But four guys under a streetlamp when it was all still ahead of us first time we made that sound our sound when everything dropped away and all there was was the music...
Pero cuatro tipos bajo una farola cuando aún nos quedaba todo por delante la primera vez que hicimos ese sonido nuestro sonido cuando todo desapareció y solo quedó la música...
Conrad began to spend more time in the country, to focus on the work, for it was only there that he felt at ease.
Conrad empezó a pasar más tiempo en el campo, para concentrarse... en el trabajo. Porque era solo ahí, que estaba en paz.
I think about Mom a lot, and when I got my chance and I was up there, singing her songs, for the first time in my life I thought,
Pienso en mamá mucho, y cuando tuve mi oportunidad y yo estaba allí, cantando sus canciones, por primera vez en mi vida Pensé,
If there was ever a time to chill out, now would be it.
Si hay un buen momento para relajarse, es este.
If there was a god that I could see at that time, and a higher authority in my life, it was my dad.
Si yo llegué a ver un dios en esa época, una autoridad más alta en mi vida, era mi padre.
I am outside, side by side with her, helping her with the responsibilities, and eoerything, sharing with her, and now here I am, for the first time, in a place that I hoped that she does not eoen think that I was there.
Y ahora estoy aquí, por vez primera, en un lugar en el que esperaba que mi madre no pensase que yo pudiera estar.
Never been a time when there was a fork in my road.
Jamás se ha presentado una bifurcación en mi camino.
There was this one time when I was guarding a checkpoint.
Hubo una vez en que estaba haciendo guardia en un puesto de control.
And then I started bleeding a lot and... then, by the time we got to the doctor's the next morning, there was no heartbeat and... and... then they had to take it out.
Y luego comencé a sangrar mucho y... luego, para cuando fuimos al doctor a la mañana siguiente, no había latidos y... y... luego tuvieron que sacarlo.
A number of decades ago there was something around called the Fairness Doctrine and for every tobacco ad that got run the networks had to free up time for anti-tobacco advertisement.
Hace algunas décadas, había algo llamado la Doctrina de la Equidad, y por cada propaganda de tabaco que se publicitaba, las cadenas debían ceder tiempo para publicidad antitabaco.
And I went to work full-time for the local newspaper when I was 15, first as a sports writer, general assignment, working late, being there with the newspapermen back in the'50s.
Y me fui a trabajar a tiempo completo... para el periódico local cuando tenía 15 años, primero como periodista deportivo, asignación general, trabajando hasta tarde, estando allí con los periodistas de vuelta en los años 50.
By the time I got home from this shoot, there was an email waiting for me.
En el momento en que llegué a casa de este rodaje, hubo un correo electrónico esperándome. ¡ Gran material!
By the time we completed health there was a different management at Fox, they believed it wouldn't make money.
Por el momento hemos completado la salud hubo una gestión diferente en Fox, ellos creyeron que no podría conseguir dinero.
It was beautiful there, but sad at the same time.
Era hermoso. Pero era triste a la vez.
Although I really wanted to see it, time I came home I hope he was not there.
A pesar de que tenía muchas ganas de verlo, vez que vino a casa espero que él no estaba allí.
The last time I seen my brother, he said there was others like him.
La última vez He visto a mi hermano, él dijo que no había otros como él.
And I never say that anyone ever invented the zombie walk because that's their kind of monster character. I think maybe the very first time I ever dressed up as a zombie was for the first annual Denver Zombie Crawl. There's probably like 15 or 20 people, and I was like,
porque ese es su monstruo favorito la primera vez que me disfrace fue para la primera caminata en Denver habrían como 15 o 20 personas y yo pensé
In the mean time, I kept trying to keep my eyes off you and hoping that there was a brain inside that pretty head.
Yo solo intentaba... No poner mis ojos en ti, y anhelaba que hubiera algo de cerebro en esa cabeza.
there was this 68
there was 570
there wasn't 74
there was a problem 25
there was no other way 31
there was an explosion 49
there was a boy 17
there was an accident 105
there was nothing 90
there was a girl 56
there was 570
there wasn't 74
there was a problem 25
there was no other way 31
there was an explosion 49
there was a boy 17
there was an accident 105
there was nothing 90
there was a girl 56