There was a traduction Espagnol
70,250 traduction parallèle
Actually, until this morning, I didn't think there was a chance in hell I was getting this job.
De hecho, hasta hoy en la mañana, no pensé que tenía la más mínima oportunidad de conseguirlo.
There was a part of me that... I felt almost relieved.
hubo una parte de mí que... casi sintió alivio.
He had clearly smoked some crystal meth and / or crack, and there was a hormone from monkey testicles that he had cooked down into a broth that he drank.
Claramente fumó meta y / o crack, y una hormona de testículos de mono mezcladas en batido que consumió.
Like she demanded more money or blackmailed the parents and there was a struggle.
Como que pidió más dinero o chantajeó a los padres y hubo una pelea.
The electrics had jammed the locks, and we rang for help but they said it'd be at least two hours, there was a lot of flooding.
El sistema eléctrico atascó las cerraduras y pedimos ayuda, pero dijeron que tardarían al menos dos horas, hubo muchas inundaciones.
And there was a bottle of red I'd slipped under the seat after a party, and I really needed to calm myself, so I opened it.
Y había una botella de tinto que cayó bajo el asiento después de una fiesta, y en realidad, tenía que calmarme, así que la abrí.
There was a lot of fumbling, but it was beautiful.
Fuimos muy torpes, pero fue precioso.
There was a cripple at the university canteen in Leipzig by the name of Lydia.
Había una lisiada en la cantina de la Universidad de Leipzig llamada Lydia.
If there was a royal appeal to Ember himself- -
Si se hiciera un requerimiento real para que Ember personalmente...
There was a glitch.
Hubo un problema.
There was a tremolo-treble-bass hiccup that we have rectified, and we're ready for ya.
Hubo un problemita con los bajos que ya rectificamos, y ahora estamos listos para ti.
Now, I wouldn't tell you to break a deal unless I thought there was a better offer out there for you.
No te diría que rompieras un trato a menos que tuvieras una propuesta mejor.
There was a time when I couldn't wait to get out of school, and now I'm back taking classes.
Hubo una época en que ansiaba salir de la escuela y ahora vuelvo a tomar clases.
You believed there was a light in me.
Tú creías que había una luz en mí.
I opened it expecting to find ice cream and instead there was a dead guy with a look on his face like I surprised him.
Pensaba que había helado y encontré un muerto que me miraba como si yo lo hubiera sorprendido.
There was a very loud banging.
Hubo un golpe muy fuerte.
And there was a third man with them.
Y había un tercer hombre con ellos.
Our offices got moved across town, and then there was a software update.
Nuestra oficina se mudó al otro lado de la ciudad y después hubo una actualización de software.
So I heard there was a mix-up at your mother's storage facility and they auctioned everything off.
Escuché que hubo una confusión en el depósito de tu madre y subastaron todo.
Inside, there was a guy with a gun.
Dentro había un tipo con un arma.
I know you're angry, but when I shut down A.L.I.E., I knew there was a way for us to get through this together.
Sé que están enfadados, pero cuando desconecté a ALIE, sabía que había una manera de superar esto juntos.
There was a time when you could have bet all night and not made a dent in your fortune, Cassel.
Hubo un tiempo cuando podría tener apuesta toda la noche y no se hace un hueco en su fortuna, Cassel.
I remember there was a lot of brass and mirrors and loud'80s music.
¡ No lo sé! Recuerdo que había un montón de latón, espejos y música de los 80 a todo volumen.
Halstead, there was a meeting last week, Open to anyone who had concerns about the video.
¿ Sabes, Dra. Halstead, hubo una reunión la semana pasada, uh, abierto a cualquier persona que tenga preocupaciones sobre el video.
I figured if you guys had the balls to put that picture on my desk, then you're probably old enough to hear about what prison was like, what I did to get there, how I thought about being killed every single day.
Me imagine que ustedes tienen los huevos para poner esa foto en mi escritorio, por lo tanto son lo suficientemente grandes para escuchar como es la vida en la carcel, lo que hice para terminar alli, como pensaba que me iban a matar todos los dias.
There were a couple of nights that AJ's breathing was so bad, we had to go to a motel down the street.
Hubo noches en las que la respiración de AJ estaba tan mal, que tuvimos que irnos a un motel al final de la calle.
And if you want me to say he can't be there for this, then I will, but he asked me, and I thought it was a fair request, so I'm asking you.
Y si quieres que diga que no puede estar presente, entonces lo haré, pero me lo pidió y me pareció que era justo, así que te lo pregunto a ti.
And Jason is a person who was near me, and then he asked me to marry him, and there is nothing in my protocol that specifically barred that from happening.
Y Jason es una persona que estuvo cerca de mí, y luego me pidió que me casara con él, y no hay nada en mi protocolo que prohíba específicamente que eso suceda.
Plus he did a bunch of whippits while he was in there, which couldn't have helped.
Además hizo un montón de destrozos mientras él estaba allí, que no podría haber ayudado.
We tried for two hours, but there was just a lot of, like, bumping into each other.
Lo intentamos por dos horas, pero sólo había un montón de, como, chocar entre sí.
Yeah, well, uh, after Levi was shot, he was in pretty rough shape, so he went over there to sit down and collect himself, and I sent Danny up to the car to get a first aid kit,
Sí, bueno después de lo que comenté Levi efectúo disparos. Estaba en mal estado y se sento allí. Recogía mis pertenencias y envié a Danny a la camioneta por un momento.
I'm opening photos, and now I'm going to the date that the murder was investigated, and there are several photographs here from the crime scene that were not turned over to the defense, as well as a copy of the app allowing keyless entry
Estoy abriendo fotos, y ahora voy a la fecha en que se investigó el asesinato, y hay varias fotografías aquí desde el lugar de los hechos que no fueron entregados a la defensa, así como una copia de la aplicación que permite la entrada sin llave
I was just, uh, psyched, psyched, psyched to be there, you know, representing Nigeria and all my Nigerian brothers and chicks.
estaba loco, loco, por estar ahí, sabes, representando a Nigeria y a todos mis hermanos nigerianos.
Was there a miscarriage?
¿ Hubo un aborto involuntario?
There was... a girl.
Había... una chica.
I was in Nam. But, you know, I was there in 1984, so it was... It was a different vibe.
Yo estuve en Vietnam, pero en 1984, así que era una vibra diferente.
So, I was at a clearance sale for the Sharper Image and there were all these signs that said "Everything must go."
Estaba en una liquidación de una tienda de electrónica y había carteles que decían : "Liquidamos todo".
I don't wanna hear how it was a one-time thing, like there's something special about a rehearsal studio.
No quiero oír que fue una sola vez...
There's a Snickers on there. I got really hungry while I was waiting in line.
Hay una barra de chocolate me dio hambre mientras esperaba en la cola.
I learned a lot about your father while I was there and I'm telling you, it was all good.
Aprendí mucho sobre tu padre cuando estuve allá y te digo que todo fue bueno.
There were no hard feelings because I knew it was going to be Will from the moment he applied.
No había resentimientos porque sabía que iba a ser Will desde el momento en que él aplicó.
We went for a drink when we finished, but there was no argument.
Fuimos por una bebida cuando terminamos, pero no hubo ninguna discusión
There was the physical evidence and the witnesses, and the hardest thing was taking him into the viewing room for his I.D., which the mother demanded.
Había evidencia física y testigos, y lo más difícil fue llevarlo a la sala de observación para su identificación lo que la madre exigió.
And apparently there was. A little domestic violence involved.
Y al parecer había un poco de violencia doméstica involucrada.
Two nights ago, you both took felix. On a helicopter ride, and there was...
Hace dos noches, ambos tomaron a Félix en un paseo en helicóptero y hubo un accidente.
I mean, he was pissed, but there was, like, less than a 3 % chance he would've hurt me or anything.
Había menos de un 3 % de posibilidades de que me hiciera algo.
No, they hate Hector because he was there.
No, odian a Hector porque estuvo allí.
But he went to it straight away, like he knew it was there.
Y se dirigió a ella de inmediato, como si supiera que estaba allí.
And I never came forward before because...'cause I couldn't sit there in front of a jury and tell them how I was so high I didn't even see the gun.
Y nunca me presenté antes porque... porque no podía sentarme frente a un jurado y decirles cómo es que estaba tan drogada que ni siquiera vi el arma.
-'cause my marriage was falling apart and I was a little bit drunk, and right at that moment, it was true. Jeff, of course, flipped out, and I mean, if you weren't there, it might've gotten ugly. - And you're just telling me this now?
Está presentado las imágenes de la resonancia magnética demostrando los cálculos para apoyar su diagnóstico de la inflamación del páncreas debido al cálculo biliar, pero no nos está mostrando ninguna imagen de las bases pulmonares o del corazón.
There was absolutely no evidence of a heart problem.
¿ Es serio?
there was a time 64
there was a problem 25
there was an explosion 49
there was an accident 105
there was a boy 17
there was a girl 56
there was a break 38
there was a fire 52
there was a fight 36
there was a man 63
there was a problem 25
there was an explosion 49
there was an accident 105
there was a boy 17
there was a girl 56
there was a break 38
there was a fire 52
there was a fight 36
there was a man 63
there was a woman 43
there was a mix 21
there was a struggle 34
there was an incident 38
there was a party 19
there was a guy 27
there was a witness 17
there was a lot of blood 21
there was a moment 17
there was this 68
there was a mix 21
there was a struggle 34
there was an incident 38
there was a party 19
there was a guy 27
there was a witness 17
there was a lot of blood 21
there was a moment 17
there was this 68