There was no way traduction Espagnol
2,340 traduction parallèle
There was no way I was ever gonna eat anything that had anything to do with Juli Baker.
Nunca iba a comer algo que tuviera algo que ver con Juli Baker.
There was no way.
No había manera.
There was the DNA and there was the knife that he ditched, but there was no way I was gonna listen to him.
Estaba el ADN y la navaja de la que se deshizo por supuesto que no escuché lo que él me decía.
There was no way I would believe that he didn't do it.
No creí que él no lo había hecho.
Anyway, since when did my Kimmy ever say there was no way she was gonna win something?
De toda formas, desde cuando mi Kimmy ha dicho que no hay forma que ella fuera a ganar algo?
Because, when I left in June, I'd seen a lawyer, and he said that there was no way you wouldn't give me my job back.
Because, when I left in June, visité a un abogado, y dijo que era imposible que perdiera mi trabajo.
There was no way I was gonna... "
No había manera de que iba a... "
And there was no way you were gonna let that happen.
Y no había manera de dejar que eso sucediera.
Because the crown was irregularly shaped, there was no way to mathematically determine its volume.
Como la corona tenía una forma irregular, no había una forma matemática... para determinar su volumen.
I could take it, but there was no way I was letting my little brother go through that.
Yo podía soportarlo, pero de ninguna manera iba a permitir que mi hermanito pasara por eso.
We found the way when there was no way.
Encontramos el camino donde no habia camino.
Yeah, and you said there was no way she was a day under 40.
Sí, y tu dijiste que ella no podía tener menos de 40.
It was very difficult to process the death of his brothers And once it did, was on fire There was no way to stop it, did what he wanted all along.
Fue muy difícil procesar la muerte de sus hermanos y una vez que lo hizo, estaba en llamas no había manera de pararlo, hacía lo que quería todo el tiempo
And with that little pip on her lip, there was no way to tell.
Y con ese granito en el labio, no podíamos estar seguros.
Mavis, there was no way we could have that...
Mavis, no había forma de que pudiésemos tener eso...
There was no way to know.
No había forma de saberlo.
There was no way of knowing.
No había manera de saberlo.
There's nothing more important to us than stars, but for a long time, the way they formed was a complete mystery.
No hay nada más importante para nosotros que las estrellas pero por mucho tiempo, la manera en que se forman fue un total misterio.
I mean, there's just no way to rationalize that this was in any way a good thing or justified.
Quiero decir, simplemente no hay manera para racionalizar... que esto no es de ninguna manera una cosa buena o justificada.
I was positive there would be no way I would marry a man my grandpa picked out for me.
Yo definitivamente no me casaré a través de citas a ciegas. Eso es lo que mi abuelo me prometió anteriormente. Pero ahora parece bastante divertido.
If there was a gang of bandits, there's no way it was not reported in the papers.
Si hubiera una banda de bandidos... no hay forma de que no se hubiese denunciado en los diarios.
There's no way the defendant could have known what was inside.
No hay manera de que el acusado supiera que había adentro.
We were told it was safe, that there were no way perdiramos Made a geological reconnaissance, and everything.
Nos dijeron que era seguro, que no había forma en que perdiéramos hicieron un reconocimiento geológico, y todo.
" Thank you, and by the way, there was no nuclear program.
" Gracias. A propósito, no había programa nuclear.
I was speaking to the sheriff on the CB radio Before the radio went dead He said there is no way we can cross the bridge.
Yo estaba hablando con el sheriff en la radio CB antes de que la radio quedara muerta Él dijo que no había forma de que podamos atravesar el puente.
He was shocked and horrified, and said, "There's no way EMI's going to be involved in this blasphemous filth."
Estaba horrorizado y dijo : "De ninguna manera EMl va a tener nada que ver con esta sucia blasfemia".
There's no way she touched the baby because she was restrained.
No hay manera de que ella tocará el bebé porque estaba contenida.
There's no way the DA was letting Roulet walk out of here, not after what just happened.
El Fiscal jamás hubiera dejado que Roulet se fuera de aquí después de lo que acaba de pasar.
I knew there was a way!
¡ Sabía que no era imposible!
I think that there was a huge element of our fans that just kind of carried us through a period of time where we were not there all the way.
Creo que hubo una gran cantidad de fans que nos cargó en una época en la que no estábamos completamente presentes.
Whereas if the money comes from the chamber, All that money was packaged into a large group, And there's no way that you can see who it were that contributes.
Si el dinero proviene de la Cámara, todo va a un pote y no se sabe quién dio ni cuánto.
No, there's no way he was SAS.
No, imposible que haya sido del SAS.
There's no fucking way that this asshole was able to draw faster than Weinstein.
No es posible que este mongo dispara más rápido que Weinstein.
Shooting people the way that these people were shot... and not even taking all the money that was there- - it doesn't make any sense.
Disparar a la gente como lo hicieron con ellos, y no llevarse todo el dinero que estaba ahí, no tiene sentido.
When we were in college, and this is way before you guys ever met, there was a night that didn't mean anything. It was a meaningless night. It was a booze night.
Cuando estábamos en la universidad, y esto es mucho antes de que ustedes conocido, hubo una noche que no significa nada.
She knew, as she always does, that there was no other way but to move forward with our lives.
Ella sabía, como siempre lo supo, que no había otro camino... más que seguir con nuestras vidas.
And no one was there to tell me which way to go?
No, haz lo tuyo, hombre.
Five counting Vincent, but had lost a hand to explode a grenade... and could not fight as When met him. And it was young and brave. And the Hill was encharcated by the rain, and on the way there... many German soldiers, and is It was point to the first group... and with accurate marksmanship, delayed them.
Cinco con Vicente, pero perdió una mano por una granada y no podía luchar como cuando era joven y valiente y la colina estaba encharcada y descendía hacia la carretera y había muchos soldados alemanes y había que apuntar al primer grupo y con puntería certera, retrasarlos.
There was only one way to find out. Sick, huh?
Sólo había una forma de saberlo. ¿ Enfermo no?
Yet if that was like a blob, like a slug, there's no way people would be that friendly towards it.
Si, si tan solo fuera como una mancha, como un caracol, la gente de ningún modo sería amable con él.
Well, with the kind of team Brian had, there's no way we'll be able to prove that he was at the U.N.Y. pool.
Bien, con el tipo de equipo que tenía Brian, no hay manera de que seamos capaces de demostrar que estaba en la piscina de la universidad.
Well, I find that hard to believe, because I was headed to Seattle coming from Detroit, so there's no way I could be in fucking Concord, New Hampshire.
Pues yo encuentro eso difícil de creer, porque yo me dirigía hacia Seattle viniendo desde Detroit, así que ni de coña estamos en Concord, puto New Hampshire.
There's no way you could tell where I was in that photograph.
No hay forma que puedas decir dónde estoy en esa fotografía.
I know that you and Ade have had your problems, but there's no way that she would do something like that. But she was the last one in here.
Sé que tú y Ade habéis tenido vuestros problemas, pero no hay manera de que ella haría algo así pero ella fue la última de aquí.
Maybe if I went through these files, every detail, every thought pattern, then maybe I could remember how to think the way I used to, the way we used to back when there were no limitations, back when anything was possible.
Quizá si miro estos archivos, cada detalle, cada pauta, entonces quizá pueda recordar como pensar de la manera que solía hacerlo, de la manera que solíamos hacerlo para volver a cuando no había limitaciones, volver a cuando cualquier cosa era posible.
I'm sorry you had to go through that. There was no other way.
Lamento que hayas tenido que pasar por eso.
There was no other way.
No había ninguna otra forma.
There was no other way.
No había otra manera.
And this is really the reason why neuromarketing is happening now because there's no way you could explain that to me when I was interviewing just after watching the commercial, right?
Y es la razón por la cual está empleándose el neuromarketing, porque no podrías explicarme eso cuando hice la entrevista después de ver el comercial.
For the Minoans, there was no better way to appease unpredictable and violent gods than to make an offering.
Para los minoicos... no había mejor forma de aplacar a los violentos e impredecibles dioses, que hacer una ofrenda.
There was no other way.
No había otra forma.
there was this 68
there was 570
there wasn't 74
there was a time 64
there was a problem 25
there was no other way 31
there was an explosion 49
there was a boy 17
there was an accident 105
there was nothing 90
there was 570
there wasn't 74
there was a time 64
there was a problem 25
there was no other way 31
there was an explosion 49
there was a boy 17
there was an accident 105
there was nothing 90