They didn't know traduction Espagnol
4,090 traduction parallèle
They said they didn't know anything.
Pero me dijeron que no sabían nada.
They didn't know you can't swim.
No sabían no que no puedes nadar.
Oh, my God, dude, no. Hey! You know, they probably didn't see us.
Dios mio, amigo, no.
You know, in the school, they didn't even know that those kids were bullying him.
Ya sabes, en la escuela, ni siquiera sabían que esos chicos lo estaban acosando.
I didn't know they had a prison around here.
Dicen que un hombre escapó de prisión. No muy lejos de aquí.
I didn't know they did that anymore
No sabía que se podían abrir
We know he and his sister fell out so badly that they didn't talk to each other for 20-odd years, and she cut him out of her will.
Sabemos que la pelea entre él y su hermana fue tan seria que no se hablaron por unos 20 años y ella lo dejó fuera del testamento.
I didn't know they had a women's team. I played in the men's team.
Yo no sabía que ellos también tienen un equipo femenino.
They didn't pay sick pay, so he was going to work in agony to pay five shillings for the doctor to put his foot on that doormat. That was before you got any help, you know, advice on what was wrong with you or anything.
Así que iba a trabajaren agonía para pagar 5 chelines para que el médico pusiese el pie en casa, y eso era antes de ayudarte o aconsejarte sobre qué te pasaba ni nada.
Well, I know, it's weird that they didn't find it, but it's got to be my dad's, so I have to turn it in.
Bueno, lo sé, es raro que no lo hayan encontrado, pero tiene que ser de mi padre, así que lo tengo que entregar.
I didn't know they were going to hurt my baby.
No sabía que iban a lastimar a mi niño.
If he'd said Paris, I would've gone along and I didn't know what they were talking about, so I did some checking and...
Si él hubiera dicho París, yo habría ido... Y yo no sabía de qué estaban hablando, así que hice algunas averiguaciones y...
Didn't know they made sushi with dried clams.
No sabía que hiciesen sushi con almejas secas.
No, I mean, the KGB found you at a burger joint when you didn't even know who you were, then they found you here?
No, quiero decir, ¿ el KGB te encontró en un antro de hamburguesería cuándo ni siquiera sabías quién eras, y luego te encuentran aquí?
I didn't yet know what words to use... but I did know that they would change our life forever.
Aún no sabía que palabras decir... pero si sabia que cambiarían nuestra vida para siempre.
Are they working on him? " I didn't know anything.
¿ Están con el ahora? " Yo no sabía nada.
They didn't know what they were doing the whole routine was messed up.
No sabían lo que estaban haciendo toda la rutina se convirtió en un desastre.
Oh, I knew they'd hit on you sometime, I just didn't know what you'd do.
Sabía que te iban a seducir, pero no sabía qué harías tú.
They didn't know about the western hemisphere in the 2nd century.
No sabían que existía esa parte del mundo en el siglo II.
Now I didn't want to hurt these men, but somebody will come looking for them, you know they will.
Yo no quería lastimar a estos hombres, pero alguien vendrá a buscarlos, saben qué lo harán.
We didn't know we didn't know that they could do what they did the way they did it.
No sabíamos que desconocíamos que pudieran hacer lo que hicieron en la forma en que lo hicieron.
I didn't know they came in different sizes.
No sabía que venían en diferentes tamaños.
They didn't know who he was, so they deported him to some foreign country.
No supieron averiguar quién era, así que le deportaron.
You know the studios kept them in the vaults, sometimes they got rid of the negatives, didn't think it mattered anymore.
Ya sabes, los estudios las guardaban en las bóvedas, se deshacían de los negativos, no creían que importaran ya.
There was a little bit of a rumor on the set about that they didn't really get along that well which I thought was pretty tough to have to be able to, you know on film, appear like they're hitting it off,
Había ciertos rumores en el set que decían que ellos no se llevaban nada bien. Dificultó para mí el poder aparentar en que que se correspondían y que estaban conectados.
Well, I don't really know about the censor boards and what they allow, or what they didn't allow, but I'm sure they probably didn't like
Bueno, yo no conozco la junta de censores ni tampoco lo que permiten y lo que no,
That was a question that I put to them at the beginning. Like, you know, because Kane had sort of established the character, did they want some of the trademark moves that Kane does, you know, the deep breath and stuff, and they didn't.
Ya que Kane había establecido el personaje a su manera, les pregunté muy al principio si querían que mantuviera sus movimientos característicos, su respiración profunda y todo eso.
And everyone was amazed'cause they didn't know she had such a beautiful voice.
Todo el mundo se sorprendió porque no sabían que tenía una voz tan hermosa.
People literally didn't know who they were.
La gente literalmente no tenía idea de ellos.
People literally didn't know who they were when I'd say,
La gente literalmente no sabía quienes eran cuando decía :
They just erupted, and we were afraid of not being able to cope with such a fast change when we didn't know the country and we didn't know the people, the culture.
Ellos sólo surgieron, y teníamos miedo de no ser capaz de hacer frente a un cambio tan rápido cuando no conocíamos el país y no conocíamos a la gente, la cultura.
You know, the whole reason that I taught, you know, older women... was because, you know, the young ones, they didn't want to learn the fox-trot.
¿ Sabes? , el motivo por el que yo enseñaba, ya sabes, a mujeres mayores era porque las jóvenes no querían aprender el foxtrot.
They always told me they didn't know where Anthony was.
Siempre me dijeron que no sabían dónde estaba Anthony.
They didn't know Anthony had a different name.
No sabían que Anthony se había cambiado el nombre.
She was poisoning her sisters, and they didn't know what was happening to them.
Estaba envenenando a sus hermanas, y ellas no sabían lo que les estaba pasando.
I apologised for being a bit funny when they first met, but that's because I didn't know you.
Me disculpé por ser un mamón cuando nos conocimos, pero es porque no te conocía.
Well, I didn't know that they'd die.
No sabía que morirían.
Didn't even know they had farms.
Ni sabía que había granjas en esa parte de Eslovenia.
How did you know they didn't kill Miles?
¿ Como se No matado Milles?
I didn't know, but it bothered me that we are eating them and didn't even know what they were.
Pero me molestó estar comiéndolos sin siquiera saber lo que eran.
I didn't even know they had the show there.
Ni siquiera sabía que ahí daban el programa.
She didn't know what they were.
Ella no sabía lo que eran.
Most of them didn't even know the rules of the game they were playing.
La mayoría ignoraba las reglas del juego que jugaban.
They didn't need to know.
No necesitaban saberlo.
I just hoped that they didn't know what they had and they wouldn't get used.
Solo esperaba que no se enteraran de lo que se llevaron y que no consiguieran usarlas.
You know, like, they saw him, he didn't yell out, he was a black man, and they shot him.
Sabes, lo vieron, el no gritó nada, era un negro, y le dispararon.
Everyone thought you'd be like that for ever and they didn't know why.
Todo el mundo pensaba que serías así siempre, pero no sabían por qué.
They didn'f know those drivers. They didn't know the drivers'wives and the drivers fathers and mothers.
No conocían a los pilotos ni a las esposas de los pilotos, ni a los padres y madres de los pilotos.
I know that they say you didn't, but... you must have.
Sé que dicen que no lo hiciste, pero... debes haberlo hecho.
You know the cops wouldn't be talking to everyone again if they didn't think something was going on.
Sabes que los polis no hablarían con nadie si no creyeran que pasa algo.
They didn't know what they were looking for!
¡ No sabían qué estaban buscando!
they didn't 372
they didn't find anything 25
they didn't say anything 21
they didn't say 45
they didn't believe me 20
they didn't tell me 30
they didn't do it 18
they didn't make it 32
they didn't tell you 30
they didn't care 21
they didn't find anything 25
they didn't say anything 21
they didn't say 45
they didn't believe me 20
they didn't tell me 30
they didn't do it 18
they didn't make it 32
they didn't tell you 30
they didn't care 21
they didn't do anything 22
didn't know that 32
didn't know 26
know 759
knowing 61
knows 86
knowledge 78
known 107
knowles 44
knowledge is power 34
didn't know that 32
didn't know 26
know 759
knowing 61
knows 86
knowledge 78
known 107
knowles 44
knowledge is power 34
know your place 28
know thyself 21
know your enemy 19
know what i'm saying 125
know why 81
know it 54
know what that means 36
know what this is 16
known what 18
know this 99
know thyself 21
know your enemy 19
know what i'm saying 125
know why 81
know it 54
know what that means 36
know what this is 16
known what 18
know this 99