Three people traduction Espagnol
3,566 traduction parallèle
But if three people use something I had written as justification, I would really be very, very troubled by it.
Pero si tres personas usan algo que yo he escrito como justificación, yo estaría realmente muy, muy preocupado.
I've been with three people.
He estado con tres personas.
I was curious to meet with three people who had been her lovers and survived.
Me intrigaba conocer a tres personas que fueron sus amantes y sobrevivieron.
Reverend Zombie thought that by letting Crowley kill the three people that were responsible for his death, somehow the curse would be lifted and -
El reverendo Zombie pensaba que dejar que Crowley matara a tres personas responsables de su muerte de alguna manera eliminaría la maldición y no sé...
They can't even kill three people.
No son capaces de matar a tres personas.
Who is one in three people relationship on which Christ on the cross.
Quien es único de tres personas relación por la cuál Cristo está en la cruz.
Apparently we're like, the only three people that were like, Pushing hard enough and asking again and again and again And going through also the irish authority
Aparentemente nosotros tres somos las únicas personas presionando y preguntando de nuevo y de nuevo y yendo también a las autoridads irlandesas para finalmente conseguir por lo menos una parte mayor de nuestro conjunto de datos.
Chen Zilong,... Sidekick... three people you've create chaos at my place...
Zilong Chen escucha, sus tres chicos hicieron problemas en mi lugar.
And three people came to see me to ask solution.
Y ahora los tres hermanos mayores han venido a mí para solucionar el problema.
Well, I found out when I got home on the news and it was too late, really, but I've just seen about three people I know are going in who know nothing about music.
Bueno, me enteré cuando llegué a casa en las noticias y ya fue tarde, pero he visto a tres personas que sé que irán y no saben nada sobre música.
Because since there's only three people voting, everyone's gonna know who voted against who.
Porque como solo somos tres personas votando, todo el mundo sabe quién votó contra quién.
- These three people with burkas just walked right by you.
- Nunca he visto... - Acaban de pasarles tres personas con burka por el lado.
Let's face it, folks, there's only one person in this hotel unhinged enough to kill three people.
Debemos afrontarlo, amigos, solo hay una persona en este hotel suficientemente desquiciada como para matar a tres personas.
He offered to kill any three people you wanted.
Te ofreció matar a tres personas que quisieras.
He may have killed three people.
Él pudo haber matado a tres personas.
- So three people live here?
- Así que tres personas viven aquí?
There's like three people on the planet who have ever seen him.
Hay tres personas que lo han visto.
You took us in. Three people, invading your space.
Nos ayudaste, nos acogiste las tres, invadiendo tu casa.
Three people, Mr. President.
Tres personas, Señor Presidente.
Three people live here.
Tres personas viven aquí.
He's probably right. But three people has disappeared from the city in 20 years.
Ella probablemente tenga razón, pero tres Para la ciudad en 20 años.
The escape pod is only designed to carry three people, which means three crew members remained behind.
La capsula de escape solo está diseñada para tres personas. Lo que significa que tres miembros de la tripulación han quedadoa tras.
We can't afford to pay three people right now.
No tenemos para pagar a tres personas en este momento.
Dr. Gideon escaped this morning after killing three people.
El Dr. Gideon se escapó esta mañana después de matar a tres personas.
Three people saw Bart driving.
Tres personas vieron a Bart manejando.
The CIA waterboarded, as I understand it, three people.
La CIA, hasta donde sé, sometió a tres personas a ahogamiento simulado.
She's killed three people already and she tried to kill me!
Mató a tres personas y trato de matarme a mí.
There's at least three people that we know of who might be still alive if it wasn't for this hack.
Hay al menos tres personas que sepamos que podrían estar con vida si no fuera por este pirata.
Chief Inspector Campbell has ordered that we are not allowed to assemble in groups of more than three people.
El inspector jefe Campbell ha ordenado que no podamos reunirnos en grupos mayores de tres personas.
How will you find those three people?
¿ Cómo va a encontrar esas tres personas?
My doubt was right You are only the three people... who were behind Rose, Mary and Marlow.
Mi duda era justo Usted es sólo las tres personas... que estaban detrás de Rose, María y Marlow.
The family consists of... Five people, two females, three males..
Sí, la familia consiste de cinco personas, dos femeninas, tres masculinas.
Go see the city. Three million people live in Berlin.
Vaya a ver la ciudad, tres millones de personas viven en Berlín.
But, I thought people died at Three Mile Island.
CARBÓN PETRÓLEO Pero yo pensaba en las víctimas de Three Mile Island.
Then those two people cannot handle those three words...
Entonces si esas dos personas no pueden manejar esas dos palabras...
I need, like, three more people.
Necesito, tres personas más.
I need to get, like, three more people.
Necesito conseguir a tres personas más.
He killed three people...
Usted lo hizo transferir.
A three-crore rupee bridge for just 270 people?
¿ Tres millones de rupias para un puente por sólo 27 personas?
Three other people are living because of him.
Otras tres personas viven gracias a él.
11 missing people over the past three years all within a sixty mile radius.
11 personas desaparecidas durante los últimos tres años todos dentro de un radio de sesenta millas.
Three grand... those people.
Tres de los grandes... esas personas.
Now, not too many people realise this but the White House is actually three buildings :
Ahora, no muchas personas se dan cuenta de esto pero la Casa Blanca esta basada en realidad en 3 edificios :
Three of my favorite people, trapped in one place... with no way to defend themselves.
Tres de mi gente preferida atrapada en el mismo sitio sin ninguna forma de defenderse a si mismos.
We went into this building, got in an elevator, went up, got out of the elevator, and the three or four people I was with were walking along.
Entramos en un edificio, nos metimos en un ascensor, subimos, salimos del ascensor y las tres o cuatro personas que me acompañaban iban caminando.
So we're gonna teach you how to sing - with three other people. " - ♪ You know it's all right
Así que te enseñaremos a cantar con otras tres personas ".
At the brothel, I learned that people ate three meals a day.
En el burdel me enteré de que la gente comía tres veces al día.
For now three years in Bordeaux, we have a lot of Chinese people very interested in wine.
tenemos una gran cantidad de personas chinas muy interesadas en el vino.
stage three is : people get on with living their lives.
escenario tres : la gente continúa con sus vidas.
It was the reason some people ate three meals every day... while others ate every couple of days.
Era la razón por la que algunas personas comían tres veces al día. Mientras otros comían cada dos días.
Isn't this pleasant, the three of us sitting around like civilized people?
Una grata compañía, los tres sentados como gente civilizada.
people 5151
people like me 81
people of earth 28
people don't change 46
people change 205
people screaming 74
people can change 59
people like you 105
people are scared 36
people are talking 31
people like me 81
people of earth 28
people don't change 46
people change 205
people screaming 74
people can change 59
people like you 105
people are scared 36
people are talking 31
people talk 81
people get hurt 32
people are dying 81
people are watching 31
people were killed 27
people make mistakes 71
people will die 36
people are dead 47
people are looking 23
people go 25
people get hurt 32
people are dying 81
people are watching 31
people were killed 27
people make mistakes 71
people will die 36
people are dead 47
people are looking 23
people go 25