To help people traduction Espagnol
3,727 traduction parallèle
- That's her job, to help people relocate.
- ¿ Qué? - Es su trabajo, ayudar a la gente a recolocarse.
As a defense counsel, I used to help people clear their charges
Como abogado defensor, ayudaba a mis clientes a probar su inocencia.
We used to help people.
Solíamos ayudar a la gente.
Well, there's no law that says you have to help people.
Bueno, no hay una ley que diga que tienes que ayudar a la gente.
There's no law that says you have to help people.
No hay una ley que diga que hay que ayudar a la gente.
So you're compelled to help people?
- Así que, ¿ estás obligado a ayudar a la gente?
And you had a chance to do something positive, to give something back, to help people, to really make a difference to their lives.
Y tenéis la oportunidad de hacer algo positivo, de dar algo a cambio, de ayudar a la gente, de marcar realmente una diferencia en vuestras vidas.
- we get to help people like Zach.
- ayudamos a gente como Zach.
Dr. Bowen is trying to help people.
El Dr. Bowen está tratando de ayudar a la gente.
Ali used to help people break up with their boyfriends when they didn't want to deal with it themselves.
Ali solía ayudar a la gente a romper con sus novios cuando ellos no querían lidiar con eso.
Our being able to help people like Emily, it's not playing God.
Que seamos capaces de ayudar a gente como Emily, no es que estemos jugando a ser Dios.
Because while Scott and Stiles were out there trying to help people from being killed, you were in here, rolling around the sheets with the actual killer.
Porque mientras Scott y Stiles estaban ahí fuera tratando de evitar que la gente fuera asesinada, tú estabas aquí, revolcándote en las sábanas con la verdadera asesina.
You're supposed to help people with their Troubles.
Se supone que ayudas a la gente con sus problemas.
Uh, we try to help people, try to stop the bad guys.
Intentamos ayudar a la gente, detener a los malos.
She takes only a modest sum to help people and spirits alike to find peace in their separate realms.
Solo acepta una modesta suma para ayudar tanto a gente como a espíritus a encontrar la paz en sus distintos mundos.
Why do you think those people will be able to help us?
¿ Por qué cree usted que esa gente nos iba a poder ayudar?
I help people come to terms with it so they can move forward.
- Yo no me regodeo. Ayudo a la gente a que haga las paces con él y así pueda avanzar.
Some people hear the call to help where they can.
Algunas personas oyen la llamada para ayudar donde puedan.
I came to help the people you love.
Vine para ayudar a la gente que amas.
Even though Dimitri's ceremonies can look as though the lunatics have taken over the asylum, people continually seek him out to ask him for his help, because heroin is the most addictive drug on earth.
Aunque las ceremonias de Dimitri parecieran que los lunaticos hubieran tomado LSD, la gente sigue buscando su ayuda porque la heroina es la droga mas adictiva del planeta.
When Pete was a kid, he sold dream catchers to help raise money for people with diabetes.
Cuando Pete era un niño, vendió amuletos contra las pesadillas para recaudar dinero para gente con diabetes.
But first I would like to know if already spoken with people who can help.
Pero antes me gustaría saber si ha hablado usted ya con quien tenga que hablar.
Winning MasterChef would give me the opportunities to help so many people in this world, to be able to change so many lives, to make them understand that just'cause I'm disabled
MasterChef Ganar me daría las oportunidades para ayudar a tanta gente en este mundo, para ser capaz de cambiar tantas vidas, hacerles entender que sólo porque soy discapacitado
Oh, well, she was battered, covered in blood, and, look, all I'm trying to do is just help people.
Bueno, fue golpeada, estaba cubierta de sangre y, mira, todo lo que intento hacer es ayudar a la gente.
Isn't it good to spend your energy for a worthier cause... to help more people?
¿ No sería mejor que gastases tu energía por una causa más digna... para ayudar a más personas?
They are people that'll bend over backwards to help ya. You're not going to leave a comrade on the side of the road without offering to help'em.
Hay gente que retrocede para ayudarte... no van a dejar un camarada en la ruta sin ofrecerle ayuda.
[Lawwill] Mert's Hands is a nonprofit group where I'm able to take donations and then help people that can't afford a hand.
Mere Hands es una organización sin fines de lucro donde recibimos donaciones para gente que no puede pagar una mano.
Well, I help applicants put their best foot forward and try to get them face-time with people who can champion them.
Bueno, ayudo a los solicitantes a dar su mejor impresión e intentar conseguirles tiempo cara a cara con gente que puede apoyarles.
People get crazed through this process, they need someone to help them over the hot coals.
La gente se vuelve loca durante el proceso, necesitan a alguien que les ayude a salir de las brasas.
This brother of yours wants to help the people.
Este hermano tuyo quiere ayudar a la gente.
There are sick people who need help, you don't need to go.
Hay enfermos que necesitan ayuda, no hace falta que te vayas.
I'm not trying to help everyone else because, uh, at the end of the game, I want to be the last one standing, which means there's less people that I have to split the money with.
No voy a ayudar a nadie porque... al final del juego, quiero ser el último de pie, lo que significa que habrá menos gente con la que dividir el dinero.
I mean, you see people hurting, you want to help.
Es decir, ves a gente herida y quieres ayudar.
He uses normal, hard-working people as cannon fodder to help him get what he wants.
Utiliza a la gente normal y trabajadora como carne de cañón para ayudarle a conseguir lo que quiere.
We have an opportunity here to make some real change with this guy, to keep directing him towards votes that will actually help people.
Tenemos una oportunidad de hacer un cambio real con este tipo, para seguir dirigiéndolo hacia votos que realmente ayudarán a la gente.
Help me prove that people can change if they want to, and we'll all be hanging in no time.
ayudame a probar que la gente puede cambiar sí quieren, y seremos amigos muy pronto.
I never expected the people here to be of any help.
tampoco esperé que la gente de aquí nos fuera de mucha ayuda.
The real reason not to help these people isn't because it's reckless.
La verdadera razón de no ayudar a esta gente no es porque sea imprudente.
I'm happy some people are finally coming to you for help.
Me alegra que finalmente algunos hayan acudido a ti para buscar ayuda.
Hey, listen, man, there's a lot of people here working really hard to help you find your boy, and we're gonna do that, but we can't do it unless you cooperate.
- Escucha, aquí hay un montón de gente trabajando duro para ayudarte a encontrar a tu chico, y lo vamos a encontrar, pero no podremos hacerlo a no ser que colabores.
It's sweet that you care about him, Livvie, but some people are just beyond even your ability to help.
Es dulce que se preocupan por él, Livvie, pero algunas personas son un poco más allá incluso su capacidad para ayudar.
My job is to help the people in this city with their problems.
Mi trabajo es ayudar a la gente en esta ciudad con sus problemas.
He sent me to help you find the people you're looking for.
Me ha mandado para ayudarte a encontrar a la gente que buscas.
It's our life's mission to help reassimilate people back into society by inviting them into our fantasy football league.
Es nuestra misión en la vida, conseguir reinsertarlos en la sociedad invitándolos a nuestra liga fantástica. La llamamos "La Liga de los Sueños".
William told me that the only way to help the baby is by creating some kind of Trouble that'll stop his cries from killing people.
William me dijo que la única manera de ayudar al bebé es creando algún tipo de problema que hará que su llanto deje de matar gente.
I thought the students were here to learn how to cure diseases and help people.
Creía que los estudiantes estaban aquí para aprender a curar enfermedades y ayudar a la gente.
And sometimes, you know, Stanley, people write about their lives to me in such a way, all the most private things, and asking me for advice, and you can't really help them at all - I mean, I can't.
Y a veces, sabes, Stanley, la gente me cuenta su vida de alguna manera, sus cosas más privadas, y me piden un consejo, y no puedes ayudarles, al menos yo no puedo.
"We get too few chances and opportunities in life... to truly help people."
"En esta vida recibimos muy pocas oportunidades... para hacer algo bueno por otras personas".
vote out the weakest person to Help the tribe. you voted out two strong people
Vosotros habéis votado ya a dos personas fuertes.
My mom broke it down to me, like, this is who you are, you're gonna be a good person, you're gonna help people, you're gonna be quick to forgive, you're gonna be a humble, genuine person.
esto es lo que eres, vas a ser buena persona, vas a ayudar a la gente, debes perdonar facilmente, vas a ser humilde, una persona genuina.
Do you believe this hype, or are you creating something greater, a deeper passion that will not only help to articulate who you are as an artist, but also help people to be able to identify with you?
¿ crees en este bombardeo publicitario, o estas creando algo mas grande, una pasion mas profunda que no solo ayudara a articular lo que eres como un artista, sino que tambien ayude a las personas a identificarse contigo?
to help me 30
to help 59
to help you 75
to help us 16
help people 28
people 5151
people like me 81
people of earth 28
people don't change 46
people change 205
to help 59
to help you 75
to help us 16
help people 28
people 5151
people like me 81
people of earth 28
people don't change 46
people change 205
people screaming 74
people can change 59
people like you 105
people are scared 36
people are talking 31
people are dying 81
people talk 81
people get hurt 32
people are watching 31
people were killed 27
people can change 59
people like you 105
people are scared 36
people are talking 31
people are dying 81
people talk 81
people get hurt 32
people are watching 31
people were killed 27