To my surprise traduction Espagnol
585 traduction parallèle
When I went to bed, to my surprise on my night table I found that same wandering page from the newspaper.
Al subir a acostarme... cuál sería mi sorpresa al encontrar sobre mi mesilla... la página "viajera" del diario de marras.
Yes, but to my surprise, she was so big about the whole thing... and let me off so easily.
Sí, pero para mi sorpresa fue muy madura con todo el asunto... y me dejó ir muy fácilmente.
To my surprise, he didn't respond.
Para mi sorpresa, no respondió.
" Tell Dad that much to my surprise I'm still on the football squad.
"Dile a Papá que para mi sorpresa todavía estoy en el plantel de fútbol."
However, they have, to my surprise - and, I suspect, to theirs - succeeded in doing enough work in two years to pass their anatomy and other exams.
Sin embargo, para mi sorpresa, y sospecho que para la suya también, han logrado trabajar lo suficiente en los dos últimos años... para aprobar el examen de anatomía y otros.
Frankly, yes, much to my surprise.
Francamente, sí. Para mi gran sorpresa.
I hoped he'd gone, but to my surprise I found Mr. Stearnes standing in the hallway.
Pensé que se había ido, pero con sorpresa hallé al señor Stearnes en el corredor.
Much to my surprise... He agreed without hesitation.
Y para mi sorpresa... accedió sin vacilar.
So I decided to help his wife ; who refused, to my surprise.
Aunque en nuestro país las amnistías no tardaban mucho pensé... en ayudar a su mujer mientras tanto.
Much to my surprise she ain't too bad.
Y para mi sorpresa no resultó tan mala.
Then one day, to my surprise, I missed Jules'indulgence, his unhurried ways.
Y un buen día, sorprendentemente... la indulgencia y la curiosidad de Jules me faltaban.
But when we arrived there, to my surprise, there are many of his friends, men, who wished to join us.
Pero cuando llegamos allí, para mi sorpresa, había muchos amigos suyos, que querían unírsenos.
you're my partner today? I want to surprise you so I asked it to be a secret wow you're so beautiful wifey and your mom? today's concept is the New Year's Special.
Hoy es el concierto especial de año nuevo.
And it was in that little house that Abraham Lincoln was born, much to my father's surprise.
Y fue en ese lugar que Abraham Lincoln nació, para la sorpresa de mi padre.
It's my husband's birthday and I want to surprise him.
Es para el cumpleaños de mi esposo y quiero darle una sorpresa!
It may surprise you to know that in my own senile way, I've found the solution.
Tal vez te sorprenda que yo, en mi senilidad, tenga la solución. Escucha.
My panties. It was sweet of you to buy them for me, and such a surprise too.
Fuiste un amor en comprármelos, qué sorpresa me diste.
My attitude seemed to surprise him, for he gave up his hand and got up and came over to me.
"No, no." Mi actitud resultaba sorprendente... entonces Charbonnier deja la partida... se levanta y viene hacia mí.
Ladies and gentlemen, the appearance of Miss Blake for The Paradise... was as much of a surprise to me as it is to you... but, however, I congratulate you upon your choice... and present the award to Miss Blake... for Mr. Blackie Norton with my congratulations.
La aparición de la Srta. Blake para El Paraíso... ha sido una sorpresa para todos... pero, sin embargo, los felicito por su elección... y le entrego el premio a la Srta. Blake... en nombre del Sr. Blackie Norton con mis felicitaciones.
good morning, my dear Frau Peters solicitor Hanefeld what a surprise dear Frau Peters, Director Klamroth and I would like to talk over an important affair with you, if you don't mind as you please if the gentlemen would sit down there
Buenos días, querida Sra. Peters. ¡ Sr. abogado Hahnefeld...! ¡ Qué sorpresa!
A terrific experiment, one that I wanted to surprise you with... one that would establish me and my work.
En un experimento sensacional, uno con el quería sorprenderte, uno que me establecería a mí y a mi obra...
I was going to surprise you tonight and cook dinner myself in my little apartment.
Te iba a sorprender esta noche. Iba a cocinar para ti en mi pequeño apartamento.
"I'm going to have a Fourth of July party at my ranch next Saturday... " and it wouldn't surprise me if a heap of pretty girls... found out about it and came a-running. "
Tendré una fiesta del 4 de julio el sábado en mi finca... y no me sorprendería que muchas chicas lindas... se enteraran y vinieran corriendo ".
I came up to wash my hands but didn't expect the pleasant surprise of finding Mr. Costa tidying my suitcase.
Ahora venía a lavarme las manos, y no esperaba la grata sorpresa de encontrar al Sr. Costa arreglándome la maleta.
My Lord, it were best I stay here with men to guard the road against a surprise attack.
Señor, será mejor que espere aquí con unos hombres para evitar ataques sorpresa.
Would you like to hear my little surprise?
¿ Quiere conocer mi pequeña sorpresa?
That took me by surprise, and I turned turned my head to look her over.
Me tomó por sorpresa y volví mi cabeza para mirarla.
Quite a surprise to hear a woman singing in my house, eh, Johnny?
Qué sorpresa oír a una mujer cantando en mi casa, ¿ verdad?
It might surprise you to know it, my dear, but I've already done so.
Quizá te sorprenda saber, querida, que ya hice eso mismo.
My attention was focused, I had to observe, watch, surprise.
Tenía que observar... ver... y sorprender.
You can imagine my surprise, Sir. I didn't want to arrest him.
Comprenderá mi sorpresa, yo no quería detenerlo...
What a surprise and what a lovely contrast to my usual visitors.
Qué sorpresa y qué encantador contraste con mis visitantes de siempre.
I wanted to surprise your father, I've been to the beauty salon. My God!
Quería darle una sorpresa a papá, he estado en el instituto de belleza.
My instructions are to prepare a surprise for them.
Mis instrucciones son prepararles una sorpresa.
Evidently my visit is a great surprise to you and from what I have been able to ascertain, also for the whole town.
Veo que mi visita ha sido una sorpresa para Ud., y por lo que he podido comprobar hasta ahora, sospecho que para todos.
I want to be here to surprise my husband, to have a serious talk with him... and to save you, as well as O-Tama.
Y he decidido esperar a mi marido para sorprenderle. Te prometo que intentaré que os perdone a ti y a Otama.
You see, I would like to give it to my third husband as a surprise present.
Me gustaría dárselo a mi tercer esposo...
But young enough, to my surprise to still be losing my temper with a tramp like Dixie Evans.
Pero aún soy lo bastante joven...
Progress was slow due to my fear of making noise and the constant threat of being taken by surprise.
Iba despacio, por miedo a hacer mucho ruido... y que me descubrieran.
My lord, I am taken by surprise that my learned friend should try to solicit from the witness an opinion, not a fact. Quite so.
Su Señoría, a mí me toma por sorpresa que nuestro ilustre amigo intente extraer del testigo una opinión en vez de un hecho.
Sure would like to surprise my ma, when I get back.
Me encantaría sorprender a mi madre.
When I thought that the bastard who had poisoned my life was Pierre I wanted to surprise him with Cora when I came back from Lyons.
Cuando sospeché que el cabrón que me había amargado la vida era Pierre, quise pillarle in fraganti con Cora a mi regreso de Lyon.
I hope you'll go along with my little whimsy in wanting to surprise Jason.
Hace mucho tiempo que no vengo. Quiero hacerles una sorpresa.
Except that I have a deep affection for my brother's son... that came as a complete surprise to me.
Salvo que siento un profundo cariño por el hijo de mi hermano, que se me presentó como una verdadera sorpresa.
It doesn't surprise me that my father asked you to take me out.
No me sorprende que mi padre le pidiera que me recogiera.
It came as no surprise to me that my marriage ended in failure.
No me sorprendió que mi matrimonio terminara en fracaso.
Mr. Radin, i've dealt with frightened and desperate children all my life. And it may surprise you to know that i've lent them more of sympathy and of compassion than i have lent them of knowledge.
Sr. Radin, he tratado con niños asustados y desesperados toda mi vida,... y puede que le sorprenda saber que he dejado en ellos más compasión... y conmiseración que lo que les he dejado de conocimiento.
If you take my heart by surprise, the rest of my body has the right to follow.
Si toman por sorpresa mi corazón, el resto del cuerpo lo sigue.
If my assumption is true, it has been _ due to surprise that Julian Know the best secret of your life.
Si mi suposición es cierta, se ha debido sorprender de que Julian conociera el mejor secreto de su vida.
I'd like to surprise my husband. What do you recommend?
Quisiera darle una sorpresa a mi marido. ¿ Qué me aconseja?
What I'm about to say may surprise you, but my struggle with faith occurred after I entered religious life, not before.
Lo que estoy a punto de decir puede que le sorprenda, pero mi lucha con la fe ocurrió después de emprender la vida religiosa, no antes.
to my room 18
to my house 27
to my mother 21
to myself 39
to my mind 52
to my face 19
to my son 27
to my family 36
to my father 22
to my wife 32
to my house 27
to my mother 21
to myself 39
to my mind 52
to my face 19
to my son 27
to my family 36
to my father 22
to my wife 32
to my place 17
to my knowledge 55
to my office 18
to my friends 25
surprise 1840
surprised 240
surprise me 142
surprises 19
surprised me 16
surprised to see you here 22
to my knowledge 55
to my office 18
to my friends 25
surprise 1840
surprised 240
surprise me 142
surprises 19
surprised me 16
surprised to see you here 22