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We already know traduction Espagnol

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We already know each other from around.
- Ya nos conocemos.
Much more than what we already know.
Bastante más de lo que ya sabemos.
So we already know to whom that one belongs power.
Así que ya sabemos a quien pertenece ese poder.
- We already know what it says, right?
- Ya sabemos lo que dice, ¿ no?
I'm risking my cover to tell you what we already know?
¿ Arriesgo mi cubierta para decirte lo que ya sabemos?
Now, we already know you did it, but it's possible you're not responsible.
Ahora, ya sabemos que lo hiciste, pero es posible que no seas responsable.
We already know know one another.
nosotros ya nos hemos visto antes.
We already know.
Ya lo sabemos.
Hi Rachel Stella Margo property, We already know about last week at home.
Hola Rachel es Stella Margo de las propiedades, nos conocimos hace unas semanas atrás en la casa.
- We already know that.
- Ya lo sabemos.
we already know the outcome.
Pues me parece que ya me veo el resultado.
Just for a piece of paper that'll tell us what we already know.
Sólo por un pedazo de papel van a decirnos lo que ya sabemos.
we already know what we want.
Ya sabemos lo que queremos.
Dr. Flores, we already know that the bodies were taken from the morgue last September.
Doctor Flores, ya sabemos que los cuerpos desaparecieron del depósito en septiembre.
We talked about surgery. He lectures, and I pretend to not already know what he's telling me.
El daba clase y yo pretendía ya no sé de lo que me hablaba.
And you know for a fact that the minute we turn this over, they'll be tipped off, if they haven't been already.
Y estamos seguros que en le minuto que dejemos de hacewrlo Serán advertidos, si no es que ya lo han sido.
In 48 hours, when I press this button, it will activate a wireless system we call "Sabersense," which will awaken the chips already in the logic boards of all Saberling appliances allowing this coffee machine to know how much coffee's been used, communicate with your home computer, and add coffee to your shopping list.
En 48 horas, cuando oprima este botón activaré una sistema inalámbrico llamado "Sabersense" que activará los chips que ya están instalados en la tarjeta madre de todos los aparatos de Saberling lo que permitirá que esta cafetera sepa cuánto café se ha tomado...
You know, most of the stars that we see are already dead.
Sabes que, la mayoría de las estrellas que vemos ya están muertas.
- Well, we're not showing him anything he doesn't already know, are we?
- Bueno, no estamos mostrándole nada que no sabe, ¿ verdad?
How about we just, you know, take him with us? -'Cause we've already paid for him, right?
Nos lo llevaremos con nosotros por que pagamos por el
Now, of course, you know that we've already got 10,000, 15,000 soldiers over there, waiting at the Nigerian border.
- Por supuesto que saben que ya tenemos 10.000, 15.000 hombres allí esperando en la frontera nigeriana.
Nothing we don't already know.
Nada que no sepamos ya
You're gonna take your kid to... you know... every mommy and me music class and you gonna take him to the museum and start looking at all the Greek and Roman sculptures you probably already playing Mozart in the womb to get the brain really stimulated and it turns out ; that the best that we can tell from looking at data of actual parents and children along these dimensions that none of that stuff really matters that it just doesn't make your child... better
Usted recoger a su hijo y lo lleva a clases de música, le llevará al museo a Ver esculturas romanas, es probable que a tocar Mozart para estimular su cerebro y que termina en podemos ver por los datos de los padres y Los niños en esta situación,
We need to work on your power skills, starting with what you already know.
Debemos trabajar con sus habilidades, comenzando con lo que ya saben.
When we first saw each other today, in this office, did you or did you not already know that you had to kill me?
Cuando nos vimos por primera vez hoy, en esta oficina ¿ sabías ya que tenías que matarme o no?
We don't know the extent of the damage, and he's already lost a lot of blood.
No sabemos la extensión del daño, y probablemente perdió mucha sangre.
Because I already know why we're here.
Porque ya sabemos por qué estamos aquí.
You don't know how many of these we've already collected from the Jews
No se imagina cuántos de éstos hemos recogido ya de los judíos.
He's already killed five people that we know of, including two CTU agents.
Ya ha matado a 5 personas que sepamos, incluyendo 2 agentes de la CTU.
How do we know they're not the people we've already lost calling us over?
¿ Cómo sabemos que no son las personas que ya perdimos que nos llaman?
I want you to know that we're already working on trying to get you out of there.
Quiero que sepa que ya estamos trabajando para tratar de sacarlo de ahí.
How do we know he hasn't acquired the rods already?
¿ Cómo sabemos que no ha comprado las barras ya?
They already know what we're trying to do.
Saben de sobra lo que estamos intentando hacer.
I'm already involved. We're cleaning this up, and no one's never gonna know what happened.
Limparemos esto y nadie sabrá nunca qué pasó.
The Alliance probably already know more about this ship than we do.
Probablemente la Alianza ya conozca mas esta nave que nosotros.
to maintain or reintroduce characters that we already know and care about while balancing them with new characters that we ultimately actually care about just the same.
En la última instancia, también nos preocupamos de lo mismo.
By the time we were making "Nightmare 7," New Line was already, you know they called it "mini-major," it had no resemblance to an independent film studio whatsoever.
Cuando estábamos rodando "Pesadilla 7", New Line fue catalogada como mini-importante, no era nada parecido a un estudio de cine independiente.
Our school is kind of a feeder for New Trier's so we're gonna know like a ton of people already.
Todos los de mi colegio luego pasan a New Trier así que ya conocemos a mucha gente.
You know, I think the 15 years that we did a passion play at Calvary Church here in Cordova, just outside of Memphis we had all the essential ingredients already in place.
Como llevábamos quince años de representaciones de la pasión en la Iglesia Calvary de Cordova, a las afueras de Memphis ya contábamos con los ingredientes básicos.
And so, you know, it really helped us in preparing for a project like this that we had this database already of great volunteers people who were willing to labor in the Lord for the 30 days it took to make this movie.
Y eso nos ayudó mucho al preparar un proyecto como este porque ya teníamos una base de voluntarios geniales gente dispuesta a trabajar para el Señor durante los 30 días que duró el rodaje.
It's nighttime already, so we brought out the big lights and tried to light it and make it look like, you know kind of a mid-morning type shot.
Ya era de noche, cogimos las luces grandes y lo iluminamos como si fuera un plano a media mañana.
Well, you know, we'll get D.C. on it, but I'm going to tell you right now, I already know who owns that shell company.
Bueno, ya sabes, que tendremos a todo D.C. en ello, pero voy a decirtelo ahora mismo, ya sé quien posee esa compañía tapadera
As if we already don't know.
Como si no lo supieramos ya.
And we've already... you know, years ago.
Y nosotros ya... ya sabes, años atrás.
And we've already tried everyone we know.
Y ya probamos con todos los conocidos.
So we got on the ground and we were already being told, be on alert, you know, everybody knows we're here.
Así que llegamos al terreno y ya nos estaban diciendo que estemos alertas, todos saben que estamos aquí.
Okay? And we all know that it's already closed season on "twout." So, now...
Y todos sabemos que la temporada de turcha se terminó.
He's already broken the law once... that we know of.
Ya se ha saltado la ley una vez... que sepamos.
We already did several of them but we don't know what this happening
Ya hicimos varias pruebas y no sabemos nada.
Maybe they already know where we are.
Quizá ya saben que estamos aquí.
Oh, come on or do we have to pretend you don't already know?
Vamos, ¿ o tenemos que fingir que no lo sabe ya?

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