Which means traduction Espagnol
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Yes, ma'am. So you forged a bond with him against the evil Sergeant Ortiz, which means you have information on Bardot that his higher-ups do not.
- Y ambos tuvieron que aguantar... al malvado Sargento Ortiz, así que sabe más de Bardot que sus superiores.
The material this disc is made of is superconducting, which means that, at a low temperature - but a much higher temperature than we've been used to - it will hover between the magnetic fields.
Sin embargo, es mucho más alta que la que hemos usado antes... entre campos magnéticos.
Which means the victim's driver's license may be somewhere inside.
Lo que significa que la licencia de conducir de la víctima puede estar en el interior.
It's gunshot residue, which means the victim wasn't just beaten, she was shot.
Residuo de pólvora, lo que quiere decir que a la víctima no solo la golpearon, le dispararon.
Which means I have serious work to do.
Eso significa que tengo mucho por hacer.
Which means we made playoffs!
¡ Pasamos a eliminatorias!
Which means we did it?
Entonces, ¿ lo logramos?
Well, the murder had to have happened at night, which means my client is innocent.
Bueno, el asesinato tuvo que haber pasado por la noche, Que significa que mi cliente es inocente.
Which means I should be teaching him everything I know about life, love and the law.
Lo que significa que debería estar enseñándole Todo lo que sé acerca de la vida, el amor Y la ley.
Okay, Mimi, I say this out of love, which means you can't get mad at me.
Bien Mimi, digo esto con amor, lo que significa que no puedes enojarte conmigo.
Which means it's an fbi surveillance team Following the judge.
Es un equipo del FBI siguiendo al juez.
Eddie's killer was solicited by judge caldwell, Which means he's complicit in the murder,
El asesino de Eddie fue solicitado por el Juez Caldwell... y eso lo hace cómplice.
- From what I can tell, it's owned by a shell corporation, which means they're hiding something.
- Por lo que sé, es propiedad de una empresa fantasma, lo que significa que esconden algo.
And he was loyal to my father, but I saw him in the Signoria with Rinaldo, which means he has switched sides.
Era leal a mi padre, pero le vi con Rinaldo en la Signoria lo que significa que ha cambiado de bando.
Consider this system charted, which means now that the Ghost has been here, we can always come back.
Hagan de cuenta que este planeta está en los mapas lo que quiere decir que como el Espíritu estuvo aquí podemos volver cuando queramos.
We're doctors now which means nurses are basically our servants.
Somos doctoras ahora, lo que significa que las enfermeras son básicamente nuestras sirvientas.
Which means it could be a trap.
Lo cual significa que podría ser una trampa.
I gave you information he gave me, and the next day you had these guys arrested, which means at every move, he has followed through on exactly what he's offered.
Yo te di información que él me dio a mí y al día siguiente mandaste a arrestar a esos tipos. Eso significa que con cada movimiento, él ha entregado exactamente lo que ofreció.
If we can't get the interface to load, then we can't use the Juniper ScreenOS backdoor to own the network, which means I can't wipe the security footage of you planting the femtocell.
Si no logramos que la interfaz cargue, no podemos usar la puerta trasera Juniper ScreenOS para controlar la red, lo que significa que no puedo borrar el video de seguridad tuyo plantando la femtocelda.
No arrests have been made, which means the money's probably still out there.
No se han hecho arrestos, lo que probablemente significa que el dinero sigue ahí fuera.
It's all in situ, which means it hasn't metastasized, but chances are high that it will.
Todo está en su lugar, lo que significa que no ha metastatizado, pero hay muchas probabilidades de que lo haga.
Which means his father will have seen it by now and should be on his way to New York.
Significa que su padre ya lo habrá visto y debería ir camino a Nueva York a verlo.
Which means I best get myself to Setauket.
Significa que mejor me vaya para Setauket.
Ha ha! Which means the ring ain't done and I'm away to Oyster Bay.
Lo que significa que la banda no está terminada y me voy para Oyster Bay.
Hey, which means she deserves another shot.
Lo que significa que se merece otra oportunidad.
Which means we find Pena's coin stash, we'll find Espo.
Lo cual significa que si encontramos el alijo de Pena, encontramos a Espo.
Kirkin always has a bodyguard with him, which means they weren't expecting a woman to come after him.
Kirkin tiene siempre un guardaespaldas con él, lo que significa que no esperaban una mujer para venir después de él.
And if that's the case, he's not at the coup, which means the whole thing doesn't work.
Y si ese es el caso, no está en el golpe, lo que significa que nada funciona.
And I have been crazy with work, which means Lily will be going back and forth between the two of us.
Y yo he estado loco con el trabajo... lo que significa que Lily irá y vendrá de uno al otro.
Which means you had to have been involved.
Lo que significa que tú tenías que estar implicada.
Right, which means there could be some usable prints on this thing.
Cierto, lo que significa que podría haber huellas válidas en esta cosa.
All right, so we now know that you've been laundering money for Gabriel Waincroft, which means we also understand why you haven't been telling us anything, because you're scared of him.
De acuerdo, así que ahora sabemos que ha estado lavando dinero para Gabriel Waincroft, lo que significa que también entendemos por qué no nos ha contado nada, porque está asustado de él.
Official fuel consumption figures for the Charger RT - ten miles to the gallon, which means, roughly, as I go past these nodding donkeys, each one is, effectively, refuelling this car.
Cifras oficiales de consumo del Charger R / T... 4,25 km / litro ( 23.5 litros a los 100 ) con lo que, aproximadamente... Mientras paso estas bombas de pozos petroleros... Cada una de ellas, de hecho, está recargando este auto
In the eyes of a law, it's an electric tricycle, which means anybody aged 14 or over can drive it.
A los ojos de la ley, es un triciclo eléctrico Lo que implica que cualquiera de más de 14 años podía manejarlo
And a very good one, because the one in this car makes 100 kilowatts, which means you could run your house off it.
Y una muy buena, porque la de este auto produce 100 kilowatts Lo que implica que uno podría proveer de electricidad a una casa
Caroline's about to sign the movie contract, which means I don't have to come home UPS Ground.
Caroline está a punto de firmar el contrato para la peli lo que significa que no tengo que volver por mensajería.
The last of the Seven. Which means I'm sure as shit
El último de los siete, lo que significa que
Which means he's alone. In the woods.
Lo que significa que está solo.
Which means the water pipes are pinched off somewhere further up the line to cause that build-up.
Lo que significa que las tuberías de agua se pellizcan en algún lugar más arriba en la línea de hacer que la acumulación.
The gas line's hot, which means the pressure is building up.
La línea de gas caliente, lo que significa que la presión se está acumulando.
Uh, guys, fire's creeping closer to the fuel tank, which means "kaboom."
Eh, chicos, rastrera de fuego más cerca de la del depósito de combustible, lo que significa "Kaboom".
Which means, we didn't have to come here in the first place.
Lo que significa, que no teníamos que venir aquí en primer lugar.
Someone who's over six feet tall, Which means he's probably male, Which rules out that mother.
Alguien que es de más de seis pies de altura, lo que significa que probablemente es varón, lo que descarta a esa madre.
Which means I'm the one who has a rigorously tested knowledge Of anatomy.
Lo que significa que soy el que tiene un conocimiento probado de Anatomía riguroso.
We're free to go through the portal when it opens, which means it's time to split my heart so you can leave with us.
Podemos irnos a través del portal cuando se abra, lo que significa que es hora de dividir mi corazón para que puedas venir con nosotros.
Gadgy just offered Howell $ 250,000, which means someone has been talking to them, and it sure as hell couldn't have been him.
Gadgy acaba de ofrecer Howell $ 250.000, lo que significa que alguien ha estado hablando con ellos, y es seguro que no podría haber sido él.
His boss will kill us if he, like, finds us, which means we're not going to surf the wave that goes out.
Su jefe nos matara si, como, nos encuentra lo que significa que no surfearemos la ola que va de salida.
I presume that means that you want me to swab for particulates, which also must mean that you have no clue what caused the damage.
Supongo que eso significa que me quieres para buscar partículas, que también debe significar que no tienes ni idea - de qué causó el daño.
Offering them positions of power in a new Signoria which he means to control after Cosimo is executed.
Les ofrece puestos importantes en una nueva Signoria que piensa controlar cuando Cosme sea ejecutado.
There's a massive evacuation effort underway as the bomb squad begins its work on those vehicles, which we can only assume means that police suspect those vans are loaded with some sort of explosive agents.
Hay una evacuación masiva en marcha mientras el escuadrón de bombas comienza su trabajo en esos vehículos, lo cual solo podemos asumir que la policía sospecha que las furgonetas están cargadas de algún agente explosivo.
Which also means a nice hotel, a jacuzzi, girls...
Pero, en realidad, habrá un buen hotel, unos jacuzzis, unas chicas...
which means what 59
which means that 40
means 817
means a lot to me 20
means a lot 21
means no 19
which one is it 183
which 2889
which one do you like 19
which one 1435
which means that 40
means 817
means a lot to me 20
means a lot 21
means no 19
which one is it 183
which 2889
which one do you like 19
which one 1435
which do you prefer 57
which is understandable 21
which is 1139
which is a shame 22
which is better 26
which one do you prefer 16
which one are you 89
which is ridiculous 24
which i did 99
which one do you want 65
which is understandable 21
which is 1139
which is a shame 22
which is better 26
which one do you prefer 16
which one are you 89
which is ridiculous 24
which i did 99
which one do you want 65