With a traduction Espagnol
729,380 traduction parallèle
Yeah, all the dolls come with a story like that.
Sí, todas las muñecas vienen con historias como esa.
In honor of Mother's Day on Sunday, each of our grades will wow you with a song or dazzle you with a skit.
En honor al Día de las Madres este domingo, cada clase los impresionará con una canción o los deslumbrará con una parodia.
I played a tough lady named Sigourney, with a complicated backstory and a great jumpsuit.
Interpreté a una ruda dama llamada Sigourney, con un complicado pasado y un gradioso enterito.
I was on a mission with a couple spunky space marines to wipe out an incredibly dangerous alien species that had a thing for jumping out of people's chests.
Estaba en una misión con un par de guapos marineros espaciales para erradicar una especie alienígena muy peligrosa que le gustaba andar saltando del pecho de la gente.
And you're a badass protective queen bee alien with acid for blood, right?
Y eres una ruda, reina abeja alien protectora con ácido en vez de sangre, ¿ cierto?
That's exactly how much I like it, with a razor-thin margin.
Es exactamente cuánto me gusta, con un margen delgado como navaja.
It's like if you see a person in the park making bubbles with a big wand with soap.
Es como ver a alguien en el parque haciendo burbujas de jabón.
It was my first time with a girl.
Mi primera vez con una chica.
This is 20 seconds with a dick in your mouth.
Son 20 segundos con un pene en la boca.
Heath arrived at some odd hour, and he turns around and looks at me with a big smile and says "Hello!"
Heath llegó una hora antes, Y se da la vuelta y me mira con una gran sonrisa Y dice "¡ Hola!"
We connected about acting, and he saw the work that I was putting in and also working with a dialect coach and acting coaches, and he was looking to change it up.
Nos conectamos sobre la actuación, Y él vio el trabajo que estaba poniendo con el entrenador de dialecto Y el entrenador de actuación,
♪ Wake up every day with a dream ♪
♪ Despertar todos los días con un sueño ♪
I did leave them with you.
Te los dejé a ti.
Baz, you belong with the Flanders.
Baz, perteneces a los Flanders.
A laser light show, Tina, is when they take a classic rock and roll album and bring it to life with lasers.
Un show de láser, Tina, es cuando toman un álbum clásico de Rock and Roll y le dan vida con láseres.
Sometimes I pretend to be two different guys named Nick just to mess with him.
A veces pretendo ser dos tipos diferentes llamados Nick solo para jorobarlo.
Well, maybe we can buy Francine and give her a new home with us.
Bueno, tal vez podamos comprar a Francine y darle un nuevo hogar.
Now it's a... town with no moms.
Ahora es un... pueblo sin mamás.
( coughing and crying ) LOUISE : The town with no moms was gonna have to go by a different name.
El pueblo sin mamás va a tener que cambiar de nombre.
We did kind of a skit song with xylophones and clouds.
Hicimos una especie de parodia cantada con xilófonos y nubes.
♪ If you don't have a date, I'll go with you to prom ♪
Si no tienes una cita, iré contigo a la graduación.
Can I talk with you real quick? Ugh. Back in a sec, guys.
Vuelvo enseguida, chicos.
Um, I'm gonna have to force you to switch back with my alien strength. - ( growls ) - Ow.
Tendré que forzarte a cambiar con mi fuerza de alien. Y después hubo una gran batalla con ese montacargas que debes recordar de antes.
And then it was a full-on battle with that loader you might remember from before. How do you even use this thing?
¿ Cómo se usa esta cosa?
I think it changes a small piece of me, and so I can get on with what I have, and be happy,
Creo que eso cambia un pequeño pedazo de mi, y así yo puedo continuar con lo que tengo, y ser feliz.
You look over, you see a guy in a tan car with dents all over it and a garbage bag for a window.
Uno mira y ve a un tipo en un auto color café con abolladuras y una bolsa de basura como ventanilla.
You have a stressful moment, and you're with your kids, so, you say something by mistake.
A veces, tienes un momento estresante junto a tus hijos y dices algo por error.
They show you a dog with, like, an empty socket, and he's like... [whines]
Te muestran un perro sin ojo y hace...
[normal voice] I don't mean to offend any Chinese people with this stereotype.
No quiero ofender a ninguna persona china con este estereotipo.
"We're having a party. You want to come with us?"
"Haremos una fiesta de ángeles. ¿ Vienes?".
It's just, fucking, a dress with fruit on it.
Es solo un vestido con frutas encima.
I'd go up to any girl I liked, "You want to go out with me?"
Abordaba a las que me gustaban : "¿ Quieres salir conmigo?".
And then at the end, there's a picture of her with hair.
Y luego al final, hay una foto de ella con cabello.
It's a tough road, but I envy them on this level that they figured out what's going on with them, and they fixed it.
Es un camino difícil, pero los envidio porque resolvieron lo que les pasaba y lo solucionaron.
Like I have a weird relationship with this movie that's on cable sometimes.
Como una relación rara que tengo con una película que dan por cable.
And then I play a little game of chicken with this movie.
Y luego hago el juego de la gallina con esta película.
I'm going to end his people with my mouth.
Las exterminaré a todas con la boca.
No, sometimes if you go to a restaurant with your family, when it's time to pee, you go pee with your dad if you're a little boy.
No, a veces... si vas a un restaurante con tu familia, a la hora de orinar, vas con tu padre, si eres pequeño.
If you go to a ballgame with your dad, there was- -
Si vas a un partido con tu padre...
It was a little terrifying to be in another city with no friends, and you're just sitting there on your own.
Fue un poco aterrador Estar en otra ciudad, sin amigos, Y estar allí por tu cuenta.
He was probably, in his head, he's standing across from his idol, acting with Mel Gibson.
Probablemente estaba en su cabeza, Estaba frente a su ídolo, Actuando con Mel Gibson.
Mel Gibson's inviting us on his jet... and, all of a sudden, there we are, with Mel on his jet, cruising back to L.A.
Mel Gibson nos invito a su jet... Y, de repente, allí estamos, Con Mel en su jet,
Being a salesman and going out and talking about the movie and selling the film, that was the part of the business that I think he was least comfortable with...
Ser vendedor Y salir y hablar de la película Y la venta de la película,
Really, really had a hard time with.
Realmente lo tenía muy complicado.
He saw something about himself that attracted him, that he wanted to experiment with, he wanted to play with, and that gave him a perfect opportunity.
Vio algo de sí mismo que lo atraía, Con lo que quería experimentar, Con el que quería jugar,
Shekhar was a director that he always wanted to work with.
Shekhar era un director Con el que siempre quiso trabajar.
So let's get on with it.
Vamos a seguir adelante con él.
Throw a fist for freedom to shock all y'all No 50 / 50 If you ain't with me then fuck all y'all
♪ Lanzo un puño a la libertad sorprendiendo a todos ♪ ♪ Si no estas conmigo entonces jodete ♪
He has the most lines in the movie, but he just say it like a man with few words.
Tenía la mayoría de las líneas en la película, Pero lo hizo como un hombre con pocas palabras.
I've never had anybody argue with me on that one, but Heath is the only person...
Nadie ha discutido conmigo sobre eso, Pero Heath es la única persona... que se acercaba a la cámara.
I think a big surprise to a lot of people, actually, to the people that Heath was doing business with, people that were offering him deals at studios.
Fue una gran sorpresa para mucha gente, en realidad, A la gente con la que Heath estaba haciendo negocios, Gente que le ofrecía ofertas en los estudios.
with all due respect 1080
with all my heart 134
with a knife 24
with a twist 22
with anyone 35
with a friend 35
with a smile 21
with all respect 40
with a man 43
with a gun 52
with all my heart 134
with a knife 24
with a twist 22
with anyone 35
with a friend 35
with a smile 21
with all respect 40
with a man 43
with a gun 52