You'd like her traduction Espagnol
1,107 traduction parallèle
Otherwise you'd be just like her.
Si no, podrías estar como ella.
How'd you like to be married to her now?
¿ Te gustaría estar casado con ella ahora?
Ever think of how you'd like to be married to Deanie with her in that institute?
¿ Has pensado si te gustaría estar casado con Deanie estando en esa institución?
You'd like her, wouldn't you?
Te gustaría esa, ¿ eh?
Would you please tell Mama... I'd like to see her?
¿ Puede decirle a mamá... que quiero verla?
I felt bad for having acted like that. As I understood you were escaping me I thought I'd do good by going to find her.
Me arrepentí de haberme comportado de esa manera y al comprender que me había escapado como un fugitivo,... pensé que le iría bien que fuera a verla.
I suppose you'd like to drag her off on your surfboard by the roots of her hair?
¿ Me imagino que te gustaría arrastrarla del pelo a tu tabla?
My mother. She lives in Detroit. You'd like her.
Es mi madre, vive en Detroit.
I'd like you to take me to her.
Me gustaría que me llevaras hasta ella.
This way, he'll marry her and you'll have to release him You'd also look like a fool.
De esa manera, se casaría con ella y deberías liberarlo. Quedarías como un tonto.
Jeb, you'd look undignified if sport threw you across her shoulder like a bag of potatoes.
Jeb, luciras indigno si Sport te lleva sobre su hombro como costal de patatas.
And you tell her I wanna know if I've done anything wrong. Because if I have, I'd like to know what it is that I've done wrong.
Dile que quiero saber si hice algo mal porque, de ser así, quiero saber qué fue.
And... I'd like to use her as a relief dealer, if that's okay with you.
Y quisiera usarla como repartidora alterna, si estás de acuerdo.
I'd like to hear you say it in front of her.
Me gustaría oírlo delante de ella.
Many a thing you know You'd like to tell her
Hay muchas cosas que Nos gustaría decirle
Many a thing you know You'd like to tell her
Hay muchas cosas que Uno quisiera decirle
- Perhaps you'd like to see over her?
- ¿ Le gustaría visitarlo?
Or maybe you'd like to see home movies of Vladimir jumping in bed with her?
¿ O tal vez ver una película con Vladimir subiendo a su cama?
I suppose your suggestion that we should go to Cornwall has nothing to do with the fact that you'd like to see her again, eh?
¿ Tu sugerencia de ir a Cornwall no se deberá... a que desees ir a verla? , eh?
Yeah, how'd you like to have her as your own personal yeoman?
¿ No te gustaría que fuera tu asistente personal?
She says she's feeling much better and she'd like to stay here in London and sends you her love.
Dice que se siente mucho mejor y que le gustaría quedarme aquí en Londres. Y le permite saludos dulce.
the other nurse... you'd like to talk to her?
La otra enfermera. ¿ Quiere hablar con ella?
I'd just like to know what you think of her, that's all.
Sólo saber lo que piensa, es todo...
If you'd like to leave the lamb, I'll tell her.
Si quiere dejar el cordero, yo se le diré.
Unless, of course, you'd like to bid on her.
A menos que quiera pujar por ella.
I thought you'd like to meet her.
Pensé que le gustaría conocerla.
"My reason for writing is to say that I'm a bachelor and I would appreciate it if you could suggest a nurse who might like me as much as I'd like her and if so, we could begin a friendship that might lead to the altar."
"Les escribo para decirles que soy soltero y les agradecería que me recomendasen a una enfermera a la que pudiese gustar y gustarme para iniciar una amistad que podría llevarnos al altar".
It'd be silly if you didn't look at her, do you like her?
Serías un estúpido si no la mirases, ¿ te gusta?
You ´ d like to bang her, huh?
Te gustaría irte con ella.
She's got a very nice figure. You'd like to sleep with her!
Tiene un tipo muy bonito ¡ Te gustaría acostarte con ella!
When Theresa, my sister, died, I promised her I'd take care of you like my own son.
Cuando Teresa, mi hermana, murió, yo le prometí cuidar de ti como si fueras mi hijo.
You could rip her blouse off, you know, I'd like to sell this thing.
Quítale la blusa, así podré vender la peli.
You'd like to cavort with that little blonde girl. You hope to live out an old dream with her.
Quisieras retozar alegre con esa jovencita rubia en quién pretendes reconocer un viejo sueño.
I'd still like you to tell her.
Aún así quiero que se lo digas.
While you're thinking, I'd like to bring the duck in here and ask her, if possible, to clarify the question of currency restrictions and custom regulations in the world today.
Bien, mientras lo piensa, me gustaría dirigirme al pato y preguntarle... si es posible que nos aclare todo el asunto de las restricciones... monetarias y las leyes aduaneras mundiales actuales.
It's my wife, Mr. hedgepath. I've decided to divorce her. And I'd like you to represent me.
He decidido divorciarme de ella y me gustaría que Ud. me representara.
Oh, d'you know, I think she'd like to point her camera in your direction,
- Si me perdonas la expresión. - Corre por tu cuenta Que pena que estás felizmente casado.
- Yes, but I don't worship her. It's you I'd like to pay homage to.
Sí, pero me gustaría que Ud. estuviera muerta por mí.
You'd better go and see to the baby, you can't leave her crying like that.
Mejor que atienda a la bebé, no la puede dejar llorando así.
Boy, I'm telling you, I'd like to give her a feel.
A mí me encantaría tocarla.
I'd like to ask you some questions about a Lenore Kennicut. You knew her?
Quisiera hacerle preguntas sobre Leonore Kennicutt. ¿ La conocía?
If you'll excuse me, gentlemen, I'd like a word with her before she leaves.
Si me permiten, quisiera hablar con ella.
How'd you like to meet her?
¿ Le gustaría conocerla?
You'd like her.
Te caería bien.
I've taken a blood test from her. I'd like you to see it.
Le he hecho un análisis de sangre, quisiera que lo viese.
What'd happen to her if she stuck around with a guy like you, Kit?
¿ Qué le pasaría si se quedara con un tipo como tú, Kit?
I'm not a policeman, but I can't imagine that you'd dismiss a suspect like him... just because he claimed he hadn't seen her.
No soy policía, pero no me imagino cómo descartó a un sospechoso como él sólo porque dijo que no la había visto.
Now I'd like to throw you all into the Seine and let her carry you away with my memories.
Ahora me gustaría echarlos a todos al Sena y que tú te quedases con mis memorias.
I'd like you to see her again.
¿ Podría verla otra vez?
I'd like to know which one you'd be smiling at, if you had to marry her.
Me gustaria saber a cual sonries, si te tienes que casar con ella.
Now, look, I'd like to go through Miss Fisher's things, you know, telephone books, addresses, through her desk.
Me gustaría ver las cosas de la Srta. Fisher, su agenda, direcciones, la mesa.
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