You found us traduction Espagnol
834 traduction parallèle
I see you found us.
¡ Ya veo que nos has encontrado!
You found us whenever new states sprouted on the prairie.
Íbamos a cada nuevo estado que surgía.
And you found us. - He he!
- Y lo hemos encontrado. - ¡ Eh!
Brother Sky, I'm glad you found us.
Hermano Cielo, me alegro de que nos haya encontrado.
When you found us we were in a very long sleep but we weren't dead.
Cuando nos han encontrado, estábamos inmersos en un sueño profundo, pero no muertos.
This thing you found us here is big, real important, and I'll always be grateful, but let's not lose it out of being greedy.
Este descubrimiento tuyo es algo grande, importante de verdad siempre te estaré agradecida, pero que no nos pierda la avaricia.
Major, you found us!
¡ Hola Mayor, intentando abrir la ventana!
Then I heard your name and found out you were just one of us.
Luego escuche su nombre y descubrí que era uno de los nuestros.
Well, Mr. Ahearn, now that you've found the way I hope you'll come and see us very, very often.
Señor Ahearn, ahora que ya nos conocemos, espero que nos visite a menudo.
Think of the day you found the clover, and the good luck it's going to bring us. Think of the vows we heard Nichette and Gustave make and that we're going to make to each other.
Recuerdo el día que encontraste el trébol de buena suerte y la suerte que nos dará y los juramentos que Nichette y Gustavo hicieron y que nos haremos el uno al otro.
Now tell us how and when you found the body.
Díganos cómo y cuándo encontró el cadáver.
Say, by the way... when are you going to show us the place where you found the gold?
Por cierto, ¿ cuándo vas a mostrarnos el lugar donde encontraste el oro?
Tell us what you found.
Dinos qué descubriste.
Tal vez puedas decirnos porqué no querías que lo encontraran aquí.
I guess it's time we found out about us, you and me.
Es hora de que lo averigüemos respecto de nosotros.
Again catherine seems to have sought diversion, and found it i would not slander the empress so count lanskoi, you may be jealous, but don't preach to us
Parece que Catalina ha vuelto a buscar y a encontrar diversión. Yo no difamaría así a la emperatriz. Conde Lanskoi, puede tener motivos para estar celoso, pero ésa no es razón para que nos dé lecciones de moralidad.
What do you mean? They want us to believe that they found the document and therefore have no further use for Grayson.
- Quieren que creamos que tienen el documento y que por lo tanto ya no necesitan a Grayson.
If nobody knows about you, if nobody saw him coming in here tonight, how could either of us be connected with it if his body were found miles and miles away from here?
Si nadie sabe lo vuestro, si nadie le ha visto entrar esta noche, ¿ cómo iban a relacionarnos con su muerte... si encontrasen su cuerpo a muchos kilómetros de aquí?
I didn't think there was one more way to get the cops after us, but you found it!
No creí que encontrarías otro modo de que nos persiguiera la policía.
I warn you, if there's any evidence found here, it will go very hard with you unless you help us now.
Y se lo advierto, si hallamos algún indicio, tendrá problemas, a no ser que nos ayude ahora.
So, you found us.
Nos has encontrado.
Wait till you see the cosy little hideaway I found for us.
Verás qué bonito escondite he encontrado.
Can you show us where you found it?
Enséñanos dónde la encontraste.
If he found us together, he'd be capable of killing you.
De encontrarnos aquí, sería capaz de matarte.
I want you to come and tell us where you found it.
Quiero que vengas conmigo y nos digas exactamente dónde lo encontraste.
We want you to show us where you found that revolver.
Queremos que nos enseñes dónde en contraste este revólver.
Would you mind telling us just what you found unsatisfactory about the mink coat we sent you?
¿ Podría decirnos qué encontró insatisfactorio en el abrigo de visón que le enviamos?
- Well, you have found us.
- Bien, ya nos has encontrado.
It was you who found more pleasant tasks for us, working here in the rectory.
Fue usted quien nos encontró labores más agradables, trabajando aquí en la rectoría.
Can't you tell us if any survivors were found?
¿ Nos pueden decir si hay sobrevivientes?
How do you suppose he found us?
¿ Cómo crees que nos encontró?
Give us what you found, or down you go!
¡ Dame lo que has encontrado o te mando abajo!
Show us where you found it.
Muéstranos dónde lo encontraste.
You told us that you went to Judith Felton's apartment at 9 o'clock and found her dead.
Nos dijo que fue al apartamento de Judy Fenton a las nueve y la encontró muerta.
If you'd cut your engines, then they might not have found us.
Si Llega a parar los motores, no nos hubiesen encontrado.
Now show us, what you had found in the forest.
Ahora muéstrenos lo que encontró en el bosque.
Would you tell us what you found among the laundry the day after Mr. Quill was killed?
¿ Quiere decirnos qué encontró entre la ropa limpia... al día siguiente de la muerte del Sr. Quill?
Would you tell us what you found?
¿ Puede decirnos qué descubrió?
If you came a month later, you wouldn't have found us here.
Si hubieras venido dentro de un mes no nos hubieras encontrado.
They separated us, but I found the way back. Now that all our troubles are mostly behind us, I have to say goodbye to you.
te encontraba. pero yo me despido de ti para siempre.
- He found a note in a bottle. - Lord Glenarvan took us on his yacht. - And we've been all around the world looking for you.
Lord Glenarvan nos llevó en su barco y viajamos por el mundo entero.
I'm so glad you found your way back to us!
¡ Me alegra de que pudieran volver con nosotros!
It was nice of you to visit us. I found your gift under the chopstick stand.
Fue un detalle que nos visitara Cuando se fue, me di cuenta...
You can stay with us, since you've found us on your way.
Quédese con nosotros, ya que nos encontró en camino.
So you fiinally found us in this wasteland!
¡ Finalmente nos encontró en este baldío!
I still can't quite understand how you found out about us so quickly.
Aún no entiendo cómo se enteró de nuestra llegada tan rápidamente.
- Tell us what you found out.
- ¡ No te hagas la graciosa! El informe.
I don't think you found out until after you told us Normandy.
No creo que lo descubriera antes de contarnos sobre Normandía.
Miss Clabon will show you around. She's been with us for seven years. I believe she's found the work exacting enough.
La Srta. Clabon le enseñará el lugar, lleva aquí 7 años y le encanta su trabajo, adiós, Sra. Taylor.
Oh, grandfather! Oh grandfather, you've found us!
¡ Oh, abuelo, nos encontraste!
Y cuando supo que estaba bajo sospecha nos dio una pista falsa...
you found me 135
you found it 223
you found out 26
you found them 39
you found him 147
you found her 91
you found something 73
you found the body 27
used 73
usagi 51
you found it 223
you found out 26
you found them 39
you found him 147
you found her 91
you found something 73
you found the body 27
used 73
usagi 51
use your brain 33
use it 260
use your imagination 74
use your words 42
use your head 124
use me 43
used to 118
use mine 46
use the force 25
use it wisely 19
use it 260
use your imagination 74
use your words 42
use your head 124
use me 43
used to 118
use mine 46
use the force 25
use it wisely 19
us too 58
use your power 21
use your hands 17
use your legs 22
used to be 136
use them 48
use these 22
use that 67
use this one 17
use your power 21
use your hands 17
use your legs 22
used to be 136
use them 48
use these 22
use that 67
use this one 17