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You had a gun traduction Espagnol

507 traduction parallèle
All right, I just wanted to see if you had a gun.
Tranquila, quería ver si llevaba pistola.
Amanda, Roland here tells me you had a gun and went crazy.
Amanda, Roland me dijo que tenías un arma y enloqueciste.
You had a gun?
¿ Tenía usted un revólver?
You couldn't kill anybody unless you had a gun.
No podrías matar sin un arma.
You said you'd feel better while I was away if you had a gun.
Dijiste que te haría sentir mejor en mi ausencia.
Like the part about whether or not you had a gun?
¿ Como Io de que no tenía armas?
- How long you had a gun?
- ¿ Cuánto hace que la tienes?
I'd feel a lot better if you had a gun.
Me sentiría más tranquilo si tuvieras un arma.
Last time you spoke with an attendant, you had a gun in your hand.
La última vez que hablaste con el encargado, tenías un arma en tu mano.
You had a gun. You shot me.
Tenías una pistola y me has disparado.
Well, there's no problem. If you had a gun, shoot'em in the head.
- Pues no hay problema, si tiene un arma dispáreles a la cabeza.
Why, last time you had a gun on us you didn't use it.
La última vez que nos apuntaste con un rifle, no disparaste.
Of course, he had to have a gun to reenact it with. - And who do you suppose supplied it?
y no era precisamente mío y lo quiero de vuelta ¿ Cómo conseguiría la pistola?
You knew Fred had a gun, didn't you?
- Sabías que Fred tenía un arma.
He grabbed Nick and shouted something like, "You wouldn't call me a deadbeat if I had a gun stuck in your ribs."
Cogió a Nick y gritó algo como,... "¡ No dirías eso si tuviera una pistola!"
Banat is a dangerous man, you had no gun. I got mad.
Tenía mi loucura.
You think I'd sign a thing like that unless he had a gun?
¿ Piensa que firmaría una cosa así de no tener un arma?
You were smart to carry a gun, travelling alone in the park, but if you knew you had the gun in your bag why throw away the bag?
Es usted lista al llevar un revólver para pasear por el parque sola, pero... si sabía que tenía el revólver en el bolso, ¿ por qué lo tiró?
If I had a gun I'd stop you.
Si hubiera tenido una pistola le habría detenido.
Pete last night had a gun but that didn't scare you.
Ayer, la pistola de Pete no te daba miedo.
How did you know that I had a gun?
- ¿ Cómo sabía que tengo una?
I wouldn't have shot you only I thought you had a gun.
- ¿ Qué hiciste con ella?
Well, now, marshal, I tell you uh, I don't rightly think that, uh, I have told a lie to a man for an awful long time. And if the circumstances were such that a man had a gun in my back- -
Bueno, comisario le diré que creo que no he dicho una mentira en muchísimo tiempo y si las circunstancias fueran que me apuntaran con un arma creo que no...
You didn't tell me she had a gun and knew how to use it.
No me dijo que tuviera un revólver y que supiera usarlo.
You had six steady deputies to start off with. Every one a top gun.
Tenía a seis agentes fijos para empezar cada uno un pistolero de primera.
You had a gun.
Tenías una pistola.
I heard a sound at the gate and I... Well, frankly, I was frightened. You see, I remembered he had a gun.
sólo sé que al llegar a Ia verja me pareció verle una pistola.
Swede, Sam never had a chance to use his gun, and you won't either.
Swede, Sam no tuvo oportunidad de usar el arma y usted tampoco la tendrá.
Comrade Commissar... if you had looked at my credentials a little less casually... you would have noticed at the age of 16... I formally rejected all bourgeois pleasure and indulgence... to become the head of an anti-aircraft gun crew.
Camarada comisario... si hubiera mirado mis antecedentes, aunque sea un poco... habría notado que a la edad de 16 años... formalmente rechacé todo placer e indulgencia burgueses... para ser jefa de una tropa de cañones antiaéreos.
I don't think you got a very good look at this gun while you had it.
Creo que no la vio bien cuando la tuvo.
You know. you could save yourself a lot of sleepless nights if you just tossed me a gun and we had this out right here and now.
Podrías ahorrarte muchas noches sin dormir si me dieras una pistola y lo resolviéramos aquí mismo.
Things had worked out the way you planned were you gonna give me a gun or just shoot me in the back?
Si todo hubiera salido como tú pensabas ¿ me hubieras dado una pistola o un tiro por la espalda?
Back at Dobe, when Billy had that gun on you,
Volvamos a Dobe, cuando Billy le apuntaba,
If you mean being good with a gun, I've had a lot of practice.
Si se refiere a cómo manejo el revólver, a que he practicado mucho.
You heard him say he had a gun, right?
Ya le oísteis decir que tenía un arma, ¿ no?
Nobody put a gun to your head and said you had to be an actor. You wanted it.
Nadie te obligó a ser actor.
Have you had the results yet on the gun that killed Aydan?
¿ Ya tiene los resultados del arma que mató a Aydan?
Tell you one thing, I'm beginning to wish I had a gun.
Le diré algo : Desearía tener un arma.
86, no tenías nada que hacer apuntando a ese agente de KAOS. - Pero, jefe...
Whenever I should have had a gun in my right hand I thought of you!
¡ Cada vez que deseaba tener un arma en mi mano derecha pensaba en ti!
Well, we had a struggle, you see, and I took away his gun.
Ha huido. Bueno, nos peleamos y le quité la ametralladora.
Yesterday I had a Mexican who said, "If you know anyone around here who could pass for me, I'll give him a gun and a horse." "Why?" I say.
Ayer vino un mexicano y me dijo : "Si conoces a alguien que se parezca a mi le daré un arma y un caballo". "¿ Por qué?", le pregunté.
I had seen you and I left my gun on the rock on purpose.
Te vi y dejé mi arma en la roca a propósito.
And according to you, he would had gun down the other tree? - Yeah.
Y según usted, ¿ habría abatido a los otros tres?
Wish you had another gun. I wish we had a bomb.
- Ojalá tuviera otra pistola.
And if he had a gun, he would kill you.
Y si estuviera armado, de seguro te mataría
I insist on knowing why you came to this room and had a gun in your hand.
Insisto en saber por qué ha venido a esta sala... y por qué tiene un arma en la mano.
I'm late for dinner, but I just had to stop by and tell you in person, you son of a gun.
Se me hace tarde para la cena, pero tenía que venir a decirtelo en persona, sinvergüenza.
And supposing I had my boys sitting over there with a machine gun, you just so much as reach for those goggles and they'd blow your brains out?
Suponte que te derribo, me quito estas gafas, te amordazo y te ato y me escapo.
Look, Pat, you saved my life... and I'm sorry I had to clout you. But don't go pulling a gun on me.
Mira Pat, me salvaste la vida... y siento haberte golpeado, pero no me apuntes con un arma.
And why fight over a knife when you had a loaded gun under your arm?
¿ Por qué pelear un cuchillo teniendo un arma cargada?

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