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You had sex traduction Espagnol

2,770 traduction parallèle
You had sex with a stranger in the coat room?
¿ Tuviste sexo con un extraño en un guardarropas?
It's been a year and a half since you had sex?
¿ Ha pasado un año y medio desde la última vez que hiciste el amor?
You had sex with a lot of the ladies, all right?
Tuviste sexo con un montón de señoritas, ¿ vale?
All you have to do is say that you had sex without your consent.
Todo lo que tienes que hacer es decir que mantuviste relaciones sexuales sin tu consentimiento.
You had sex with Mr. Carpenter?
¿ Te acostaste con el señor Carpenter?
You had sex.
Tuviste sexo.
You had sex.
Teníais sexo.
When was the last time you had sex?
- ¿ Cuándo fue la última vez que tuvo sexo?
! Answer the question, when was the last time you had sex?
Contesta la pregunta, ¿ cuando fue la última vez que tuviste sexo?
Right, think about the first time you had sex.
Ahora, piensa en tu primera vez.
♪ I wonder how many times you had sex
# I wonder how many times you had sex
You had sex with Subway, and I recorded it.
Te acostaste con Subway y lo grabé.
I heard you had sex with a 12-year-old.
Escuché que tuviste sexo con un niño de 12 años.
You had sex with her against her will,
Tú Tuviste sexo con ella en contra de su voluntad, lo grabaste
I told you, with whom you had sex.
¡ Y tú me dirás con quién te acostaste! ¡ Sí!
Because we certainly know you had sex with Hillary.
Porque nosotros sabemos con certeza que tuvo sexo con Hillary.
You and I had sex three days after I was with him.
Tú y yo tuvimos sexo tres días después de que lo tuviera con él.
You really want me to detail for you how and where and in what positions Amanda Tanner and I had sex?
¿ De verdad quieres que te detalle cómo y dónde y en qué posiciones tuvimos sexo Amanda Tanner y yo?
How many guys do you think I've had sex with this year? Uh... 17?
¿ Con cuántos chicos crees que me he acostado este año? ¿ 17?
Why don't you just ask me if I've had sex with Bobby?
¿ Por qué no me preguntas también si me acosté con Bobby?
Listen, aunt Mel, I'm really glad we had that talk this morning about sex and boys and that you were so understanding.
Escucha, tía Mel.
Just tell us, have you two had sex yet today?
Solo decidnos, ¿ habéis tenido ya sexo hoy?
I know this seems weird, and there's a goat involved, which you're probably not used to, but in our culture, sex is trivialized, and I just wanted to make sure that our first time had... meaning.
Sé que parece raro, y hay una cabra implicada, probablemente no estés acostumbrada, pero en nuestra cultura, el sexo está trivializado, y solo quería asegurarme de que nuestra primera vez tuviese... significado.
Ugh, no! Think about it. You just had sex with her,
Tuviste sexo con ella y ahora está vomitando a las 3 de la mañana.
It's definitely your child! You just had sex with her.
- Tuvieron sexo, ¡ por favor, amigo!
If you knew he was sick... If you had sex with him...
Si transigió con él...
What if I had sex with a co-worker and I didn't tell you that?
¿ Qué tal si me hubiera acostado con un colega y no te lo dijera?
Do you realize we haven't had sex in two weeks?
¿ Te das cuenta de que no hemos tenido sexo en dos semanas?
Looks like you... just had sex.
Parece que... acabáis de tener sexo.
And I did not stop talking to you because we had sex.
Y yo no paré de hablarte porque tuvimos sexo.
After I had sex with you, I realized I wanted my girlfriend back.
Después de tener sexo contigo, me di cuenta de que quería a mi novia de vuelta.
[beep] I realized today that I haven`t had sex with anyone but Tom - oh, and you - in almost seven years.
Me he dado cuenta de que no he tenido relaciones sexuales con nadie, sólo Tom y tú en casi 7 años.
I stopped talking to you in college because the very next night after we had sex, you made out with Josh Spitz, right in front of me.
Dejé de hablarte en la universidad porque después de la noche en que tuvimos sexo, saliste con Josh Spitz, justo frente a mi.
At what point did you decide that using my body to have sex with my ex is something that just had to happen, Stu?
¿ En qué momento decidiste que usar mi cuerpo para acostarte con mi ex era algo que simplemente tenía que pasar, Stu?
Everybody you've ever had sex with is checking on you?
¿ Todos con los que te has acostado te controlan?
You know, I once had sex with the Premier's sister, 30,000ft above Denpasar.
Sabes, una vez tuve sexo con la hermana de la Premier, A 30 mil pies sobre Denpasar.
Mmm, I'm so pleased you're my barrister, Cleaver, because having had sex with you, I know you can get me off.
Estoy tan contenta de que seas mi abogado, Cleaver, porque, después de haber tenido sexo contigo... sé que puedes sacarme.
'Cause you've actually had sex with a lot of people at work and that hasn't freaked you out.
Porque en efecto has tenido sexo con mucha gente del trabajo y eso no te ha enloquecido.
Can you please hint to House that you had a sex dream?
¿ Podrías, por favor, dejarle entrever a House que tuviste un sueño erótico?
I think Chase had a sex dream about you.
Creo que Chase tuvo un sueño erótico contigo.
Why don't you lie and just tell her that you've had sex?
¿ Por qué no mientes y le dices que ya has tenido sexo?
I mean, you've had sex with ladies.
Has tenido sexo con señoritas.
( Willem Möller ) I remember I was in high school and we heard this song, "I wonder how many times you've had sex?"
Recuerdo estar en el instituto y escuchamos esta canción, "I wonder how many times you've had sex?"
But are you sure they had sex, like sex, sex, like they actually had sex?
¿ Seguro que tuvieron sexo? ¿ Sexo, sexo...? ¿ Cómo si ellos realmente tuvieron sexo?
I had a great time with you last night in the pillow fort, the one exception being the deviant sex act you initiated without my consent.
Me lo pasé bien anoche contigo en el fuerte de cojines, con excepción de la pervertida acción sexual que iniciaste sin mi consentimiento.
You've had sex in every room in your apartment?
¿ Has tenido sexo en cada habitación de tu apartamento?
You could have stayed at home with your girlfriend And not had sex again.
Te podrias haber quedado en casa con tu novia y no tener sexo de nuevo.
That's because you've never had sex with me.
Eso es porque tú nunca has tenido sexo conmigo.
I just had to ask you about the state of the sex trade in my own county.
Sólo tenía que preguntarte sobre el estado del comercio sexual en mi condado.
But I do know how things would end up if you and me had sex tonight.
Pero sé cómo acabarán las cosas si nos acostamos esta noche.
You've had sex.
Has tenido sexo.

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