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Let me put it to you like this.
Deja que te lo ponga así.
You like this one, huh?
Le gusta este, ¿ no?
Titus, I've never seen you like this. I know.
- Titus, nunca te había visto así.
I don't like seeing you like this.
No me gusta verte así.
Do you like this feeling?
¿ Te gusta la sensación?
You can't let these guards see you like this.
Esos guardias no pueden verte así.
I mean, I was not gonna tell you like this, but, yeah.
Bueno, no iba a decírtelo así, pero, sí.
You know what this looks like, Keith?
¿ Sabes lo que parece esto, Keith?
Did you, uh, you know, write this groundbreaking, powerful, in-depth piece about me- - like Pulitzer material, right?
Estás, ya sabes... escribiendo ese artículo en profundidad, rompedor y potente sobre mí... Material digno de ganar el Pulitzer, ¿ verdad?
Woman in your profession, as smart as you are, doesn't make a mistake like this.
Una mujer de tu profesión, tan inteligente como eres, no comete un error como este.
And with all the corruption out there, we need more people like you in this fuckin'city.
Y con toda la corrupción que hay, necesitamos a más gente como tú en esta puta ciudad.
You think I'm gonna let you die like this?
¿ Crees que te voy a dejar morir así?
No, you're good people, Mr. B. Letting me work the bond off like this.
No, usted es buena gente, Sr. B. Permitiéndome trabajar en las fianzas.
These same criminal elements have now doubled-down on Zika virus, hawking this dirty blood like... like they did with AIDS, this tainted blood, so they can turn around and sell you a cure for 50 grand!
¡ Esos mismos criminales que han duplicado el virus Zika, desparramando esta sucia sangre como... como hicieron con el SIDA, esta sangre manchada, para poder venderte una cura por 50 de los grandes!
Honestly, Saul, none of this sounds like you.
Sinceramente Saul, no pareces tú.
You really don't like this "yo-gurt."
No te gusta este "yo-gur".
Ah, for your information, this is what adult women look like when they're using their pubic hair the way that, like, whatever, the Lord intended, which is to protect their vagina, so thank you for pointing that out.
Para que lo sepas, así es como son las mujeres cuando usan su vello púbico para lo que Dios o quién sea pretendía, que es para proteger su vagina, así que te agradezco que lo hayas notado.
I tell you every time... you do not need to live like this.
Te lo digo siempre... no tienes que vivir así.
Mom, do you remember that one time when I was, like, five and you found this videotape at a garage sale and I was obsessed with it?
Mamá, ¿ recuerdas esa vez cuando tenía unos cinco años y encontraste una cinta de vídeo en un mercadillo y estaba obsesionada con ella?
Well, it sounds like you two have really thought this through.
Bueno, parece que lo pensaron bien.
I'd like you to read this for us.
Me gustaría que nos leyeras esto.
You'd like to be a part of this?
¿ Te gustaría ser parte de esto?
That's'cause he wasn't like this when you and Eric were around.
Eso es porque no era así cuando estabais por aquí Eric y tú.
If you keep going like this... they're gonna turn on you.
Si sigues así... se van a volver contra ti.
What would your mother say if she were to see you treat me like this?
¿ Qué diría tu madre si viera que me tratas así?
Very soon, we launch a wave of attacks like you in this country have never seen before.
Pronto, lanzaremos una ola de ataques como tú y tu país no habéis visto antes.
Well, I wish I could believe that, but like you, I came face-to-face with this Naseri and Bin-Khalid.
Desearía poder creerlo, pero como tú, he estado cara a cara con Naseri y Bin-Khalid.
I've never been through anything like this myself, but I can imagine just how you feel.
Nunca sufrí en carne propia algo semejante, pero imagino cómo deben sentirse.
Yeah, looking at buying a boat like this, you know?
Si, por comprar un barco cómo este, ¿ sabes?
"This is what it looks like when you trust a pirate."
"Esto es lo que pasa cuando confías en un pirata".
This is not the man you would like to put in charge of Nassau.
Este no es el hombre que le gustaría poner al mando de Nassau.
It was like you had this x-ray vision.
Parecía que tenías visión de rayos X.
I know you're angry... but this is how a girl like me tells a boy like you that she has a crush on you.
Sé que estás enojado, pero así le dice una chica como yo a un chico como tú que está enamorada de ti.
I'll be honest with you, I watch your films and I see the same male apery that has spread like a cancer through this industry, and I'm sure this meeting is a waste of my time.
Voy a ser franco. Vi tus películas. Tratan del mismo simio macho que tiene a la industria copada como un cáncer.
When you can master moves like this, you can generate offense out of defense, even off your back.
Cuando domines movimientos como este, puedes generar ofensiva desde la defensa, incluso desde tu espalda.
- Do you understand what this looks like?
- ¿ Sabes qué parece? - Para.
This is a marvelous house, and at that price, you two made out like bandits. - Mm.
Esta es una casa maravillosa, y a ese precio... ustedes dos son como bandidos.
It's like I got all this energy, you know?
Tengo mucha energía, ¿ sabes?
Like why can't Kirkpatrick come and get this on his own, you know?
O sea, ¿ por qué no puede venir Kirkpatrick solito, sabes?
You've never seen a black like this. Close your eyes.
Cierra los ojos.
Like, this'll be the same as if you were just eating here anyway, only now both minorities will be sitting at the same table.
Es lo mismo que si comieras aquí, solo que ahora ambas minorías estarán sentadas en la misma mesa.
You can do it like this.
Puedes hacerlo así.
You wanna act like this whole thing was an accident?
¿ Quieres hacer como si esto fuera un accidente?
" I have to go to this'Women in Business'mixer and I'm so terrified because I'm so socially awkward and I seem like a crazy person, and maybe I have an Adderall addiction and you please have to help me and I'm so hungry.
" Tengo que ir a esta reunión de'Mujeres en los negocios'y estoy tan asustada porque soy tan inepta socialmente. y parece que estoy loca y que puedo ser adicta a las anfetaminas. y, por favor, tienes que ayudarme y estoy hambrienta.
Where the fuck do you even get a car like this?
¿ Dónde cojones consigues un coche así?
Like, this was just supposed to be, like, a fun little jaunt. You know?
Se suponía que esto iba a ser una pequeña escapada divertida. ¿ Sabes?
By the way, if you're so sure you're innocent, if you know that you're this, like, perfect specimen, then why can't you just let it go?
A propósito, si estás tan seguro de que eres inocente, si sabes que eres un espécimen perfecto, entonces ¿ por qué no te olvidas del tema?
I guess that surprises me because I've always thought that I was working towards this moment when everything else would fall away and I would just be, like, you know, alone and able to just indulge my thoughts.
Supongo que esto me sorprende porque siempre he pensado que estaba trabajando esperando que llegara ese momento en el que todo lo demás desaparecería y simplemente estuviera, ya sabes, sola y capaz de complacer a mis pensamientos.
I mean, I don't understand why there's this whole romantic bit where you swoop in and save her and act like you guys are meant to be together when this is a movie about a shit relationship.
Me refiero, no entiendo por qué hay toda esta parte romántica en la que te lanzas y la salvas y actúas como si vosotros estuvierais hechos el uno para el otro, cuando esta es una película sobre una relación de mierda.
This is yet another reckless, impulsive, typical Hannah decision like cutting your own hair or cyberbullying that girl you met at Barnes Noble.
Esta es otra típica decisión imprudente e impulsiva de Hannah como cortarte el pelo tú misma o ciberacosar a esa chica que conociste en Barnes and Noble.
You made me feel like this baby was gonna end our friendship.
Me hizo sentir que este bebé iba a acabar con nuestra amistad.
you like it rough 18
you like that one 27
you like it here 38
you like me 141
you like baseball 16
you like what you see 23
you like music 30
you like it 795
you liked it 124
you like them 63
you like that one 27
you like it here 38
you like me 141
you like baseball 16
you like what you see 23
you like music 30
you like it 795
you liked it 124
you like them 63
you like him 175
you like 225
you liked that 20
you like' em 17
you like those 17
you like that 642
you like her 166
you liked her 18
you liked him 30
like this 2040
you like 225
you liked that 20
you like' em 17
you like those 17
you like that 642
you like her 166
you liked her 18
you liked him 30
like this 2040
like this one 135
like this guy 19
this 8555
this is 5015
this way 5411
this is my bedroom 18
this is your captain speaking 58
this is bullshit 584
this is important 545
this is it 3373
like this guy 19
this 8555
this is 5015
this way 5411
this is my bedroom 18
this is your captain speaking 58
this is bullshit 584
this is important 545
this is it 3373
this is bad 606
this is awesome 376
this is me 479
this is different 405
this one 1756
this is weird 356
this isn't you 235
this is crazy 1291
this is ridiculous 1419
this is a 428
this is awesome 376
this is me 479
this is different 405
this one 1756
this is weird 356
this isn't you 235
this is crazy 1291
this is ridiculous 1419
this is a 428
this is fun 448
this is the guy 68
this isn't right 330
this is not good 352
this is for you 917
this time 1599
this is a bad idea 175
this morning 1627
this is amazing 700
this isn't going to work 72
this is the guy 68
this isn't right 330
this is not good 352
this is for you 917
this time 1599
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this morning 1627
this is amazing 700
this isn't going to work 72