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You ran away traduction Espagnol

1,363 traduction parallèle
Step aside and I will pretend that you ran away, changed your mind.
Apártese y fingiré que huyó, que cambió de opinión.
Brett said you ran away from him as if he were the boogity man?
Brett dijo que huiste de él como si fuera el "cócodo".
So you ran away.
- Así que te escapaste.
- You ran away?
- ¿ Corriste?
I heard she broke your belt with her chakram...,... and you ran away with your behind showing.
Escuché que ella te cortó el cinturón con su chakram y que tú escapaste con el trasero al aire.
It was really yourself that you ran away from.
Fuiste tú el que huyó.
You tell all the big boys in there how you ran away... how you left Danny Flynn to take the blame... how he kept his mouth shut... how he should've told and a lot more innocent people would be alive today!
Cuéntale a tus muchachotes cómo saliste huyendo dejando que Danny cargara la culpa y cómo no abrió la boca. Ojalá te hubiese delatado. No hubiesen muerto tantos inocentes.
You ran away all alone?
Has escapado completamente sola?
He took care of you ever since you ran away from Portugal.
Que cuidó de ti desde que volviste de Portugal.
You ran away, but we remember in Florence.
Se escapó, pero nos acordamos de Florencia.
So you ran away from them?
¿ Así que te escapaste de ellos?
You ran away, didn't you?
Te escapaste, ¿ no es así?
I thought you ran away all those months ago.
¡ Creí que habías escapado!
You ran away, you remember?
Huiste, ¿ te acuerdas? Te puedes mover.
So, you ran away... - No...
- Te escapaste de casa...
- Cos you ran away?
- ¿ Porque te fuiste?
I often think about how you ran away.
A menudo pienso en cómo desapareciste.
Let's start with why you ran away.
Empecemos por la razón por la que te escapaste.
What if he's mad? Because you ran away and abandoned your post, your friends and your mom and made him lay awake every night worrying about ya? Mad?
¿ Y si está enojado?
I'm sure that guy is weeping in the afterlife now that you ran away without paying the debt.
Ese pobre hombre estará retorciéndose en su tumba. Escapaste por no saldar sus deudas.
That's why you ran away.
Por eso escapaste.
You ran away with Erica that night.
Huiste con Érica esa noche.
So you ran away through the woods... - but something stopped you. - Oh!
Así que escaparon por el bosque pero algo las detuvo.
Go down the tire escape the way you did when you ran away.
Baja por la salida de incendios como la vez que te escapaste.
I was desperate when you ran away.
Me atormenté cuando te marchastes.
That was before you ran away.
Eso fue antes de que huyeras.
You ran away!
­ Huiste!
Jackson said you told him I ran away from home.
Jackson dijo que le dijiste que me fugué de la casa.
Hey, you were wrong, too. Na Yeong ran away?
Oye, tú también estabas equivocado. ¿ Na Yeong se escapó?
Can't you see I ran away?
¿ Por qué gritas?
You stole stone, pawned Septimus Luker and ran away to the mainland.
Robaste la piedra, la empeñaste a Septimus Luker y huiste al continente.
Or you. She ran away from both of us.
Ella nos dejó a los dos.
"Sorry I'm always bothering you, so I ran away."
"Lo siento que siempre estoy molestando, así que me escapé".
And she ran away from you, I suppose
- Y huyo de usted, supongo
So I ran outta there right away, and I ran into you.
Salí corriendo enseguida y te encontré.
He just cut you and ran away?
¿ Te acuchilló y se largó sin más?
You not only remember that five of the eight cars were white you identified the little trees the suspect hopped through when he ran away.
Lori Colson, buenas Queríamos hacerle algunas preguntas, Sra Binder si es posible
You stole your father's armor, ran away from home, impersonated a soldier, deceived your commanding officer, dishonored the Chinese army, destroyed my palace and you have saved us all.
Robaste la armadura de tu padre, huiste de casa, te hiciste pasar por soldado, engañaste a tu superior, deshonraste al ejército chino, destruiste mi palacio y... nos has salvado a todos.
You're home free, baby. All right. The woman who ran away...
- Estás a salvo, amigo.
About the girl you loved who ran away or died.
Acerca de la chica que se fue o que murió.
As a child you always ran away too.
Ya desde pequeñito te fugabas.
that he'll pull me out. He started jumping on the lid and that's why I ran away. You ran like a pussy.
Entonces se puso a saltar sobre el capó,... y por eso salí corriendo de allí.
His skull broke open, you panicked and ran away.
Se abrió el cráneo, entraste en pánico y huiste.
You were giving away all your suits and then you ran upstairs to getyourwing-tips - and we never sawyou again.
Estabas regalando tus trajes fuiste a por tus mocasines y ya no te volvimos a ver.
Either you threw him out or he ran away. Which one is it?
O lo echaste, o se largó, ¿ cómo fue?
You mean the retard. Yeah, she ran away.
Quieres decir la retardada.
- You remember the one who ran away?
- ¿ Te acuerdas, la que se escapó?
You see, this is the room... where Carolyn had her baby before she ran away.
Aquí es donde Carolyn tuvo a su bebé antes de huir.
And tell him the boy ran away, maybe he's gone to look for the old lady, and that he must help you look for him.
Y dile que el chico se escapó, que se ha ido a buscar a la anciana, y que debe ayudarte a buscarlo.
How did you know the kid ran away?
¿ Cómo sabes que el chico se escapó?
You know I ran away with José.
Sabes que un día me escapé con José.

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