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You should ask him traduction Espagnol

276 traduction parallèle
I think you should ask him to leave.
Deberías pedirle que se vaya.
You should ask him for a certain responsibility.
Redámele que se haga cargo de sus responsabilidades.
You should ask him something.
- Quería decirle algo.
Jackson is a great dancer though. You should ask him.
Jackson es un buen bailarín, baile con el.
You should ask him, Lord.
Debería preguntárselo a él, Señor.
I don't think you should ask him.
No creo que debieras preguntarle.
- No, I think you should ask him, Sherry.
- No, creo que tú debes hacerlo, Sherry.
- Of course. - Then you should ask him.
- Debería preguntarle a él.
Maybe you should ask him.
Quizás deberías preguntarle.
You should ask him as early as tomorrow to send streptomycin.
Mañana mismo debes pedirle que mande estreptomicina.
- Maybe you should ask him.
- A lo mejor debería preguntárselo.
Maybe you should ask him.
Tal vez debas preguntarle.
Maybe you should ask him.
Tal vez deberías preguntarle.
- Maybe you should ask him. - I did.
- Quizá deberías preguntárselo a él.
That's an excellent idea. You should ask him for it. I can't.
Es una idea excelente, debería pedírselo, no puedo, se lo dejó su madre, es su posesión más preciada, tu eres su tío, lo hará por tí.
You should ask him where he buys his suits.
Deberías preguntarle dónde compra la ropa.
You should ask him about that. write that one down.
Deberías preguntarle eso. Escríbelo.
Maybe you should ask him.
Quizás debería preguntarle a él.
If he should happen to ask about your family... the way people are interested in where other people come from... you might tell him who they were.
Si llegara a preguntar por tu familia sabes que alguna gente se interesa por saber de dónde son puedes decirle quiénes eran.
But why should a man of his ability... bury himself way up here in this little village... instead of practicing in London, where he belongs? Maybe you better ask him that.
Sería mejor que se lo preguntara a él.
If he should ask you what we want tell him a Navy task force a tanker loaded with gasoline and 100,000 men.
Si le pregunta qué queremos dígale que un destacamento de la marina un carguero lleno de gasolina y 100.000 hombres.
Nicky, you should ask what it's worth to him - what he's gonna get out of it.
Nicky, deberías preguntarle qué gana con ello. ¿ Qué obtiene él de esto?
But if you're going down by the station, you should just ask him yourself.
Pero si bajas a la estación, deberías preguntárselo tú misma.
Of course I want Mark to prosper. I want him to be happy, I want him to get the job but if you should ask me if it's love, I'd simply have to say I just don't know.
Claro que quiero que Mark prospere, que sea feliz y consiga el puesto, pero si me preguntas si es amor debo decir que aún no lo sé.
Do you think I should ask him when I ought to go to the hospital?
¿ Crees que deba preguntarle cuándo debo ir al hospital?
If you should see him, will you please call the police and ask for me?
Si lo ve, llame a la policía.
You know, Lory no man should ask a woman to marry him unless...
Oye, Lory, ningún hombre debería pedirle la mano a una chica a menos que...
I think you should apologize to Mr. Hunter and ask him to come back.
Creo que debería disculparse y pedirle que vuelva.
Should he ask you to take him to his headquarters, you are to telephone me. Either here or at my hotel. Yes, sir.
Si le pide que le lleve a su residencia, Ilámeme.
You Can Know How should I dress for not ask him in trouble?
¿ Se puede saber cómo debo vestirme para no ponerle en apuros?
You should only ask him silent questions.
A Dios hay que hacerle preguntas.
Don't ask me, you were the one that told him he should lose.
¿ Qué está pasando con el Nº 37 que sigue primero?
If he should ask to see me, would you tell him I'm on a sleep period?
Si quisiera verme, ¿ le dice que estoy en período de sueño?
You should only ask him to resign when he's made a mistake which could've been seen at the time and not with the benefit of hindsight.
Solo tendría que pedírsela cuando cometa un error previsto a tiempo y no retrospectivamente.
You should just ask him.
Deberías preguntárselo.
Should I ask him... Do you wanna know...? " Just ask him.
Solo pregunta... tal vez él solo quiera saber si lo amas.
I think you should just give him a call and ask him what he likes to eat.
Creo que deberías llamarlo y preguntarle que le gusta comer.
Another time, Lizzy, I would not dance with him if he should ask you.
La próxima vez, Lizzy, yo no bailaría con él aunque me lo pidiese.
I ask only that you should understand him.
Sólo le pido que lo entienda.
- Maybe you should go ask him out.
- Pídele que salga contigo.
Should I perhaps ask him to show you out?
¿ Debería pedirle que te acompañara hasta la puerta?
You know, someday we really should ask him just who the hell they are.
Sabes, algún día realmente deberíamos preguntarle quienes diablos son ellos.
Funny you should ask. I had all but given up on anyone wanting him.
Qué casualidad, ya casi no tenía esperanzas de que se lo llevaran.
- You think I should ask him?
- ¿ Le pregunto?
You know what? I think we should ask him.
Creo que se lo voy a preguntar.
If you've studied with the Mate, it should be him who examines you. I might not ask for the same things.
Te tendrías que examinar con el segundo.
You should ask that man from Public Health... because I've seen him, and I know who he is.
Eso habría que preguntárselo a este señor de Salud Pública... porque lo tengo visto, y sé muy bien quién es.
I wasn't even gonna ask you, because you dated him... but then I realized that's why I should ask you.
No te iba a preguntar, porque saliste con él. Pero luego me di cuenta que por eso debía preguntarte.
I should ask him to dance. What do you think?
Debería sacarlo a bailar.
When I asked him what was wrong, he said : "Funny you should ask." And then he told me that he was gay.
Cuando le pregunté qué pasaba me dijo : "Es extraño que preguntaras" y después me dijo que era gay.
It's funny you should ask that... considering I heard your people had a close encounter with him today.
Es curiosa tu pregunta... considerando que me enteré de que tu gente se topó con él hoy.

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