You took traduction Espagnol
37,091 traduction parallèle
When the feds started closing in, you took Green out.
Cuando los federales se empezaron a acercar, usted mató a Green.
Or would you rather go to your grave knowing that you took innocent lives just'cause it was easier.
O preferiría irse a la tumba sabiendo que se llevó vidas inocentes solo porque era más fácil.
You took my husband, my world, and my happiness.
Te llevaste a mi esposo, mi mundo y mi felicidad.
Yeah, but once we got you in the pool, you took to it like a fish, remember?
Sí, pero una vez te metimos en la piscina, nadaste como un pez, ¿ recuerdas?
So, pretty crazy how you took out that Latvian mob guy back there.
Menuda locura el modo en que te has deshecho de ese tío de la mafia letona.
You-you just disappeared, and you took all your stuff with you.
Desapareciste y te llevaste todas tus cosas.
Right, I think it's time you took a look at your father's Christmas future, young man.
Bien, creo que es hora de que veas la Navidad futura de tu padre, joven.
You took me in.
Ustedes me acogieron.
- I know where you took Star last night.
Sé a donde llevaste a Star anoche.
You saw it, Tobes. You took a picture of it.
Lo fotografiaste.
I can't believe you took that stupid rock to your science class!
¿ Cómo pudiste tomar esa roca para ciencias?
You took a selfie?
¿ Tomaste una selfie?
But she knows you took the test today.
Pero ella sabe que hoy tenías el examen.
I was right with you but then you took off!
¡ Yo estaba de acuerdo hasta que te fuiste por las nubes!
You took it alone?
¿ Le ganaste solo?
I know you took my handkerchief.
Sé que tomaste mi pañuelo.
He is doing well you took most of the blast.
Está bien. A ti te dañó la mayor parte de la explosión.
Yeah, maybe you should've thought of that before you took Ed's money.
Debiste pensarlo antes de llevarte el dinero de Ed.
It's an opportunity. You took it.
Viste la oportunidad, la tomaste.
You took the wrong kid.
Tomaste al chico equivocado.
- You took marine biology, right?
Estudiaste biología marina, ¿ no?
Or last Thanksgiving, when we all accidentally took peyote and, Winston, you wouldn't let us break the wishbone.
O el último Acción de Gracias cuando todos tomamos peyote accidentalemente y Winston no nos dejó romper el hueso de la suerte.
Okay, you're way off base. I mean, what is it? I took your advice...
Con fecha anterior, por supuesto, no vaya a ser que alguien sospeche que vuestra unión ha sido motivada por algo más que por vuestros tiernos sentimientos.
You're the guys who took down bin Laden, right?
Ustedes son los tipos que llevaron a Bin Laden, ¿ verdad?
When you went low, I took it up high.
Cuando bajaste, lo subí alto.
Took you long enough.
Les tomó bastante.
Ah. Took some serious wrangling of the Chinese government, but I got you something.
Llevó algunas discusiones serias del gobierno chino, pero te conseguí algo.
Anyway, sorry if that took you by surprise.
En cualquier caso, siento si te pilló por sorpresa.
What took you so long?
¿ Por qué tardaste tanto?
Did Duck give you a T.O.D. before he took the body?
¿ Duck te ha dado la hora de la muerte antes de llevarse el cadáver?
Took you long enough.
Has tardado demasiado.
- You know how I took - the lieutenant's exam last week? - Uh-huh.
- ¿ Sabes que me examiné para teniente la semana pasada?
Farts are a natural bodily function, and I took it as a sign that you were completely uninhibited.
Los pedos son una actividad natural del cuerpo, y me tomaré eso como una señal de que estabas completamente desinhibida.
We took you out of your pond and you died because of it.
Te sacamos de tu estanque y moriste por nuestra culpa.
"I took care of your letters." "Thank you." Know what I mean?
"Aquí están sus cartas". "Gracias".
Because he took me and not you.
Porque me cogió a mí y no a ti.
( sing-songy ) : You see, I was at the doctor's office, the folder was right there, so I took a peek.
Verá, estaba en la oficina del doctor, la carpeta estaba justo ahí, así que eché un vistazo.
Sheldon, what took you so long?
¿ Sheldon, por qué tardaste tanto?
It took you an hour.
Te tomó una hora.
That's why you were at the scene almost an hour after the murder took place.
Por eso estabas en la escena casi una hora después que tuvo lugar el asesinato.
You remember where this took place?
¿ Recuerda dónde sucedió esto?
So, you just, like, fully took down my drone.
Acabas de tomar el control completo de mi dron.
It took all of this for you to tell me about... your other life.
Hizo falta todo esto para que me contaras sobre tu otra vida.
It took a lot of courage for Minori to come see you.
Minori necesitó mucho valor para venir a verte.
But he understood that it took effort for you to ask him out.
Pero entendió que te costó invitarlo a salir.
Maybe that's how long it took to break him. You guys should get going.
Tal vez ese es el tiempo que tardaron en hacerlo hablar.
You sure took to our customs fast.
Aprendiste rápido nuestras costumbres.
Hey, what took you so long?
¿ Por qué tardaste tanto?
- You think he took the money?
- ¿ Crees que se llevó el dinero?
It's funny it took me so long because honestly, Bina, I didn't think you had it in you to surprise me.
Es curioso que me llevara tanto porque, sinceramente, pensé que ya no me podías sorprender.
What took you so long with Leeds?
¿ Por qué tardaste tanto con Leeds?
you took your time 70
you took everything from me 17
you took an oath 26
you took it 81
took 50
tookie 23
took you long enough 124
took off 44
took me 32
took him 16
you took everything from me 17
you took an oath 26
you took it 81
took 50
tookie 23
took you long enough 124
took off 44
took me 32
took him 16
took it 16
took what 20
you tell 24
you think you're better than me 60
you too 3331
you talking to me 61
you think you know me 62
you talk too much 145
you think you're funny 32
you think i'm stupid 121
took what 20
you tell 24
you think you're better than me 60
you too 3331
you talking to me 61
you think you know me 62
you talk too much 145
you think you're funny 32
you think i'm stupid 121